Dan Bear, The Survival Man | Teen Ink

Dan Bear, The Survival Man

December 18, 2015
By Cooldude22 BRONZE, Cle, Ohio
Cooldude22 BRONZE, Cle, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A simple rat. Crawling through endless pipes. It’s home. New York City. Then without a warning a hand snatches it up as fast as the wind itself

“Hi I’m Dan Bear, and today we will be surviving in New York!” he said with an
excited tone and an australian accent.
“Cut!” a man in the back yelled.
He was a skinny man with a scarf and a funky hat.
“that was good enough.” he exclaimed “But i’ve seen better.”
“oh c'mon man. You always say that.” replied Dan. “Besides it’s only a show” he said as another man came to put the rat in a cage.
“It may be a show mister ‘Bear’ but it’s a money maker and we are filming it in the real big apple this time!” The director corrected. “And you got yourself a first class ticket, which I can easily take back if you don’t want it.” The director teased. Dan wasn't going to take it with this guy, He HATED him. Dan used to do the real deal but this guy only does fake stuff, and now Dan could barely remember how to make a tent from sticks and leaves.
“You gotta stop this man, it’s just not fair!” He said
“Life's not fair!” Explained the director “And that’s why you get a business class ticket this time ‘DAN’!” Dan didn't really care much about this slight change of schedule but he was mad anyway. He walked off the set and got ready for the trip, but nothing could prepare him for what was going to happen next.
After Dan went through security, and signed autographs at the airport, He stopped at a subway to pick up a quick plane-snack. He got a Cheese, bacon, turkey, lettuce, and tomato sub with all the condiments. he brought his luggage in the carryon. He had packed clothes, a toothbrush, and his camera for filming.(in case the guy filming him had a malfunction in his camera.) Dan got in his seat in business class and went to sleep with his sandwich in hand incase he woke up with the “grumblies”.
He did wake up. But the plane was not the way it was when he fell asleep and he could feel something in the back of his mind. it was a stinging sensation like he knew something happened but he couldn't remember. His sandwich was still there. and he opened his eyes just a bit more to scan his surroundings. He was still in his seat, but something felt off. His head was cold, and his seat belt was pushing down on him. Seatbelt? Why would his seatbelt be on? he tried to bend down to unbuckle it but something was pulling him down. he looked up and his face was splashed with water. salt water. it stung. he wondered why is there saltwater on a plain?  he decided to check the rest of the plane. he rubbed the water from his eyes and opened them.
He instantly regretted that. the plain was in pieces, and only the business class was intact. everything was stuck to the ceiling like magnets. that would explain the force pulling him upward, it was gravity. he was upside down. the the water at the top of his head was sea water. the small waves splashed the back of his head.
The plane was also in the water. He yelled for help but nothing came out because of an oxygen mask stuck to his face. He tore it off and started at the seat belt. Dan tried and tried but it was stuck. The buckle was jammed. If he stayed put, all the blood would rush to his head and he would die. He bent up so he could start gnawing at the belt. Dan heal on to the armrests so he did not fall back down and lose his teeth. The belt ripped apart after a good minute of chewing, then Dan was in the water. He made it back to the surface in seconds and gasped for air. The water was warm and salty, so it was not hard for him to float. he swam out
of the plane to find floating pieces of wreckage and even fuel from the plan in the water, causing areas of water around the plane to catch fire. The water was shallow so Dan should have been close to land. he did a 360 view of the landscape and saw that he was only about 50 feet from a nearby island. He swam to it but took caution, trying not to attract attention from sharks. he found an area with shallow enough water to stand.
“Hey, Are you okay?” someone yelled. he looked to the shore to see the captain kneeling over something.
‘Hello? Earth to whatsisface, Come here!” Dan didn't even understand why this man looked so calm even after a plane crash.
“wha-’ Dan was cut off by a wave that pulled him underwater. The wave pushed him a few yards closer to shore but a hand grabbed his wrist before the current sucked him back to the ocean.
“Get up Here!” the captain demanded. “whats going on?” Dan asked,”there was a plane crash. A plain crash you were in, but apparently didn’t notice.” Dan rubbed the saltwater from his eyes and opened them. The men carrying him was not a captain like he thought, no, he was the co-pilot.
