The Monkey Slayer | Teen Ink

The Monkey Slayer

January 15, 2015
By jose_ram BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
jose_ram BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life like there isn't no tomorrow"

One afternoon a group of red monkeys, who had bodies as big as gorillas. They were big, strong and attacked when they saw a villager. The monkeys began destroying our village and terrifying our people. It was a very tragic day for our village because four people were killed; they bit them up into pieces, ripping off chunk after chunk. Henry knew these people, and they didn’t deserve to be killed.

  Henry will never stop hunting down those monkeys until they’re all dead. Henry remembers the day his parents were killed, his Dad fought and sliced a deep cut right above the main monkey’s eye, right before they chewed him up. 

Amanda’s voice snapped Henry back to the present. “They headed towards Hayward Port.”
“Which way is that?” Henry the Monkey Slayer asked Amanda as he got off of his Pegasus.
“They went North through the woods that lead you to Hayward Port.”
“Okay, thank you.”

Henry the Monkey Slayer got on his Pegasus and flew through the air. He spotted the monkeys exiting the woods and entering the town of Hayward Port. The Pegasus flies over to the monkeys and Henry pulls out his bow and arrows, and as he lands he strikes a monkey right through his head. Blood dripped down the back of the monkey’s head as he collapsed to the floor.

One monkey jumped on Henry’s Pegasus and tries flying off, but Henry noticed what was happening so he ran and tackled the monkey off of his horse. He takes out an arrow and stabbed the monkey in his eye, blood squirted all over Henry’s face. There should be three monkeys that remain from the troop that killed his family.
“Ahhhhhhhh!!! Monkey!!! A lady from the town yelled in desperate need of help. Henry headed over to where he heard the scream.

“I saw it go into my house as I was arriving and my baby is in her room!! Please, YOU HAVE TO SAVE MY BABY!! She told Henry as he came sprinting down the street.

“Calm down ma’am, I’ll do whatever I can to save your baby.” Henry told the mother.
Henry walks into the house and hears something jump upstairs; he ran up the stairs and found his way into the baby’s room. He walked into three red monkeys surrounding the poor innocent little baby. The monkey’s looked at Henry with a will to kill.

“Stay where you are, I must return that baby to its mother!” Henry the Monkey Slayer said trying to reason with the monkeys.

Henry slowly approached the monkeys, but before he took the next step one monkey lunged forward and hit Henry across the chest. As Henry took the hit and fell to the floor he shot a monkey in the arm. Before Henry could stand up, the monkeys were gone; they had jumped out of the window. Henry reached for the baby except… the BABY WASN’T THERE. Henry stood there in shock. He ran out the house and the mother yelled what direction they took off to. Henry whistled for his Pegasus to swoop by and there he was.
“I will get you your baby ma’am; they won’t get away from me this time.” Henry told the mother.

“I need my baaaaaby! The mother yelled as tears were pouring down her face.
Henry flew off and thought to himself where the monkeys could be headed, and headed towards the Redwoods. He flew for thirty minutes until he arrived at the Redwoods, except it was too quiet. Henry walked through the woods as he sees other red primates hanging on trees. They looked at him with anger; he didn’t think they would hurt him unless he did something to them.

Henry tried to communicate visually and ask if they saw three red monkeys carrying a baby in their arms. Some monkeys shook their head meaning “yes” and others meaning “no.”
As he approached the end of the woods he didn’t see anything until he turned left and saw a little shed where the monkeys might have hid. He slowly walked to the shed and peaked through the window to see if they were in there but he couldn’t see anything. Henry heard a baby cry from inside the shed so they must be in there! He slowly reached for the door handle when he heard footsteps approaching behind him.

“No, don’t go in there until the police arrive!” a young beautiful blonde hair woman yelled to me.
“How do you know what’s in there?” Henry asked.

