The Fortune Cookie | Teen Ink

The Fortune Cookie

February 3, 2014
By Kevin9191 BRONZE, Mountain View, California
Kevin9191 BRONZE, Mountain View, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey! Where are my fortune cookies! I asked for them five minutes ago!” I was at a chinese restaurant and had just finished eating. I wanted to have a fortune told for fun so I ordered them, but they hadn’t arrived yet. I was going to tell the stupid manager to hurry it up, but as I got up they arrived. I gave him a grim look and saw that there was only one cookie on the plate.
“What! What is this?! I payed 34.99 for ONE cookie! This is outrageous!” I exclaimed.

“Sorry sir, but they are very expensive because 50% of the time the fortunes are true.” said the waiter.

I muttered yeah right and cracked the shell. I glared at the note and busted out laughing. “Your life is in danger. Say nothing to anyone. You must leave the city and never return. Repeat, say nothing…. Lucky numbers: 34 67 49 10 98” I walked out of the restaurant shouting out my fortune. But as soon as I walked out, rain started to pour. Lightning and thunder lit up the pitch black sky. I told my self that is was going to rain so I had nothing to worry about. I walked to my girlfriends house to hang out. Once I arrived I noticed something strange. There was a stain of red on the door. I shrugged it off and went in. My girlfriend appeared right in front of me and had sweat all over her.

“Whats wrong?”

“Everything! Now get out before I kill you to! Our relationship is over! Get lost!’

Before she pushed me out, I had a glance behind her and saw a body laying on the floor with blood everywhere. I ran home and started crying like a five year old. I have realized that my fortune is definitely coming into reality.
That night was the worse night I’ve ever had. Rain leaked through the ceiling, dogs barking constantly, my heater broke, my computer got infected. Anything bad happened to me that night. I didn’t sleep because I was afraid of a murderer. In the morning I gave up and packed up. I was miserable. I was depressed. I was mad. I was everything. As I was packing up some kid on my street hit a ball and shattered my window.
“F**k You!”
The little kid cried and ran off. Once I was finally done packing, I got into my car and drove off. During my drive people swore at me for no reason and cars cut me off.
“What the hell have I done for this?!’
Finally, when I arrived outside of Chicago, my car blew up. I got blasted off into a tree. I hit the tree so hard I cracked the tree in half. Then I heard a noise….Good…. You have listened… Now go north until you reach a blue Mustang…. In there you will see the truth…. Now go young one…. I didn’t want to follow that voices directions, but I had to. I didn’t want to die. I kept walking until my legs couldn’t carry me anymore. I sat on a log that had fallen. Then I realized that this log I was sitting was my the log I hit! I was walking in circles?! After a few minutes I got myself together and saw a blue spec. I thought I was hallucinating, but I walked toward it anyway. I kept pushing myself one more step until I was about half a mile off. I dozed off and felt a tingling sensation when I opened my eyes.
“Ahhhh!!” I screamed.
There were five spiders crawling on my eating my skin. I shook them off and finally reached the car. It was a very unusual car as it had three seats and a windshield on each side. It also had disc shaped edges as well as a propeller. I climbed in and saw a shadowy figure. I gasped and shut my eyes. I awoke with two green creatures dissecting my toe nail. I kicked one in the crotch and the other one in the head. They didn’t seem to care so they started talking to me in wave thoughts again. We are the aliens that abducted many... We are the aliens that many have claimed to see… We are the aliens that will take over the world...Now come with me and you will become one of usss…..I started to make a run for it but one of them grabbed me and shocked me. I stuttered and and started to go dizzy. The aliens punched me in the gut and I went black. And they flew off in their so called ‘Blue Mustang.”

The author's comments:
My group in our creative writing group were required to write a short story and submit it.

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