“your leg is pretty bad there.” Danlooked down. He closed his eyes and fell to his knees- well his knee and threw up. His shinbone was badly misshapen .
“What is happening!” He yelled as the only adrenalin keeping the pain out failed.
“This is so paaaAAAAIIINFUL!” He cried
“Yeah, I bet it sucks. Now c’mon i need your help with the captain.” Replied the copilot.
“But, OW!” Dan screamed again. The pilot just shrugged and picked Dan up by the arm, but as he did a new, fresh wave a pain rushed through dan.
“Stop!” He demanded
“Nope” The pilot said in a sarcastic tone. The young copilot was only in his twenties and he was about average in weight.
“Jake!” cried a voice from a small heap of wreckage.
“I got someone cap!” The copilot named jake yelled back.
“Who is that?” Dan asked, but he already guessed who it was. Jake helped dan over to the pile of wreckage and asked him to help lift it.
“No way with my busted leg”  Dan tried to explain, but Jake didn't look like someone to take no for an answer, so reluctantly, jake agreed. He tried and tried but it just made his leg hurt more. even though his leg was in pain Dan and the pilot lifted up the debris. The Captain scuttled out and laid his back against the sandy beach
“Thanks” he said in a rusty old voice. Before the captain finished his sentence, Dan had collapsed to the ground dropping the piece of plain with it.
“You are soooo wrong if you think il ever do that again” Dan managed to gurgle up.
Dan lay there for the next few owers as the two pilots went to collect anything for firewood. It was getting dark, and soon the plain crash would be the least of their worries. It was about sundown When both pilots had finished collecting firewood. One was now trying to see if his lighter still worked, and the other was banging rocks together, hoping one of them had enough flint to start a small flame. Even though the “rock” idea was crude, it was the one that prevailed first. The fire was lit at once.
“i’l take first watch. I got enough sleep on the plain” Dan suggested. The sun had set over the horizon by the time the pilots were sleeping and dan had a million questions on his mind. He stayed up for owers thinking if he would ever get off this island. He thought until the sun peeked it’s head above the ocean. Then he slept. He woke up a few hours later to find the younger pilot has gone.
“where's Jake?” He asked the captain.
“He’s out to find other survivors, and I just got back from a quick food run.” the old pilot replied.
“Do you know specifically what foods to eat though?” Dan responded.
“Not really, but how would you know, are you some ‘survival guy’ or something?” Asked the pilot.
“Actually, yes. I am a Survival guy. my name it Dan Bear, but I’m actually Dan Morr.” Dan replied
“Well then, looks like surviving hre will be easy then.” The captain said back.
“Not exactly. You see, I’m not really a real survival man. I used to be, but then this new director came in and changed everything up but I still remember a bit of the old stuff. But speaking of remembering, What happened  to make the plain crash? Because I don’t remember anything.” He explained.
“well” the captain started”some stupid guy forgot to check the engines, and one of them stalled so the plane started descending, and eventually, we got so close to the ground the left wing hit a mountain. If i was to steer the plain it would've gone straight down, so I had to go straight through that rock. And that’s what got us to where we are now.”
“Huh. I wonder why I wouldn’t remember that” replied Dan. The captain gave a puzzled look and reached to Dan’s head.
“You have a bump on your head” The captain said to him. “Seems you have a concussion.” Dan felt his head to see what the old man was talking about and he was right. The bump on his head was HUGE.
“Well that explains a lot” Dan commented.
“Hay! I found someone!” They heard Jakes voice from the distance and turned. Jake was leading a man in a business suit to the camp. “Do any of you have any means of communication?”The man asked.”My iphone is broken and it can’t call anyone. I need to get back home to my family.” The businessman explained.
“I know where my phone is” Dan blurted out.
“then let’s go get it” Jake replied.
“It’s in the plane”Dan added.
“Then let’s go get it!” Jake seid again. They walked to the shore where the plane was only about 50 yards into the ocean.
“I’l get it” Said Dan” it’s only a little swim”
‘What about your leg?” Protested the captain.