“Because I’m the one who locked them in there.” She replied.
“And your name is?”
“Sophia Castillo.”
“Hi I’m Henry the Monkey Slayer.”
“HAHA! You actually call yourself the Monkey Slayer?? Sophia laughs hysterically.
“Yes, but you don’t understand the reason I became one.”
“So then why do you call yourself a Monkey Slayer?”
“Because when I was only twelve years old I watched my parents get torn apart by those specific monkeys, I remember that day as if it were yesterday.”
“I’m sorry to hear that Henry.”
“It’s alright, that’s in the past now, and my destiny is to get rid of the monkeys that killed my parents.”
The police arrived ten minutes later and they had to come up with a strategy to keep the baby safe, but catch the monkeys. They could hear the baby crying from inside the shed and so they busted down the door, but the monkeys were ready and they jumped out of the window. The baby was safe so Henry invited Sophia to come with him to return the baby to its parents.

“Come with me Sophia, I need you to help me across my journey.” Henry insisted.
“I can’t leave my home becau-“
Henry interrupted, “Yes you can, you need to live free and be able to make your own choices.”
“Okay, I’ll try it out, but if I want to come home, you will bring me back, right?”
“Yes, of course.”
Sophia jumped onto Henry’s Pegasus and they flew off for another hour until they came across a poor innocent old man who looked like he needed help. They flew down to where he was.
“Hey sir, do you need some assistance?” Henry asked the old man.
The old man looked up and recognized Henry.
“HEY! Aren’t you the one flying around on a horse and killing innocent monkeys?” the old man asked Henry.
“How did you know that?”
“I knew you were the one because many people have come to me and asked if I’ve seen someone like you. I suggest you get out of here before they come asking for you again.”
“Why are you helping me?” Henry asked in a hollow voice.
“You look like a decent man who’s been through a lot of problems in his recent years, that retaliates by killing innocent monkeys.”
“Well, if you let me explain my situation, you wouldn’t be coming up with assumptions.”
“So what happened?”
“When I was twelve years old I saw my parents get torn apart by those monkeys I’m killing, the monkeys bit them as they were food to them. Blood was squirting everywhere and a puddle of blood formed.”
“How did you survive?”

“My parents had locked me in a glass room that was unbreakable, they were on their way to the room when my father closed the door and the monkeys ate them.”
“I’m truly sorry young man, I didn’t-“
“No, it’s okay. You don’t have to apologize to me.”
“You do know revenge won’t solve any of your problems, the only one who could help you is yourself.”
“I know, but the thought of my parents will never go away.”
“Yes but by making the right decision, it will give you a better life.”
“I’ll see what happens.”
A group of crazy men shouting “Get Henry!” was being heard from the distance.
“You should go Henry!”
“Thanks old man.”
Henry gets on his Pegasus and flies away with Sophia right behind him. They went to town asking people if they had seen a monkey with a scar above his right eye. No one had seen him until they came across Hayward Port. People were yelling “Monkey Apocalypse!”
Henry turned down Main Street and the monkey was walking towards him; Henry could see him from the distance. The monkey jumped on top of a car and roared and pounded its chest. The monkey had looked much stronger since the last time Henry saw it. He jumped off of the car and sprinted towards him. Henry thought he would toughen up the monkey before he killed it. When it got close the monkey lunged forward to Henry except he ducked the monkey and the monkey fell to the ground. Henry stood up and gave the monkey three hits to his face, and the monkey picked Henry up and threw him on a car. Henry laid there in pain; he heard the monkey coming for him so he jumped off the car and whacked the monkey unexpectedly. Blood was dripping from the monkey’s mouth as it kneeled down in pain.
“Aghhhhhhh!!!!!!” The monkey roared.
“You will pay for what you did to my parents!” Henry yelled in anger.
Henry couldn’t stop, he punched the monkey until it was completely unconscious. Henry yelled, “This is for you mom and Dad!!! A very nice old man once told me revenge won’t solve anything, the only who could help me is myself.”
Henry pulled out an arrow and was about to stab the monkey until he kept on hearing what the old man had told him. Henry thought to himself, I have the right to make my own decision. I feel I’ve done enough damage to this monkey. The monkey ran off limping and bleeding.
“You feel better now that the monkey is free to go?” Sophia asked.
“Yes it feels good, except something doesn’t seem right.” Henry replied.
“What do you mean by that?”
“It means that my name is no longer Henry the Monkey Slayer, you can call me Henry, just Henry.”
After they were done, they flew off to Henry’s village so that he and Sophia could start their new lives. After all, Henry did what he needed to do; therefore he has now avenged his parents and could live happily for the rest of his life.


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