A Hero's Moment | Teen Ink

A Hero's Moment

October 21, 2013
By otterly_cool BRONZE, Cranston, Rhode Island
otterly_cool BRONZE, Cranston, Rhode Island
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Now, Jacob,” my brother said to me sternly as he fixed my armor. “I do not wish to bring you along. Lord knows why Father is making me. But you listen here.” Daniel tightened my chest plate straps. “You do whatever I say. If I say down, you go down, if I say stay, you stay. And if I say fight...” He trailed off waiting for my answer.

Lowering my head I replied quietly, “I fight.”
Not pleased with the manner of my answer Daniel sighed and unsheathed his sword. He looked at me expectantly and I did the same. I hated my sword. It was much too big and heavy. When ever I swung I was brought back a bit by the weight and more often than not missed my target. And now here I am being forced to tag along with my brother to defeat Metus the fearless dragon. I wish I was fearless. Every day in the court I am reminded that I am not. A constant reminder to my father that he failed at raising me. Making me a ruthless killer like my brother.

“Follow,” I heard Daniel mutter as he advanced forward. I walked behind him careful not to make a sound, which was very difficult in my metal shoes. As we approached the entrance of the cave my heart stopped. It was a half circle punctured into the cave as if Metus smashed his whole body through it. There were jagged edges surrounding it, making it look as though it had teeth. That it was Metus’s mouth waiting for us to walk in clueless and tear us to shreds. Apparently he never liked to eat knights, just to tear them apart and leave them to suffer. Wonderful.

Beyond it was darkness. I hated the dark. I never knew what lay in it. Monsters, demons, death. Not knowing could be one of our worst fears. But not for Daniel. He strode right though the cave entrance like a good knight should. He had his sword drawn poised to swing at anything that got in his path. His stance was flawless and he had a certain type of determination and boredom on his face. He turned around expecting me to be waiting for him.

“Jacob, get your ass in here or so help me God I will not let you see daylight again,” he threatened irritably, aware of my fear of the dark. At that I ran to him, my armor clanking about me uncomfortably. How do men fight wars in this attire? I hadn’t even reached him when he started again. There was a sharp decline and I almost stumbled. However our sight was returned to us, for a row of torches lined along the walls began to ignite. The shadows of each one danced on the stone enticing us to go further. On the walls there seemed to be paint smeared down the hill, as if they were arrows pointing us towards our death.

Daniel went up to the paint and put his hand to it.

“Blood,” he whispered and raised his sword again. “He’s waiting for us.” Daniel then turned to me. However, instead of superiority and confidence, he gave me a look of concern. Maybe he’s realized that I really cannot fight this battle and I was better to leave at home. Absentmindedly I straightened my posture and raised my sword with all my strength until it mirrored his. A small smile crept across Daniel’s face.

He flicked his wrist, motioning us to continue and follow the trail of blood.

The hall seemed to go on for hours. I was grateful for the torches. At least now I know that Metus hates the dark as well. Silence hung between Daniel and me like a heavy cloak. I was suffocating. For so long I wished to be friends with my brother. Talk to him, spend time with him, train with him. However, he never felt the need to bond with his little sibling. I don’t blame him. It isn’t as if Father wanted me to relate to Daniel. He saw me as a horrid disease that if Daniel went near he would get contaminated. But now we’re stuck together. I wonder why my Father made me go along with him...

“Jacob, are you listening?” Daniel said sharply. Shaking my head I stared at him.
He let out a short breath. “When we see the dragon, you are to stay out of my way. Only if I call you will you help. Understand?”

“Metus...” I replied quietly.

I took a deep breath. “The dragon’s name is Metus.”
Daniel gave me an incredulous look. “I don’t care what the beast’s name is. Once it’s dead it won’t matter.”

“Is that how you feel then?” I asked shortly looking down.
At this Daniel stopped his large stride and I banged into him. He turned around so his broad frame was facing me. He stood a good foot over me, his arms pulsing with strength his left hand gripping the sword. On his right forearm lay a shield with our family crest on it. Daniel always looked like he jumped out of one of our story books when we were younger. He was the perfect son.

“What do you mean?”

“You said ‘once it’s dead it won’t matter’. Is that how you feel about everything? That if someone dies once they’re dead they don’t matter?”
He stood there quietly.

“Jacob, I don’t have time for this-” I started again before he could turn around.

“Is that how you feel about me?! That when I’m dead nothing I’ve ever done will matter anymore? Who I was?”

Daniel seemed dumbfounded. For once in his life, he didn’t know what to say. “Jacob...I don’t understand...”

“Of course not! You’re saying that because this dragon is a beast, something everyone wants dead, that it’s okay for you to just go and kill it?! That it doesn’t matter what it’s name is or who he is, since it’s not wanted it has no place here? Well it does! You know what’s going to happen when you die, Daniel?! People are going to be sad, heart-broken. They’ll always remember you! But what about me? Your little brother? The runt of the family? What kind of a legacy shall I leave behind?! A boy too scared to kill a butterfly! A useless royal pain that never belonged here in the first place! I know why father had me go with you on this quest! It was so he could get rid of me without being blamed!”