“Like I said, it’s only a little swim.” He repeated. the oil in the water had burned out, leaving nothing to fuel the fire. Dan stepped into the water, it was still warm. He treaded water till he got to the wreckage and he swam into the plain where the water was low enough for him to touch the floor-no, the ceiling of the plane. His bag was in carry on so he went under the water and closed his eyes. He didn't want any salt in them.
he felt his way to the carryon cabinet and opened it he stuck his hand in to find something pinch it. he burst out of the water
and jumped opening his eyes immediately. But all it was was a simple crab, dangling from his finger. He swatted it off and bent back down to get his luggage as a swarm of multicolored fish swam past him. I wonder what would scare them like that. He thought.As dan opened up his luggage to find his phone a large gray figure zoomed past the window.
“Oh” He said outloud. His pace quickened as he looked for his phone, only to find it drenched with water at the bottom of the bag. He quickly sloshed through the water to the exit of the plane, but before he could leave, a huge hammerhead swam right in front of his only way out.
“Yeah ‘Just a swim’” He said to himself as more and more sharks came into view.  Soon, there were at least a dozen sharks, all circling HIM. he tried to act fast, scanning his surroundings, trying to find any safe way out. He looked and saw the emergency door on the side of the plane. I read the words: Inflatable, on it, and probably some more as well but Dan didn’t have time to read the whole thing. Dan took the handle and turned it fast.
the door popped open and a yellow slide instantly inflated in front of him. the slide started to rise to the
surface of the water and Dan climbed onto it as it rose. the slide was serving as a very good raft until a shark plunged right into the side, tearing a hole the size of dan in it. Dan quickly moved from the slide to the roof of the plane. Now he really had no way out. Dan shout to the shore for help and the other three men listened.
“Help! There's sharks!” He shouted. Instantly the pilot named Jake got to his feet and tried to think of a plan. Dan was stuck on an airplane surrounded by sharks. He thought about how sharks would go into frenzy if they smelled blood. So dan looked for something sharp and found a long piece of sharp metal sticking from the roof of the plane. Dan yanked the piece of metal from it’s place and pricked his finger with it. A single drop of blood came out and plopped down on the piece of metal.
Dan went to the back of the plane, stuffed the phone in his pocket, and said to himself
“Here goes nothing.” and he tossed the stick of metal as far as he could, and the results were instant. The sharks all bolted to where he threw the piece of metal, and started fighting for it. Dan ran to the  other side of the plane and jumped into the water and started swimming while the sharks were distracted. He swam the fastest he ever swam. Even with his broken leg he couldn’t have gone faster. Pure adrenaline rushed through his veins as he neared the shore. oh no! i forgot! my finger is still bleeding! He thought to himself and risked turning around. He saw more than half the sharks were now chasing him! He doubled his speed and now even questioned whether Michael Phelps could go faster.
When he could touch the ground he slushed through the water like a madman for his life. A shark came up on his left and tried to bite his side, but Dan elbowed it in the nose before it got to close and it swam away, but there were still others. He was in shallow enough water so only one small shark could still chase him. it was slow and small but it was still a shark. The 5 foot shark was only inches away when a makeshift wooden spear hit it and stopped it. Dan had been too focused on the sharks to notice that 3 savages had knocked his friends out with darts. Then Dan was hit by a dart and blacked out in the water.
When Dan came to He was tied to a large tree with the others.
“You awake sleeping beauty?” He heard a familiar voice say as he opened his eyes.
“Jake? Whats going on?” He said to the pilot.
“Well apparently, The captain speaks swahili, and he said, were invited to dinner. But were the main course!” Jake explained. There was the sound of drums and  strange chants.Many of the natives were dancing around a huge fire. Dan guessed they were gonna be cooked over it.
One of the cannibals came a bit too close For dan’s comfort. The savage saw the phone sticking out of Dan’s pocket and grabbed it.
“Hay! We need that to get off the island!” He demanded. The native just looked at him and then back down at the phone. He accidentally pressed the home button which turned it on. The bright light scared him and he dropped it. He looked at it and then picked it up, raised it and said something in swahili. A big chunky man dressed with colorful robes and many necklaces, the man sat in a chair made of spiked sticks that were sharpened to the point.
