Another a Man but a hero | Teen Ink

Another a Man but a hero

November 4, 2014
By Paul123 BRONZE, Elgin, Texas
Paul123 BRONZE, Elgin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a chilly morning when Paul Bob turned on the car to get breakfast tacos from his favorite place in town. He was slowly making his way there when he heard a huge boom. His ears were ringing. He stepped on the brakes, looking for where the sound had come from. When Paul got to the spot, there was a crater with a rock that looked like an asteroid. From the asteroid, there was a small glowing blue stone. Paul quickly retrieved the stone from the asteroid and stuck it in his pocket.

That night he decided to go for a run to get his mind off of the stone. When he started running, he was faster than usual. He started going faster and faster until he was going faster than the cars. He was going at a blinding speed. He knew this was from the stone he had picked up. Paul did not trust anybody with this information.
That night Paul could not go to bed. He was excited about his powers. So he tested them in the morning. He learned that he also could breath underwater and that he was much more aware of the things around him.
    That weekend Paul was throwing a party at his house. He decided to go get a bunch of tacos from the Taco Bell near his house. On his way, three thugs tried to mug him. Paul used his super speed to put them on the ground before they knew what happened. All three of them got back up and ran away. At that moment he knew he could use the powers to help people.

He made himself a mask so that people would not recognize him. The next night he went around town looking for criminals. Paul was about to give up when he heard gun shots from the gas station. He ran to the gas station. He saw the man with the gun. He disarmed him and knocked him out. Paul turned the guy into the co Precipitation runs off and pools up in low level

          Paul saw that he had made the front page of the newspaper. He liked not being a regular guy for once. So every night he went out to help people. One night, he saw some men dressed in black selling guns and other weapons to a gang. He decided to follow the men to see where they went. They went to a big warehouse. The warehouse was full of advanced weapons and vehicles. He took a picture on his phone so he could show the police. Paul did not want to get into a fight with the heavily armed men, so he left the scene.

Paul went to the police to report what he had seen the other night. He told a tall red haired man about the weapons. The guy said, "We can not do anything about the weapons. We must tell the military."

Paul knew that by the time they told the military, those guys in the warehouse would have already used the weapons. He knew he would have to do something. He had to be the hero.

Paul went back to the warehouse to figure out what the men were up to. The men were loading the crates into a van. So he snuck around the boxes and into an important looking room. In the room, there was a computer on the desk and a map of New York city on the wall. Paul ripped the map off the wall and grabbed the computer and took off to his house.

He studied the computer and the map and learned that the men were detonating a bomb in the middle of New York city the next day. Paul knew he had to be in New York city. He put on his running shoes and took off. Paul was going faster than he had ever gone before. He got there in no time. When Paul got there, he was ready. He had his lucky stone in his pocket.

Paul stalked the enemies. Wherever the enemies were, he was there too. Paul knew that he did not have much time to save the city, so he took action. He started taking guys out with blazing speed. Bullets were flying at him from every direction, but Paul was too fast.The men just saw him as a blur. He was everywhere. He was taking guys out left and right. When Paul looked up, he had laid out everybody. Paul took the bomb in his arms and ran.

Paul knew that he did not have much time before the bomb exploded, so he ran as fast as he could. When he got into the water, he used his speed and his underwater breathing to make it deep down into the water. Paul dropped the bomb on the bottom and swam up. The bomb exploded, but he was already too far up to get hurt.

  After that day, Paul knew he not a regular man anymore. He was a hero.

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