Interlocked Goals | Teen Ink

Interlocked Goals

November 13, 2014
By BBCFangirl BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
BBCFangirl BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They were everywhere. The boy tried to surpass Them, outrun Them, but to no avail as at each new turn a horde appeared, hungry and ready to attack. He turned down a corridor, almost tripping over his own feet, and pushed himself forward ignoring the ache in his calves. Turning his head every-which-way he began looking for the arrow, the bright green arrow that would save his life. There. He had almost missed it in his frantic search, and quickly turned that way. Up ahead he could see a door, a door he needs to make it to before his watch hit three. Glancing at it, he saw a flashing twelve. It appeared to have been reset, probably when he ended up spraining his wrist after he was attacked by one of the things chasing him. Almost. He's almost there. Hands reaching out, grasping for the handle he began to turn it. But wait. It wasn't budging. The door wouldn't open. Frantically he began knocking on the door, each knock growing louder and more frequent. The window on the door opened, illuminating his face as he stared at the one on the other side of the glass. It was Jaime. He was smiling at him, motioning for the boy to turn around. He knew what was coming even before his eyes saw it; the horde that had been chasing him had turned around the bend and was now making their way forward. Heart racing, he turned back to the boy and began banging on the door. Never taking his eyes off of Jaime he began to scream, only to find no sound would come when he tried. Grabbing the doors handle he tried to open the door, desperation in her movements. He felt Them getting closer, one last look at Jaime told him it was over. He was over. Turning around, feeling every bit the prey he was, he was going to let Them take him. His betrayal left him drained. All his fight was gone. He let it all go as he raised his arms and let Them take him.
Miguel awoke with a start, his heart racing. Dream. It was just a dream. Pulling his blanket off of him he sat up and looked around the forest. Everyone else, except for his brother, was already awake. Picking up his clothes and gun he made his way to a large oak tree. Changing proved difficult as his right hand was no use to him. The sprain was one thing his dreams got right, not to mention the fact there are freaks constantly trying to eat their brains. Looking in his comb mirror he saw his face was red and hair mussed. Trying to look sane he went to the stream near him, splashed his face with water and finger-combed his hair.
At least I look somewhat better, hopefully no one will be able to tell how freaked out I am.
Leaving his area he walked back to camp. Seeing Jamie towering over his brother, hand on his chest Miguel grunted his displeasure. " Jamie leave my brother alone." Just like usual Jaime was teasing Eric due to his dyslexia and childish manner he carried himself in.
Jaime tsk'd at Miguel and walked away, into the woods.
Miguel watched him leave with narrowed eyes. When he could no longer see him, he walked towards his brother and patted his head.
"You good Bro?" He asked plaintively.
"Uhu. I took care of him." Eric responded as he replicated Superman's pose, giant grin on his face just like in the movies. Not that he has ever watched a Superman movie, when you're running for your life you don't really have time for trivial things.
"Yeah, you did a great job!"
Eric giggled and went off to play in the stream. Miguel sighed and tried to rub the sleep from his eyes. Just then Eric screeched with fright, wiping his thoughts of sleep completely.
Miguel ran quickly to his brother's aid, kicking one of the undeads head as he approached. Eric was by the edge of the stream, surrounded by three of Them; thankfully, due to their lack of limbs, they weren't any of the fasts ones.
"Eric come here," Miguel ordered with a ball of fear for his brother deep in his stomach.
Eric snapped out of his trans and followed his brother's order, running out of Their reach. Miguel grabbed his brother's hand and ran to the opening where they had set up camp.
"Jade! Jaime! We need to leave now!!"
Miguel and Eric began to pack their few belongings into their bags. Miguel looked around with worry, he couldn't spot the pair anywhere.
"Jade?! Jaime?! Where are you guys!" Screamed Miguel frustrated again with the both of them. He did not have time for this, they were coming and there was no way he was going to let his brother in harm's way. Miguel gritted his teeth, and started packing up their things as well. Eric started to help but Miguel told him to keep packing his things.
Shuffling could be heard in the woods coming towards them, someone let out a scream. Miguel could now see Jade running towards him and behind her Jaime walking leisurely. He frowned, immediately getting flashbacks to his dream.
After almost being eaten by some Chompers (Eric's chosen nickname for Them) the group decided to move on. The group walked for hours when they decided to take a break. Eric started to wander around the woods, Miguel following him closely. Eric pointed at a strange door coming out of the hill. Miguel closed his mouth and motioned to the others. And that is how they found the underground army base. They has all surprised when the door swung inwardly without a problem. The think and scarred door had an allusion of it always being under lock.
"Well then let's go inside." Miguel offered.
"NO, let's just stay out here and wait for the Chompers to come and get us," Jaime retorted sarcastically, grunting with disgust.
Miguel frowned as he walked through the door making sure it was safe. He chose a small room at the farthest corner for him and his brother, set all their belongings on the bed and decided to go hunting for supplies.
