Adventures of a Teen Psychic | Teen Ink

Adventures of a Teen Psychic

October 28, 2015
By AngelWings88 SILVER, Laguna Niguel, California
AngelWings88 SILVER, Laguna Niguel, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is not about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself.<br /> <br /> Life is not about the number of breaths you take, its the moments that take your breath away.<br /> <br /> To understand everything is to forgive everything- Buddha

Dear Guides,

Today, I was dreaming and had a dream last night. I saw one of my guides helping my inner child with one of the "big people" in the world. It was really cool, I saw Bill Gates and my inner child getting helped with his wisdom.


I had a dream of healing with the girl, Amanda, and I saw her face as beautiful and had a big healing crystal on my hear to see the truth of the matter. I felt like I could really heal with this person, my soul, but felt like the relationship is over completely.


I felt like my guides are helping me with my future and planning, and I'm being helped by them. I see them helping me with visions and dreams for future career and work, and school. I feel secure knowing I'm on the right path, and I don't feel nervous like the rest of my peers do. 


I feel the guides letting me know they are always there, and I can tell when I see a light shine in the corner of the room or a sparkle in the sky. I just know it's them, there, helping me and being with me.


Although I am alone a lot, I don't feel alone, knowing they are there, guiding me on my next big steps in the world and with school, friendships, teachers, and parents.


I really love a lot of the friends and teachers I have right now, but I'm having  hard time with my parents. They say the weirdest things, and they hurt my feelings.  I get good grades, A's and B's, but they don't communicate with me like my friends parents communicate about emotions and feelings.


I dont think my parent ask me how I am feeling or care how I'm feeling, sometimes. I just get mad. 


Sometimes, I just think my mom doesn't tell the truth about anything, and my dad is busy with work so he's not hands on about stuff. He gets mad when my brother and sister don't do well in school, but I do.

I'm pretty sure, my mom just gave up on any of it.


I can't trust what my parents always say all the time, but I can trust these guides that help me with school and doing well, and succeeding.


The guides keep telling my in college will be great, and to get an internship and find mentors. They keep telling me to pursue graduate school and think big about what I want to do because they will find the resources to do it.


I feel so grateful for my teachers, although, its not always fun in school, I'm really grateful for all the teachers I've had and have now. They are so good and I feel responsible in preparing for life and school.


It's almost like they know nothing about how to be nuturing and academically involved parents, especially my mom and I want her too. It's like my parents can't teach me certain things, especially about peers and academic preparation, and I have to do it all myself. It's like if I want to go to college, I have to tell my parents about all the preparation as if I am teaching them how to do it.


I think it's weird, but I dont mind being responsible. They guides told me about being responsible and they come to me and tell me about how important it is for the future, and that to get comfortable with change and the world is changing, and that I will change.


They tell me it's ok to be frustrated and mad about things, but to do it consciously, and not take it out on other people or bottle it within. They tell me to write it out how I am feeling to release it and it seems to work.


I feel like all my peers see me as happy and smiling, espcially because I have everything but something is off and not sure what it is. I have nice cloths, shoes, car, wealth, jewerly, etc but no one sees the me inside. I don't think my parent's see me.


It's like sometimes I feel the hurt inside and I'm alone a lot after school and don't know why, and no one see's it. I guess I just let myself feel that way in writing or with myself.


I feel like I get hurt at this public school, and it wasn't like middle school where I knew everyone and everything about them. I kind miss private school now, and the closeness I had with people I knew for years. 


I feel a little nervous about power, and my guides want to give it to me on a regular basis to help me with life. They want to give me power so I can do well in life and with my esteem, and manifestation of my purpose. (well that's what they say)


-we want you to take your power back from all of this life you lived with peers and parents, so you can create your own-Guides



Dear Erika,

This is your higher self and unseen counselors. We thoroughly enjoy working with you on your books and your guiding of others in your world. You've truly been blessed with an abundance of wisdom. Count yourself down form 1-3 when you feel like your closing down, it will help you go within yourself.


We want to work magic with you and your unseen friend, Arimia, to allow more trust with you and your life. We want you to develop your channeling work and allow your reality to transcend and improve.


We know you have deep feelings of untrusting others and we can help you with that, tremendously. We can help you with it all in time, and you have to listen and not resist our energetic touch with you. We want to work with your solar plexus and help you live your dream reality, let us show you and let us give you gifts and plenty of love that you're mom cannot give you at this time. We want you to know we hear you and your condolences.


We want to work with your self-esteem and help you with your living with people who may not be honoring you as much as you could be honored. We honor and respect your process too much, and you are choosing to support others well and very wisely.


We want to talk to you about your work now and in your future. Your purpose is spiritual and working with spirituality, and we will give you the tools and guidance you need to succeed in it.


We show you rainbows to remind you you are on the right path and that we see you.


Your soul and spirit are beautiful forever and a day, we will always love you. We want you to experience the world and see it. We will help you on your journey and succeed in it. Let us work our magic with you with Amanda and your mind space, as well as, many other people who want attention from you.


We will help you give attention to yourself, as we know you love loving yourself.






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