Dan guessed this man was the chief of this tribe. All of the music stopped.. the scrawny little native brought the phone up to the big chieftain and the huge behemoth of a man took it with a flabby hand and pressed the home button.
“Kushangaza!” The huge man yelled.
“Kushangaza!” The rest of the tribe chanted back. And the drums and chanting and dancing started up again. some of the strongest looking of the group came to Dan and started untying his ropes. Huh. I thought they were gonna eat me. Dan thaught. But the men just hauled him over to where a long piece of bamboo lay. The men forced him to lay down and then they tied Dan to the bamboo. The man picked up the large piece of bamboo and started carrying him towards the fire
“Ooooh no” Said dan just a few inches from the fire. But before the coult toast him a man with two swords in both hands came slash out of the bushes and cut the bamboo in half and both the muscular men ran.
“Het Yake!” The big chieftain demanded, and all the natives picked up spears that were lying on the ground.
“help!” Dan yelped to the man.
“I got you” he said. with one quick swish of his swords, the man broke the ropes tying Dan to the bamboo.
“Over here!” Jake yelled to the man, and the new stranger did the same to their ropes as well.
“Follow me!” yelled the strange man.
“We have to get the phone!” yelled back. All the natives had spears pointed at them and started charging! Everyone jumped out of the way, except the Man with the swords. This stranger blocked all the spears with his swords and made all the savages go off balance.
“Do you know how to use a sword?” The man asked Jake.
“I took fencing in high-school” Jake replied.
“Good enough.” the man said and tossed the sword to Jake who caught it. Dan was in the back crawling around the fight, trying to get to the chieftain who still held the phone in his hand. Jake and the stranger were fighting very well, defending the business man and captain from the natives. Dan crawled on his hands and knees through a patch of tall grass where no one could see him. He came up behind the giant chieftains chair and got ready to take the phone. wait, what if he doesn’t let go? He thaught. Dan scanned the area for anything to hit him with. Dan didn't find anything to hit him with, but he did infact find a blowgun. he took it and checked to see if there was a dart on it. There was, and it was smeared with some black goo that smelled like bile.
Dan sneered at the smell, and slid the dart back into the tube. He put the end of the blowgun to his mouth and aimed it at the chieftain. Dan pulled all the force in his body to blow out the dart. the needle hit the chieftain in the back of the neck and made him wince. He turned his mass of fat towards Dan and opened his mouth. But the giant man’s jaw went slack and his eyes closed. Good, hee’s out. Dan thought to himself. But the big man started snoring as loud as anything Dan has ever heard. Everyone turned towards Dan as he plucked the phone from the chieftain's hand. One of the natives yelled
“Yeye imeni patia chieftain!” And they all started chanting and running towards Dan. Dan turned to, but he ran. Dan ran to where his group was, and they ran to. Spears and darts flew towards them as the rushed through the jungle.
“follow Me!’’ seid the new stranger, so they followed. The were chased to a ravine. The man jumped over it, but the others just stopped
“comon! We have to go! Now!” The stranger demanded from the other side of the ravine. This crevice was at least seven feet long, and this man expected them to jump it.
“Just make us a bridge, we can’t jump that!” Jake said. The man looked annoyed and went to find something to use as a bridge. He disappeared into the foliage of the jungle. The group could see some of the savages now in the forest. they were at least 150 yards away, and getting closer.
“Kuna woa ni!” they heard a native yell.
“Kupata yao!” another one screamed. The natives were about 50 feet away when the stranger put down a log to serve as a bridge.
“cmon, get across!” He demanded. The first to go was the businessman, next was the captain, after that, Jake went across the ravine. Now it was Dan’s turn. He stepped up onto the log with a trembling left foot. Dan started to slowly walk across the lig. His hands were out on both ends for balance. As dan slowly walked across the log, part of the bark on this make-shift bridge snapped off, causing him to trip. His broken leg was the one to lose it’s found on the log. This sudden jerk of movement in his tender, broken leg caused a whole new wave of pain to wash through him.
