Cuckita | Teen Ink


December 10, 2014
By Anonymous

“Have you gone mad? That’s her speech for tomorrow, what the hell were you thinking.” My mother screamed at him.         

”You were seriously going to let her read that. “He said.     

” Yes ,I was and I don’t find how that’s offensive to the teachers?”Screamed mom.  ” At least she’s not reading that horrible speech tomorrow.”Said dad.  

”Well the good thing was that I made a copy.”said Mom.                 

After dad got calm and stopped asking for the copy of the speech he tried convincing my mom to give him the copy. My mom and my dad kept arguing. I made a mistake of coming out with the copy and my dad chased me out of the house. My mom came after him to calm him down ,but she couldn’t and my dad accidently hit her in the face. My dad suddenly calmed down like if God told him to. Right away I got the phone and called the police to get control of the problem.            

The police came immediately in ten minutes and arrested my dad. I was sobbing and so was my mom , I couldn’t help it was all my fault that my dad got arrested. My dad went to jail and it was all most time for me to present my speech. Only thirty minutes till my speech and I wasn’t prepared at all. I still needed to do my makeup, get dressed, take a shower, do my hair, and brush my teeth. I was still upset for what happened earlier and I didn’t know if I could do it.  When I finished reading my speech I heard a terrible news. The dictator found out where we were living at and was headed our way. He was bringing tanks, choppers, soldiers , jets , and was ready to kill my father or arrest him and take him back to the Dominican Republic.             “Cukita lets go and bail your father out of prison we need to leave immediately the dictator is coming to New York!”exclaimed my mom.      

“Ok mother lets go ,leave me at the house to pack up the suit cases.”I said.   “Ok.”She said.           

“Mom hurry,” I said     
When the Dictator came the United States of America thought the Dictator was going to attack them so they started shooting The Dominican republic ,and that’s how they started World War 3.My family got to escape to Canada and waited for the war to be over.The Usa military had an advantage and that was that they had more weapons.After 3 months of war The United States of America finally won and the Dictator was thrown out of The Dominican Republic and was no longer the Dictator.My family returned to The Dominican Republic  and made a new government.We became rich and helped the people from the Dominican Republic.  We were never bothered again by the Dictator.Me and my father bonded and became happy again.             

The Dictator escaped from the prison and was plotting a plan against them and was soon going to attack the Dominican Republic.But the people from there didn’t know .At last my family was happy but not for long because the Dictator was going to attack.                                 

The End

The author's comments:

its good

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