Seth the Kitten | Teen Ink

Seth the Kitten

June 5, 2014
By aburton272 BRONZE, Portage, Michigan
aburton272 BRONZE, Portage, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You've cat to be kitten me right meow."

Seth The Kitten

You know when it is a chilly dark and rainy day, you know, like one of those days when everything looks soaked and depressing. Raining lightly and when the small water droplets hit your skin gives you goosebumps that run along your arms and legs and a chill up your spine that gives you a shiver. Well today was one of those days and I was experiencing the rain and soaked part. I just happened to sit in the seat where the rain from outside the school bus drips and flies in my face from one of the jammed windows of the bus. I hate these buses and so does everyone else; they break down frequently, seats wearing out, and yet, we spend our money on hundreds of expensive computers.
As I was thinking the bus reached my stop and I stood up as the air brakes hissed. When I reached the doors I quickly ran down the short steps and Splash! I had not payed attention and I stepped straight in a puddle, now my pants were soaking wet with cold and dirty water. I looked back and realized that many of the kids on my bus had witnessed it and were laughing so loud the bus shook. I just simply pretended ignored them as if I didn’t care hoping they fell for it.
Walking towards my house I gladly heard the rumble of the bus’s diesel engine as it continued down the street and out of my life. My house is a modern house in a suburb but the twist is it is on a small farm. You are probably wondering what animals we have, well… horses, pigs, chickens, dogs, and eighteen barn cats and yes, they are literally barn cats. In our barn we have stables for the horses and if you go up the stairs into the attic there are mounds of hay bales. In them are cats, not just a couple, but a whole colony. When I opened the front door of my house I leaned in and felt the cold air rush past me like a warm winter day as I set my backpack by the doorway. I closed the door shutting off the stream of refreshing air and started running at half speed around the house to start my daily chores.
After the tedious task of taking care of farm animals was over, all I had to do was take care of the cats which was not hard and takes only a few minutes. So I entered the barn, a messy and smelly place, and walked up the wooden stairs leading to the barn’s attic. When I got to the top I looked right and saw a kitten laying on a hay bale watching me, curiously and intently, as I kneeled down to the bag of cat food. As I was scooping the food I noticed the cat, still laying on the bale, watching every move I made. I closed the bag when all the sudden, out of the corner of my eye, a quick blur rushed over to me and I felt a sharp pain on my leg. When I looked to my side, the cat on the hay bale was standing there with is body leaned backwards and the hair on its back straight up as it stared at me, this time with an angry glare. I made a flinch at it to scare it away and succeeded as it sprinted away into the elaborate tunnels of the hay bales. I looked down and saw that the cat had scratched my leg leaving a bloody red mark down my calf and I shrugged it off as it was not important.
I got back to the house and walked through the front door feeling once again the cold, fresh air. I hauled my heavy backpack up the stairs with me and walked into my room. There I flopped on my bed and shut my eyes, knowing how much homework I had to do. So I decided to start now instead of procrastinating which I do frequently and it doesn't work out too well. So I worked on homework for four hours after that and once I was done, felt the joy of not having homework to do. But the only issue was I only had an hour to relax and do whatever I wanted before my nine o'clock bedtime. Then I realized I had forgot about reading (which is actually homework) and thought, “Why not, I will get a lot of my reading done and finish just before bed.”
So I read until nine and by then was conveniently tired so deciding to skip changing and brushing my teeth, just got under the covers, and slowly drifted into a soon to be rough sleep.
I awoke feeling warm and realized I had fell asleep with the covers over me so I attempted to get out but it seemed like the blanket was going on forever, then I fell for what seemed like would be longer than normal and landed feet first on to the carpet. Soon my eyes adjusted and I saw the room pretty well, what I saw almost made me faint, everything was enormous. I knew this had to be a dream and it won’t be too long before I wake back up. So I tried to stand up but couldn't, I looked down at my legs and saw two light orange furry paws and legs. Then I realized I was a kitten. I knew there was no chance of me making it back to my bed so I entered my closet, curled up, and fell asleep.
I awoke once again this time, light out. I realized my dream and lifted my arm in front of my face and saw a human arm, mine. I sat up in my bed and looked outside seeing it was the same weather as yesterday except instead of everything looking soaked and depressing, I was happy to be who I am.

The author's comments:
Based off of a real person.


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