sequel to pedestrian | Teen Ink

sequel to pedestrian

October 22, 2015
By bread12345 BRONZE, Circle Pines, Hawaii
bread12345 BRONZE, Circle Pines, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

English 10-1
Sequel to Pedestrian
It was a gloomy night as the cops dropped me off at my house. They told me not to be walking around at night anymore, but that wouldn't stop me. I needed to go on these walks to keep my peace. As I walked I noticed that everyone were still in their houses watching their TVs. I continue to walk and I heard a rustling, this startled me. I noticed a bush shaking so I began to approach it. There was a stray dog trying to get out of the bush. For some reason I felt a connection with this dog and I could tell it obeyed me as well. So I decided that this dog could come with me on my walk. Which is ironic cause in my childhood I always told people to never play with a stray dog. So as we walked we heard noises off in the distance. I could tell the dog heard them too as he perched up his ears, but his hearing may not be good cause he didn't seem to know what way the noise was coming from. We continued to walk in one direction searching for the noise. As we walked I noticed something off in the distance. The dog could smell whatever it was. I couldn't quite pick out what this figure in the distance. It was standing very creepy like under a lamp post but I couldn't tell if it was a person or not due to all the fog. So I continued walking towards it and it turns out it was a person. I thought this was odd because no one is ever outside their houses besides me. I decide to greet him. It was at this point in time that I realized why the cops want no one outside. It looked like this person was up to no good but I greeted him anyway.
“Hey”, I shouted
He looked at me briefly, he stared. I didn't know what to do besides to run. So I ran with the dog by my side. It was a very heart pumping adrenaline filled run. I have never ran that fast in years. I turn my head to check if the creepy stranger was chasing me. Sure enough he was, so I picked up the pace and so did the dog. Not sure how the dog was doing though considering it was a stray dog. The man was still chasing us so I had to do something and it had to be quick. I ran past the city bridge and took a sharp right. The man was right behind me so this caught him off guard and he tripped. The trip led him to falling off the bridge. I was relieved he wasn't chasing me anymore but as empathetic as I am I felt bad for his death. Almost to the point that I wanted to cry. I continued to walk towards this dumpster as I was processing what happened.
“What did I do?” I thought to myself
I sat down at the dumpster to think some more and to rest. As I sat there a stunning lady approached.
‘’Why are you sad?’’ The lady asked me.
“A lot has happened today” I said.
Me the lady and the dog continued to walk me and the lady talked for hours. It was like one of those movies where two people seem way too perfect for eachother. I told her what had just happened so she wanted to check it out. We walked to the bridge to check on the stranger, he was gone.

The author's comments:

this is a sequel to the pedestrian.

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