The Hunt | Teen Ink

The Hunt

November 1, 2013
By gillianm SILVER, Oviedo, Florida
gillianm SILVER, Oviedo, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today is my day. Not just my day but the day. My name is Abigail Johansen. I’m thirteen years old. Most girls my age cherish and fantasize strawberry lip gloss and shiny unicorn stickers, but me; I fantasize about finding a holiday creature. What I mean by that is the Easter Bunny, Santa, and most of all a leprechaun. Why? Because I was born on St. Patrick’s Day, I have ginger colored hair, I’m short and I’m part Irish! I don’t know about you but I don’t think that’s a coincidence, I think that’s destiny. You might think im being a little dramatic…BUT TRUST ME, I’m not!

So today’s the day. Not only my birthday but I have been preparing for this hunt since last year! I woke up early arising to the sound of my dad and little brother Johnny singing “Happy Birthday.” It was more of a screech from Johnny but who could resist him? He’s adorable! The sun was rising and it looked beautiful in the peach colored sky. I knew this was going to be a great day. My parents, well my parent, have known that I have had an obsession with “fantasy creatures” forever”.(Especially leprechauns.) My mom Joanne, and my dad, Tim split up about two years ago. I haven’t seen my mom since. So now it’s just me, dad and Johnny. Most people think its sad but honestly I don’t care. My mom was a drunk addict and no way could I put up with her and neither could my dad. Even though there’s only two people living in our house besides me I still get way more presents than expected.
I tell dad every year :
“I don’t want much just for everyone to be together and happy.”
But he never listens. So waking up to colorful large and small presents covering my whole entire messy room wasn’t a big surprise. They both left the room knowing that when I was ready I would come downstairs, eat my breakfast then head right back up with them to open presents. I got on my fuzzy pink robe and matching comfy slipper’s. I folded my blankets and made my bed and put down my stuffed monkey Chuchu on top of the stack of fluffy pillows. I quickly ran down the stairs because I almost forgot that today was the day I was going to hunt down a leprechaun! I sat down at our glossy glass table and waited for my “special” breakfast. It’s usually a bag of my favorite cereal and a glass of some orange juice from Publix. But this time dad went all out. I stare in silence as my dad brings a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice, two warm waffles drizzled in chocolate syrup, with whip cream doused on the side and fresh fruit on top, one slice of perfectly golden brown toast, hot cheesy eggs, and crispy bacon.
“Enjoy my lady.” Dad said. I laughed “Thank you darling, I certainly will.”
We all laughed. Then I stopped laughing and started chowing down because as soon as I looked at the time I was way behind schedule if I wanted to find that leprechaun. The cheese stuck to the roof of my mouth and the toast slowly crumbled on my lips, the juice was a little sour but hey, I had to give credit to my dad it was pretty good.

My dad already knew how my whole day was planned out. We went over it last night. I was basically going leprechaun hunting the all day. He just made me follow these rules.
Be careful
Don’t cause any trouble
Keep your cell phone on at all times.
Be home around 7:30 were having a family party for your birthday.
“Ok ok dad I will!.”
After Breakfast I bolted up stairs. I quickly stacked all the gifts in a corner of my room so I wouldn’t trip and then opened them one by one. I got a singing toothbrush, hair ties, gift cards to my favorite shops, my own ice-cream maker (I LOVE ICECREAM),a framed picture of all the holiday creatures together (it was a cartoon) and much more. When I was done dad and Johnny left to the market to get my cake for my party. It was going to be bright green with a dark green clover on top of it made out of butter cream frosting! After dreaming about my cake I went into my closet and pulled out a green t-shirt that says “I’m an Irish girl.” some washed out blue skinny jeans, and my ragged old converse. I walked into the hallway and pulled my deep black hoodie out of the dryer. I then got down out of the storage closet my mini backpack I got for my last birthday. I opened it up and in the big pocket I put jacket, some snacks (granola bars, water, crackers,e.t.c) leprechaun hunting book, pencil, and my hunting journal. In the little pocket I put in cherry Chap Stick, 60 dollars, and my cell phone. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair then pulled it up in a high ponytail with my new rubber bands. Then I put on a charm bracelet my dad gave me when I first started liking “mystical” creatures. The bracelet was silver and had little charms on it. There was Santa, a leprechaun on a rainbow holding a pot of gold, and the Easter bunny. I grinned and was proud that today I might actually meet a leprechaun.