My brother was sitting now. Staring at me with my mother’s blue eyes. My hands were shaking and I was sweating under my helmet. I couldn’t control my anger, my fire, my secrets. Knights are never to tell anyone their feelings. They are supposed to be strong, fierce, and silent. I’ve been silent for too long.

“I know how father looks at you. He loves you. Mother loves you. Everyone looks up to you. What I wouldn’t do for a moment of that feeling of glory? Of appreciation? Of love...” I sank down along a wall my sword falling out of my grip. I much preferred a bow and arrow anyhow.

Daniel was looking at me. I knew he was. I could feel his stare burning into me. My moment of courage had passed and I could not return his gaze. His armor clanked as he walked over to me and held out his hand. Slowly I took it and he helped me up.

“Father doesn’t love me,” he started removing my helmet and giving me a container of water. I began to rinse my head. “Neither does Mother. They see me as a prize. A symbol of their good ruling. They put on an act. And all of the ‘love’ you call it from our people? That can easily turn to hate. My perfect image can be broken. In the end, I’m just as lost and lonely as you, Jacob.”
When I realized Daniel was done speaking, I stood there staring at him water dripping down my chin. How could he know how I felt? How could he be lonely?

“Jacob, clean your face,” he ordered with a smirk. He handed me back my helmet and continued down the hall of the cave. Embarrassed, I wiped my face with the cloth under my chain mail and followed.

“Your sword,” I heard Daniel yell from in front of me. Sheepishly I ran back and grabbed the weapon.

“Daniel?” I asked after a long moment of silence. Daniel grunted acknowledging my presence. I let out a shaky sigh. “Can you tell me of a Hero’s Moment?”
My brother turned to me confused.

“Father never...?” he started. I gave him an annoyed look. “Ah...yes...well...”
Daniel straightened himself. A Hero’s Moment is something very special around our kingdom. I never learned of it mainly because my father never felt the need to tell me.

“A Hero’s Moment, is the time in a man’s life in which a hero is defined from the ordinary. The one moment where he can show everyone he was the bravest and strongest of all.”

I was silent for a moment pondering what my brother explained to me. “Have...have you ever had a Hero’s Moment?”

At this he left out a laugh, the first laugh I’ve heard in a long time.

“No. When I say ‘show everyone he was the bravest’ that usually means he doesn’t come out of it alive.”

“Oh...” I responded quietly. The silence visited us again. Suddenly Daniel stopped abruptly. He put his arm out motioning me behind him.

“Do you hear that?” he whispered to me. Straining my ears, I heard a faint breathing echoing off the walls. My eyes widened. Daniel stared at me with half a smile. He put his hand on my shoulder. A gesture knights did to other knights to wish them good luck.

We began to inch forward. Finally the long hall ended. It opened up to a enormous stone room. A walkway about 3 feet wide surrounded the perimeter. Torches and blood decorated the sides of the walls. And below it was the dragon’s den, the floor glittered with gold and numerous jewels. The whole place stunk of death. The treasure was enticing me...calling my name. Slowly I began to advance towards the edge hypnotized by their voices...until I felt a tug on my armor and fell on my back.

“Idiot! Don’t go near it! That’s Dragon’s Jewels! They’re a trap!” Daniel explained dragging me behind a wall.

“I’m...I’m sorry, Daniel. It just...it was calling me...” I apologized repeatedly. The last thing I wanted to do was walk into a trap and mess this mission up. Daniel’s eyes softened.

“It’s alright, Jacob. It’s you’re first time. Just...stay here,” he said and walked out from behind the wall crouching and holding his sword out and his shield in front of his face. Then something occurred to me...we saw the treasure, the cave, the blood, we even heard the breathing, but where was the...

“Daniel!” I whispered after him. He shushed me and walked out a few inches more. “Daniel!” I said louder. He turned to me angry. “Where’s the dragon?”

His face fell as he looked down and saw no beast below. Terrified, I swallowed my scream and looked above me. There I saw part of the ceiling moving slowly blending in with the shadows. I could hear its claws scraping against the stone and his breathing sounded like laughter. He moved swiftly until he was above Daniel and spread his giant scarlet red wings. As it swooped down Daniel dropped to the ground gripping his sword tightly, his shield over his head. A stream of fire flowed from the dragons mouth and I caught a glimpse of its dagger like teeth.

I shrunk farther behind the stone wall. Once the dragon was at the other side Daniel shot up and pointed his sword at the beast.

“Your life ends now, Metus! I can kill you quickly or painfully. Your choice,” he yelled confidently. Metus clung to the wall and crawled along it until he was on the other side of my rock. He nostrils blew steam in Daniel’s face.