Dan almost fall off the side but he was close enough to the other side of the ravine to grab hold of the ledge. The stranger bent down to grab hold of his hand and pulled him up to safety. When Dan was at a safe position, He was pushed into the forest with his friends to keep running while the strange man who had saved them pushed the log into the ravine so the natives could not cross and catch them again. They rushed quickly through the deep brush of jungle palmtrees and bushes. As the group ran the sound of chanting savages grew quieter and quieter. The strange man soon caught up to them. He was way more fit than any of them.
“Stop!” The stranger yelled. and they all staped. Dan and the man in the business suit sat down and huffed from the run they just took, Dan because of the shape his bad leg was in, and the man in the suit… because he just ran a mile in a suit.
“who are You?” The Businessman asked through heavy breathing.
“My name is George”The man replied”I have been stuck on this island for almost a month now, and I saw the Savages take you to their camp. I heard you said something about how you could get off this god forsaken island.” Dan got to his feet and checked his leg. It looked like it was healing but it really hurt a lot.
“I still have the phone.” He said.
“Great! Call someone with it!” Jake demanded. Dan pressed the home button, and put in the password. Dan pressed the call button and dialed 9 1 1.  An operator picked up and said”Thank you for kalling nine alevin, what is the nature of your emergency?” The operator said.
“Please send help!” Dan demanded “Our plane crashed and now we are stuck on an island”
“We are sending assistance to you now. It will take about 5 hours.” she responded.
“Thank You! Thank you so much!” Dan thanked her. the woman on the other side was about start talking but the line started breaking up. Dan pulled the phone away from his face and looked at the internet. Zero bars.
“looks like we're gonna have to wait till sundown” Said Dan.
“Follow me, I have a camp set up in the mountains.” George replied. The small group headed through the woods. Dan’s leg was killing him. He could barely stand much less walk. When the group came to a jagged cliff, They stopped. But george just kept going and started to climb the cliff. George signaled for them to follow. The first of the group to start climbing was the businessman. He placed his right foot in a foothold in the side of the rocks and his left hand on a rock sticking out of the side of the cliff. When he reached for the next rock he almost slipped, but he still made it. The next up was Jake. He was young and nimble, so it was an easy climb for him. Then the Captain started up the cliff. He tong long to get to the top because he was so old. He needed Dan’s help to start the trek to the top and he needed a hand from George as well to climb the top of the ledge. Then it was Dan’s turn.
“what if I can’t make it up there with my broken leg?” He questioned.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure you can do it.” Jake replied.
“OK then.” Dan said back. He started with his good leg. He tried to keep as much strain as possible. He Grabbed hold of what he thought was a vine, but it was actually a snake! Dan didn’t scream like a little girl, but he did jump a little bit. Dan almost fell but he grabbed a stone to catch  himself. Dan Could see nothing else to hold close enough for him to reach. He got his good leg ready to jump, trying to relax his bad leg as much as possible. He Jumped up to the next rock where he slipped but George caught him, again. George pulled Dan up over the edge of the cliff.
“You have to stop falling like that.” George commented. The air was cold, it was almost sundown.  Dan, followed the group, bringing up the rear for the next few minutes. When they stopped they were at a small hut made from old boat scraps.
“Here it is.” George said. “Mi casa es su casa.” The hut was small, barely large enough for 5 people but it would have to do. They all went in and settled down for the night. There was always one awake to watch for a helicopter. The on on watch had a flashlight George had been saving for signaling Anyone who could rescue them. As george slept, he dreamt about what it would be like in society again. He dreamt about TV and nice food, and even A warm bed would've been nice. He dreamt of bacon, pancakes, pizza, soda, Xbox, and not having to run everywhere with a broken leg. He woke to George shaking him.
“Is the rescue here yet?” george asked.
“it’s the natives!” Dan got up and almost screamed. George Woke everyone else up as well, but when he woke jake, he gave him one of his swords.
“Your good with this, it will help if we have two people to defend this group. Besides, the rescue is almost here.” George said.
“How much longer” Jake asked
“Only 30 minutes left till they get here. We should be able to hold them off that long, right?” George replied.
“we will just have to wait and see.” Jake said back. Dan started hearing the swahili chanting of the natives. Everyone was up.