I took off fast with my backpack and its goodies in the front of my bike in the little wicker basket. I was so excited because the weather channel said it was going to rain and be sunny! “Perfect weather for a perfect day!” I thought. I was on Chestnut Lane and was waiting to cross the street with the other crowd of people. I live in North Carolina and its surprisingly crowded in the little town, (Wilmington) I live in. I breathed in the fresh morning air and the scent of apples since we did live near an apple grove. I had my day all planned out. First I would go to the old library and read some more mystical creature books and search for leprechaun sightings. That will help me a lot! By time I’m done with that it will be around 12:30. (It’s 9:00 now.) So I will go to my favorite diner, Big AL ‘S, and eat my lunch. Then I’ll explore around town and maybe do a little shopping. It’s my birthday after all…. It should be around 3:00 when I’m done. That’s when I start preparing for the hunt because they said it was going to rain around 3:10ish. I was so excited I could hardly wait!!

The library was pretty quiet as usual. I said hello to my good friend Miss. Albert’s who was the old librarian then headed over to the fiction section. Which personally I think should be non-fiction because leprechauns and all the other magical animals and creatures are REAL! Once I grabbed a few books I went to the back of the room in my favorite spot. This spot was the warmest place in the library (and the library is really really cold.) There was a clear window next to a worn down chair and Miss. Albert’s cat Pepper sleeps there. I greeted Pepper and sat down on the chair. I cracked open the old book “Preparing for a magical hunt” and started reading. It’s almost 12:20 so I started researching. I quickly kissed pepper on her head and said goodbye and went to the computer section is the library. I printed out a few pictures of some “Leprechaun sightings” in an article from the 1900’s and some and ideas of what leprechauns might actually look like. I got the pictures out of the printer and glued them into my hunting journal in the leprechaun section then said goodbye to Miss. Albert because it was 2:40 and it took me about 10 minutes to get to the diner.

I grabbed a shiny red booth in the corner and waited for my waitress/waiter to come.
“Hi! Welcome to AL’S diner! Can I start you off with a drink, OH! And here’s your menu Hun.”The perky waitress said.
“Thanks. And can I just have a sprite?”
“Sure no problem!”
I looked over the menu and when the waitress came back with my drink. I took a sip and felt the coldness of the drink caress my tongue with bubbles. After my long sip I ordered, “Can I have the bacon deluxe burger, some fries, and a chocolate shake please?”
“Sure thing!!! Coming right up!”
My mouth was watering as the waitress brought back my food. The aroma of the bacon and the sweetness of the shake was irresistible! The salt from my fries fell more on the table then my mouth but they still tasted amazing! I dug in!
When I finished my lunch I got on my bike and looked around in some stores. Tne fabric’s of the clothes were soft at touch but once on, it was as tight as your moms jeans that she says “look good.” I bought a couple of shirts and trinkets from an antique store. It’s time! I felt a cold drizzle of rain hit my hot sweaty face and see bright color’s form the rainbow shoot up. Yellow,orange, and purple soon started covering up the once bright blue sky. My heart started pounding faster. I got to find the leprechaun TODAY! There is no way I’m waiting another year. Do you know long a year is?! I got my clear poncho out of my backpack and put it on. According to the leprechaun hunting book I should follow the long and beautiful colors of the rainbow.

