The Betrayal | Teen Ink

The Betrayal

November 22, 2013
By Softball.31 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Softball.31 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

They are coming, they are coming for me. I’m trying to run, I’m trying to hide. I can’t do it, my heart’s bouncing in chest, thumping and thrashing, wanting so hard for me to stop, I can’t, I had to keep going to get my revenge.

My name is Camila. I am a runaway child. I couldn’t take it anymore, the mafia. They roamed the streets day and night and harrased innocent children and terrorized the town. They’d killed so many children. Those children were my friends, we used to play in the streets, roam in the meadow dotted with flowers and grass, and dance happily. Suddenly, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I left.

That night I decided to leave, to leave forever. The decision wasn’t that hard, I’d only leave Cheyenne, my best friend. My friends, my family, all that I loved were mostly gone. I lived alone, in a one story house, in the middle of all the fighting. So I packed all the necessities I needed, clothes and blankets. It was all ready to go at moment’s notice. And then, it was the time, to leave. A huge gunfight broke out on the west side of town. No part of the mafia were here on the North side. All them were accumulated in the West “assisting” each other. This was go time.

I fled out the door, taking fast strides. I slowed down realizing this wasn’t the “use all your energy” moment. I started jogging towards the North side gate, knowing that it’ll be unguarded. As soon as I crossed the broken down iron gates, I felt a surge of freedom, and it pumped me to run faster and harder. One day, you'll come back and save this messed up place. I promised myself.
I’d run, until I couldn't any longer, till my nine-year-old feet felt like jelly. Until my auburn brown hair was soaked in sweat, and then I reached my destination. I sat down on bench to rest and placed my bag down. Ahhh! It was such a relief. Right there in front of me was a city, shining bright with evening lights. There were buildings so tall, it felt like they were piercing the sky. But most importantly of all, there were homes, filled with nice happy families, all safe and sound. These streets were filled with happy children, laughing and joking around. There were people cheerfully walking their dogs with smiles plastered on their faces. "Excuse me, are you lost" an official asked me. Strange. Who was he? I thought. Well, the mafia won't be able to find me anymore. I could maybe lie to get some food and a family!
"Yes sir, I am." I made my eyes water to deceive him.
"Oh my god, where do you live!" he asked in a surprised tone. He knelt down and started with rock-like eyes right into mine.
"I don't know, my parents abandoned me." I lied. Lying is bad, even in my life, but it'll have to do.
"What's your name little girl?"
"Well, Camila. I'm Officer Bryan let's take you to a children’s center, how does that sound."
"Ummmm, good." He took my hand, lifted me off the bench and we started walking to his car. He set me into the back seat and buckled me up. Then, Officer Bryan climbed up front and started to drive. "This is gonna be a long ride Camila. So ya might as well take a little catnap." That was all I heard before I drifted into the most relaxing nap I've ever had.
“Camila, wake up." A strong hand tousled my hair. "Okay, I've got it all set up. You'll live with the Children’s Center until they find you a foster home okay? I got all the paperwork all set so why don't ya come on in." I jumped out of the car and followed him in. The officer showed me to the front desk and a nice lady showed me around.
After 2 long, painful years, I was finally adopted by two nice foster parents, Jenelle and Benjamin. I was driven to their house where they beckoned me inside and showed me around. That’s where I lived for what was the happiest days of my life. But after those days were long, long gone. I was in for a sweet surprise.
*Ten Years Later*

I had just finished college, got a place at my law firm as a partner, right now I was living the life. But I wasn’t quite ready to relax yet. I had to prepare for something I promised myself a long, long time ago. I will destroy the Mafia of my hometown and change the lives of many forever. Fifteen years ago, this would never have been something you thought of doing. I thought to myself. But I have to get my revenge. It’s worth it to kill 5 people to save 50 lives, right? Oh well too late now. Plus, you have to, you promised yourself Camila. To pay back to the poor families you left hanging when you ran away. I angrily threw the stuff that was necessary to my mission into a bag. Duct tape, rope, my phone, sports tape, and a hunting knife. I was ready to go. On my way out, I looked through my house one last time, for I may never come back. Then, I hopped into the car and started driving.

I’d arrived to the place I’d use to call home. A deserted town in nearly ruins with people hiding in their houses terrified. The entire West wing had been destroyed and I didn’t want to know why. I estimated about 10,000 people were still living in this terrible place. I took a deep breath and relaxed. Now, all I had to do was locate the Mafia chain them up and leave. BOOM! gunfire rang out in the street. Shrill, blood-curling screams rose out into the air. I started to run in that direction.

They recognized me, they raced toward me with their guns pointing. The five mafias chased me and it was now a race. They were coming for me. My heart knew I had to keep going to get my revenge. They laughed uncontrollably. “Now, wait for your death Camila.” I turned around to see them right behind me. They’d just walked into my trap, perfect. When I first arrived, I knew something like this was going to happen. So I decided to make sure I was fully prepared. I set up a “trap” which consisted of a ditch (already dug), two trees (already fully grown), lots of invisible duck tape, and some trickery. The five gullible men ran into the duct tape I had set up earlier. I worked quickly, tying them up and hanging them on from the trees. This was too easy I thought, but I’ll take the easy win. I jogged back to town to tell them my good news.

Overjoyed faces ran to see me. I was treated royally like a hero, but after all I was. One face stood out of the crowd, a quite familiar one. Cheyenne!! I walked towards her. “CHEY! CHEYENNE!!” I screamed. She looked over towards me glumly.

“Oh hey.” We immersed each other in a hug.

“Cheyenne! You didn’t leave!”

“How could I after you left us?” she said icily and clearly distracted, she paused for a second and opened her mouth to speak again. “Do you need how worried we all were?” she said angrily, “We all thought you were dead, just like all the other children. We even put a white flag up to the mafia just to ask about you! Do you know how much food it cost us? How selfish are you, Camila?” She ranted in a rush, slurring her words. “Couldn’t you have just left a note or something.” I was shell shocked. She’s my friend, isn’t she? I thought. No. She was my friend. It was selfish, but I came back and saved them, right? I should be forgiven for my selfishness. A life for a life. But no, she wanted her old life. Her old life where everyone died. Let her be. I felt betrayed and started walking away. Cheyenne’s cold, stone-hard, hand caught my arm. “But Camila, thanks.” she waved and walked goodbye, smiling a snooty smile. I stood there frozen in the midst of everything. I quickly shook it off. All was well now, or was it?

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