“start looking for large sticks.” George said. “We can do this if we fight back”
Everyone searched  the ground for anything they could fight with. They could see  the native start to find there way up the ledge of the cliff. They could hear the war chanting of the savages. They were covered in colorful paint that marked them ready for war. Every single one of them had a spear. Some of them even had armor. But that was not the least of it. The the chieftain, Fat as he was, was on his feet walking towards them. His mass taking up almost the whole view. The Huge man was armed to the teeth, literally. He had his teeth sharpened, and he was covered in rainbow leather armor with colorful beads lighting it up with neon colors. The chief bared a giant hammer in each hand, with sharpened bones on the end so fighting wouldn't be a problem for him. Ye bared his teeth.
“Kuna wao ni! Kuonyesha huruma!” the chief bellowd out the words out like the giant he was.
“Kuonyesha hurumana!” All of his warriors repeated back. They raised their spears and chanted “Kuonyesha hurmuna! Kuonyesha hurmuna!” They chanted over and over again as they neared the hut. The Savages stopped at about ten yards from the house. The chieftain lumbered to the front lines. His fat jiggling as he did so. Feathers hung from the back of his hair and down his bare back. His full front body was covered with rough leather armor.
“Watu wa nje hizi zimesabebisha uhalifu amung sisi kwamba caan kamwe undon! kuchoma yao chini!” He yelled. The tribe started screaming and chanting about this speech the chief just gave.
“Kwenda!” He said in a fearsome tone, and with that command the rest of the tribe members rushed towards the hut with their spears raised and yelling mouths. the first of the tribe members reached the house and started hitting it with their spears. They banged at the door and the walls with incredible force. The group needed to get out before they got surrounded. George knocked the door straight off from where it rested on it’s hinges. The sudden squeal of the door breaking spooked the savages. They jumped back but did not run. One of them hissed while the other got hit by the door and it sent him flying. The rest of the Natives tried to attack but George and Jake were good swordsman.
They got past the first wave of natives as fast as anyone could blink twice. That gave them an opening to escape. The only Way out was into the forest. So the group ran to the trees, hoping the thick foliage would hide and protect them from the vicious savages on there tails. There were at least half a dozen that were nimble enough and didn't have any armor to slow them down the followed the group into the Woods. The forest was thick with plants. It had plenty of palm-trees and even more bushes and rocks. The terrain was very uneven. It was even dark enough that they tripped every few steps, but they always caught themselves. Even Dan, with his broken leg could stop himself from falling. Adrenaline is what had kept him going, and adrenalin is what was still keeping him from being a swahili tribe’s main course.
When one of the natives caught up, George had to stop and block the spear the native threw at them then george pushed him down so he would be slowed down and could not follow as easy. It wasn't hard for George to catch up with the group again. George was in good shape from living in the wild by himself for so long.  Dan was having the hardest time keeping up though. His broken leg made him limp a little even though he had all that adrenaline rushing through him. It hurt so much he almost screamed. His leg was fine this morning, when it had time to heal. But since then, Dan had been running On his broken leg, and even swimming at one point.
The group came to a huge cliff at the end of the forest and almost fell over the edge.
Dan had to skid to a stop a quick and fast as he could, and even when he did his toes were over the edge and a single rock fell from the cliff into the water below. At the bottom of this massive cliff were pointed jagged rocks that stuck out of the water like knives. The rocks were not the only thing at the bottom, there were shark fins bobbing up and down in the harsh waves that bashed against the cliff wall. The Natives were starting to come out from the trees when a bright light blinded them. The sound of a helicopter was making their eardrums pop as well. Dan turned around to see what was going on and his suspicions were right, rescue was here.
There was a man speaking into a mike and he said
“We are here to save you! get in the helicopter!” It was the best luck Dan had in the last few days. The helicopter was right there right when they needed it. Most of the natives stared in awe at this impossible flying machine, but some were still coming at them. But the group was in the chopper and out of there by the time the natives got to the ridge of the cliff.
when they got out, Dan quit his job and became an artist like he always wanted. The businessman got to see his family again, George got to be part of society again, and none of them ever flew again.

The author's comments:

I was just writing it because it was for school.


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