The rainbow slowly leaded me into the woods. I remember dad’s last rule to be home before 7:30 and quickly checked the time. 5:00! Already?! I pedaled faster on the slick mud and weaved in and out of big trees. My heart almost pounded out of my chest. It was late at night and I was in the woods! Creepy!!!! I soon relaxed and my heart rate was back to normal. I looked up a few times and leaves fell all around me. It was so nice and calm I kind of felt like I was floating.I checked my time after about an hour of pedaling. 6:15! Wow time really does fly by. Bushes rustled as I zoomed by trying to see the end of the rainbow’s mezmorizing colors.
I kept on pedaling at a faster speed not realizing that there was a short ginger-bearded man with a green suit on. I finally looked up to see the man yelling
My face went completely white and my mouth dropped as a tiny man stumbled to the dirty ground.
I quickly pressed the break and heard the “errrr’ of my black tires and looked up. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to…” “WAIT ARE YOU A LEPRECHAUN?” I was in shock at two things.
I hurt him! (oops!)
And two I’m pretty sure he was a leprechaun!
“Yes and I almost wouldn’t be if I didn’t tell you to stop.” He said as he got up and dusted his suit.
“Sorry!” I leaped off my dainty pink feminine bike and took a closer look. I walked around and stared at him as though he was the famous piece of art Monalisa.
“Wow” I said excitedly. “It really is you!”
“Yes of course it’s me! I’m the one and only leprechaun!” He announced proudly. He did a little jump and clicked his shoes.
“You do not know how long I have been looking for you! “
“Really me? Looking for me?? “I thought everyone was tired of leprechauns that’s why I have been alone out here just me and my pot of gold.” I could obviously see he was confused because he had a quizzical look on his face.
“No0 of course not! I love you! My birthday is on St.Patricks so that’s why I was so determined to find you! And other people love you to! You should see the parties they throw on St.Patrick’s day they are crazy!”
“Ahh! Yes! I am still in business.”He chuckled and breathed out smoke from his little pipe.
“Yes I guess you are!”
“What is your name my dear?” At first I was confused then I answered his question because his thick Irish accent was so strong it was kind of hard to understand him.
“Abigail Johansen, Mr. Patrick Sir.”
“Abigail. Your name means “beautiful flower.”
I smiled and giggled.
“Thank you!”
“Well Abigail, what do you want to do? Now that you found me I am sure you are anxious to do something, plus I’m very good at hide & seek. ”
And so that’s what the leprechaun and I did. We played games, looked for clovers, sorted his gold, and he even gave me one of his gold coins! I checked my watch. It’s 7:00.
“I better get going.” I said sadly.
“ Huh!? Already why??” He also had a huge frown on his face.
“Well you see my dad planned a party for me and I wish I could skip but that would be really hurtful. My dad spent a lot of time and money on the party. I’m so sorry!” Even though I couldn’t see it I knew my pouty face was on. Well at least that’s what dad calls it. My bottom lip stuck out and I crossed my arm and my eyes got so clear and ready to cry they were like glass.
“Don’t worry!” I bent down so he could wipe my tear that slid down.
“Whenever you see a rainbow just come back to visit.” I mean where else would I be abigaill?”
I smiled a little but still felt sad. I brushed my hair out of my face and wished I could stay longer but I still knew I had to go home.
He slowly takes off a chain necklace with a solid gold four leaf clover. His fingers clenched the necklace for a second in a loving way then he gently opened my hand and rested the necklace in the palm of my hand.
I gaze at the gorgeous necklace. Joy spreaded through my body and my face lit up.
“Here take this. It’s for all your hard troubles finding me and for you being so nice and grateful for me.”
“I can’t take this! I know this probably means a lot to you.”
“It does mean a lot to me! And that’s why I want you to have it.” He smiled.
I jumped on my dirty and soaked bike. A chill went up my spine as my bottom hit the cold wet seat. Yuck! Dirt smothered my shoes and hands but I couldn’t ever think of a better moment than now. “Thank you!” I said just as I pedaled away.
“Come back soon!” He shouted.
His arms waved goodbye frantically in the distance but soon he just became a tiny blur.
“I will!” I yelled even though I was sure he wouldn’t hear me. Besides I think he would know that I would come back.
I took a few minutes with my last moments with the leprechaun to sink in. We had so much fun yet so little time. I stopped pedaling and looked at the necklace for a second. The way it reflected the glistening sun and yet felt so smooth I was stunned. My heart melt into pieces as I soon realized the leprechaun was now part of my heart. His cheery attitude and his humorous jokes and story have made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt! His tall hat made be crack up because he was so short. And his ginger colored hair was so orange that when I first looked at it I literally thought it was an orange.
I pedaled home with my ginger colored hair flowing behind me and muddy jeans seeping into my skin. The wind brushed leaves across my face and the trees rustled so that they looked like they were dancing. The sun slowly went down and the moon appeared. The glow lighted up the woods. I touched the flowers as I glided by them and once again felt very calm.
Although I was quite depressed I have to leave I still had a tad bit of excitement knowing there was a customized yummy cake for me at home and a comforting family to cuddle with.
I couldn’t help but let a big bright smile cross my face knowing I was a successful and official mystical and magical hunter.

The author's comments:
Its coolB)

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This article has 1 comment.

Miss Dianna said...
on Nov. 11 2013 at 4:30 pm
Way to go geeg!