Miguel opened the back door of the convenience store praying nothing was in there for his brothers sake. Eric couldn't take another fright again, Miguel never knew what he might do when he was frightened. He opened the door and peaked inside. Nothing. A table and a chair occupied the space, probably an office of sorts. Miguel walked in, Eric squeezed his brothers as the boy did not like the dark. They opened the door at the other end of the room and walked into the main room containing the merchandise. Miguel went straight to the hygienic aisle, putting tooth brushes and tooth paste in his bag, even small bottle of shampoo. There wasn't much left, the place had probably been ransacked dozens of time already. Miguel told his brother to find something to eat that wasn't expired; which usually means junk food. You would not believe how long Twinkies can last!
Miguel froze hearing the sound of footsteps. He listened silently but this time all he could hear was Eric shoveling food into his bag. Miguel packed the rest of their necessities and walked towards his brother still tensed.
"Let's hurry up Eric." He whispered. He could tell his brother could tell something was wrong by the way he began to shove the food into his bag quicker.
Miguel felt like someone was watching him. He turned quickly seeing a flutter of cloth running away. He chased. Miguel was speechless, at the end of the aisle there stood a small girl around his brothers age. What is she doing here? Is she alone? How long has she been living here? He has a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach just knowing he now had one more mouth to feed.
"Hey sweetie, it's okay, I won't do anything to you. Come here."
The girl took slow steps towards Miguel. Looking up at him with her large brown eyes the girl opened her mouth to speak and quickly closed it as Eric came to stand next to his brother.
"Who's that?" They young boy asked, his eyes never leaving the girl as if she would suddenly disappear.
"I-I'm Ruby." The girl squeaked out.
Miguel looked from Eric to Ruby, feeling much better about choosing to take her in without asking the others.
"Okay then, Ruby are you alone?" Miguel inquired. She nodded. "Do you have a bag?"
She did, Miguel told her to pack food in it and anything else she might need. When all the bags were filled to their capacity, the three started the two day journey back to the base.
Making it back to the base, Miguel did not find his new room as he left it. He took a sharp breath, and barred his brother and Ruby from coming in. He looked around the room for the culprit, no one. Miguel stared at the mess, his clothes thrown everywhere, their gear searched through thoroughly. Miguel stopped breathing as his anger rose, the clothes and gear being ransacked did not anger him, it was the pile of legs and arms. Miguel has collected every action figure he could find for years to give to Eric on his eleventh birthday and now they were nothing but a pile of useless junk.
Eric peered in and spotted the pile, "Toys?" Eric looked hopefully at his brother. This made Miguel's anger rise again. Who in their right mind would destroy a innocent ten year old toy's?! He gritted his teeth he knew such a person.
"Jaime! Get ya bloody imp arse over here! NOW!" Ruby grabbed Eric's hand, here for only ten seconds and already seeing the group diminishing.
Jaime stood at the doorway a grin playing on his face. His blond hair standing out with his tan, his green eyes far too bright. Miguel looking like a ghost in contrast with his dark hair and lifeless gray eyes.
"What's up short stuff?" Said Jaime being only an inch or two taller.
Miguel gritted his teeth, "Jaime did you do this?" He waved his hands at his room.
Jaime faked a hurt look, "Why would you think that Miguel? I thought we were friends."
Miguel glared and scrunched up his nose. " Why would you do this?" He growled.
Jade walked around the corner, her dark hair trailing behind her and covering her hazel eyes. She stooped next to Jaime, hands on hips staring Miguel down. He could see how she used to be the cheerleaders captain.
Miguel straightened up, "Your boy here", nodding towards Jaime, " ransacked my room."
She laughed," Why would he do that? Not like he was in so dire need for clothes to use yours."
Jaime walked forward facing Miguel, " You know I don't think I like the way you are talking to me. I never liked you bossing me around either." He paused. "I think you are not suitable to lead this group." Miguel looked right at Jamie and laughed.
"And what? Do you think you could do better?" He laughed again dryly this time. " I would like to see you try."
"Why, yes." Jaime smiled smugly.
"Well too bad, get out."
"You heard me. OUT!"
"Now wait a minute!" Argued Jade. Miguel looked are hr coldly, silencing her.
" Go!" He said.
Eric moved closer to his brother.
Jade put her hand in the jacket pocket and ran towards Miguel. Eric screamed and hugged his brother as Jade took out a knife planning to stab Miguel in his stomach. She plunged it in, laughing hysterically. Miguel screamed full of rage, and began to cry. He kneeled, holding Eric close to his body. He tried to stop the bleeding with his shirt but to no avail. Eric looked up to his brother and smiled innocently. "I save brother." His eyes lost life and he stopped moving. Miguel closed his eyes crying.
He looked up at Jade and Jamie full of rage. They backed up.
"L...l..look Miguel I-I didn't mean to hurt Eric."
"HURT?! You murdered him!!", he bellowed.
Suddenly there was a moan coming from the hallway, "What?"
Jaime smiled, "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you I let some friends in. I knew you wouldn't give up leadership easily."
Miguel could hear dozens of Chompers coming towards him. He stood, holding Eric, set him on their bed and grabbed Ruby. Jaime, surprised since he didn't realize she was there, didn't expect Miguel kicking him in the gut. He fell, and before she could comprehend it, did the same to Jade.
When they had first came into the base Miguel had noticed a red case on a wall, which initially looked a fire alarm but after examining it, it clearly wasn't. He pressed the self destruct button that would activate the main bomb, making all the land mines go off under the base. He ran toward the door to have three Chompers waiting for them. Hugging Ruby he ran towards them, and out the door.
Miguel jumped behind a giant boulder, covering Ruby, the explosion happening moments after. He slumped down crying into her hair.
Ruby looked at the boy who had taken her in. " It be okay brother." Miguel looked at her and smiled sadly, unsure if he could start over again.

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