Preview of Looking Back at the Looking Glass | Teen Ink

Preview of Looking Back at the Looking Glass

December 12, 2013
By ThirdPageMaster PLATINUM, Fort Hood, Texas
ThirdPageMaster PLATINUM, Fort Hood, Texas
21 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Wishes can come true. But not if you wait for miracles. Miracles are things that we make happen. Here and now.

I look at Kris and Gretta standing beside me. Gretta is trembling with fear. I reach down and grab her hand, trying to let her know it'll be alright. She looks up at me and a tear rolls down her cheek. She smiles at me but I know she is still scared. Kris has a stern, serious face. He looks more ready than ever. Then I look behind us at the New Earth Army. I realize that this it. I am about to face my destiny, right here, right now. No more running. No more waiting to be saved. It's my time to make my own miracles. I release Gretta's hand and I draw Angebelle's golden sword. I stare at it, observing my reflection.
"Here we go." I say to myself. I point my sword at the smoldering castle ahead and immediately, the whole army charges forward. I jump into the air, zoom to the top of the castle. It is time for Ragnarok to meet his end. Once and for all.

The author's comments:
This is a sneak preview of my upcoming adventure fantasy which entails a young girl fighting to defeat a world swallowing monster. Keep checking in for more sneaks if you like this one....


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