Bahamas Here We Come!....? | Teen Ink

Bahamas Here We Come!....?

April 20, 2016
By Pupppppiesssss BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
Pupppppiesssss BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“The Bahamas are a place of romance, intrigue and mystery, there’s exotic plant life and animals and gorgeous beaches!” Phyllis told Carol. 
            “Good thing we will just be sitting on the beach,” said 70 year-old Marge dryly.
            “I just don’t know, I’m 65 years-old and my back is bad, even though the Bahamas sound wonderful, I don’t know if I can go,” said Carol apprehensively.
             A spunky, lively and radiant person, Carol has bleached blonde hair and a deep tan.    She always put glitter on her face and tells people it’s her “angel dust”.  Two different earrings adorned each of her ears.  She always says, “They are different ears.  Why shouldn’t they have different earrings?” 
               “Come on, what could go wrong?” prodded Phyllis.  Even at the age of 72, Phyllis is a round, jolly, adventurous and optimistic woman.
“Everything could go wrong, but I’m still going and I’m five years older than you are, Carol,” said Marge.
              Marge was a tall thin librarian, who said things like they were.  She could get into one of her infamous moods and be grumpy for days just because she literally got up on the wrong side of the bed.
               “Okay, I’ll go, but if anything goes wrong you owe me an ice cream,” laughed Carol.  
               “Alright let’s go pack.  All we need is our swimsuits because we will be on the warm beach the whole time!”  Exclaimed Phyllis.
                 “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this,” said Carol as she boarded the plane to Miami.  “ I just hope we don’t miss the boat ride to the Bahamas!”
                 “Don’t worry about it, we’ll be fine,” soothed Phyllis.
  As they boarded the plane they gave the attendant their tickets and she guided them to their seats. 
                “I’m so excited!”  said Phyllis as they took off.  
                  Carol dozed off and woke with a start when the pilot announced over the loud speaker,  “Do not panic but there is a minor storm that we are flying into and so I will need everyone fasten their seatbelts.” 
               “I knew something bad would happen.  He said not to panic, so I will not pan- oh who am I kidding?  This is NOT good!”  cried Carol.
               “Are you trying to claim you know more than the pilot?  The pilot said not to panic so LET’S NOT PANIC!”  Phyllis had to yell the last part so Carol and Marge could hear her over the rolls of thunder.   The plane starting jerking back and forth and Phyllis said, “Minor turbulence?”
               Marge replied sarcastically, “Yes, minor turbulence, as minor as World War II.”
                “Attention everyone, we are landing unexpectedly in some green marsh in Florida,” the captain said over the loud speaker as lightning vibrantly flashed in the sky.
               “Hold on tight, ladies!” said Phyllis.  They all screamed as they came crashing down, then the pilot brilliantly landed the plane. 
               “Where are we?” asked Carol in a scared daze.
              “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have landed in Everglades National Park,” the pilot said as Carol looked out the window and saw giant green jaws opening ready to pounce.   She let out a scream along with everyone else who made the realization of what lived in Everglades National Park.
                “Please stay calm, as many of you have seen our giant green friends out the window.  We will be exiting in a safe and orderly fashion in just a moment.” 
               “How can we be safe with crocodiles or alligators or whatever those are out there!”  exclaimed Carol.
                “They are alligators and don’t taunt them unless you want to be lunch.  If you don’t taunt them they have little interest in you,” said Marge factually.
              As they exited the plane they carefully went around the alligators.  Once, they were allowed to leave they made their way over to the ice cream parlor and Phyllis looked at Carol and said, “Well, I guess we owe you an ice cream.”
               “You are the one who owes her an ice cream! I said everything could go wrong and it did,” Marge said as she slyly smiled. 
                 “Nope!   I owe you guys an ice cream. It was so fun being with you two, and it was definitely an adventure,” laughed Carol. “Plus, I will be able to tell my grandkids these stories and they will never believe them!”
        They all sat and ate their ice cream reminiscing and laughing about the weekend’s adventures.

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