“Well, that doesn’t sound like much of a choice to me,” Metus said in a raspy voice. He raised one of his front claws, but before he could strike Daniel thrust his sword into his snout. The dragon wailed with pain and reared up. My brother saw his chance and advanced on the dragon. He sliced at his stomach, but not before Metus rammed his head into Daniel’s chest plate. Daniel went sailing through the air rolled numerous times landing on the stone floor. I pressed my back flat against the wall, now boiling because of the fire the dragon was spewing. I closed my eyes tightly and willed for all of this to be over with soon. The sounds of Daniel yelling and the dragon’s roars grew in my ears and I could no longer block them out. Gathering up my courage I looked around the corner of the wall.

Daniel was standing his ground inches away from the edge of the walkway. Below lay the Dragon’s Jewels. If they were as taunting to him as they were to me he didn’t show it. Somehow he was keeping Metus at bay with his sword and shield. Taking a leap of bravery I lifted my sword and began to come out from behind the wall. Daniel saw me and yelled, “No, Jacob! Stay!”

Metus then turned around. He smiled showing his teeth and snake tongue.

“So there’s two of you, eh? Interesting...” he rasped as he began to move in my direction. Breathing hard Daniel dug his sword into one of the back feet of Metus. He hissed, his attention back on my brother.

“Your battle is with me,” I heard him growl. The dragon stared at him blankly. He then moved very close to Daniel and tore the weapon from his hand. Daniel stared back at him in horror. I’ve never seen my older brother scared, but this was beyond fear. Whatever Daniel was seeing in the Dragon of Fear’s eyes was utter torture. Daniel backed up, hoping to get away from Metus’s eyes, but he went too far. He disappeared down into the pit below. I screamed. That was the last straw. Gathering all of the courage and bravery I could I stepped fearlessly out from behind the wall.

“Metus!” I yelled. The dragon turned his head. I didn’t meet his gaze. Holding my sword with a death grip I squatted using the technique I learned from training.

“Your battle is with me,” I said echoing my brother. I began to charge at the dragon. He vanished in an instant. Before I could stop myself I too followed my brother down into the pit. The jewels both broke my fall and made it all the more painful. Thank God for my armor. I lifted my head to see Daniel lying a few feet away. Scrambling over cups and necklaces softly calling me I knelt to him and tore off his helmet. There was blood matted in his hair and his arm was crushed by the hilt of his sword. Carefully, I placed his head in my lap and tried to get the sword off.
Jacob, Jacob, come lie with us...

“Shut up,” I muttered as I tended to Daniel.

“J...Jacob...” he mumbled.

“Sh,” I cooed. “It’ll be okay.”

“Oh that’s precious,” Metus remarked swooping down. He landed with a thud and the whole ground shook with his might. Placing Daniel’s head back down, I stood up.

“You know, you don’t exactly fill that armor, boy,” the dragon observed.

“I know,” I responded.

“And you don’t seem to have the right stance either. And you’re holding the sword wrong.”

I was quiet for a moment. “I know.”
Metus seemed amused.

“Tell me why you’re here, young prince.”
I stood up proudly.

“I am here to kill you.”
Metus continued to stare. “Tell me why you are truly here.”
My gaze drifted to the jewels. “My father has left me for dead,” I said quietly.
For a moment, I swore I could have seen a glint of pity in Metus’s eyes.

“Don’t feel bad for me, Metus,” I retaliated lifting my sword again. “I’m not the one who is going to be slain.”

“If you think I pity you, you are mistaken. You seem to be doing quite well for yourself at the moment. Much better than your companion anyhow.”
I managed to get my breathing back to normal. Why was he conversing with me?

“He is the heir to the crown of the Kingdom of Haisley and you shall address him as such!” I responded forcefully.

“Such a small human to play such an important role.” His stare lingered on Daniel and then moved slowly over to me. “You know, Jacob I see much of myself in you.”

“I am not a beast,” I responded sharply.

“And what proof do you have that I am?” I lowered my weapon confused. “It is true my kind has done harm to yours in the past, but what have I personally done to you or your kingdom?”
I racked my brain for an answer but none came forth.

“What does that have to do with me?” I asked curiously.

“What have you done to your family that makes them mark you as a beast?”

“I am a poor knight. I never live up to their expectations.”
Metus considered me carefully.

“And yet you seem to be the last one standing.”
I looked up and for the first time met Metus’s eyes. They were large, taking up half of his face and an emerald green. In them I saw my family rejecting me for the last time. I saw my father exiling me from my home. I blinked and turned my head.

“In my eyes you see your worst fear. Yours is not being as great and memorable as your brother. Letting all those around you down. Is this true?”
I didn’t respond. The great dragon sighed.

“Jacob, the only one you are letting down is yourself. Don’t blame yourself for not being someone else. You’re the first opponent I’ve faced who hasn’t spent half the time gloating about how they are going to kill me before I set them aflame. You’re the only one willing to talk with a beast. And that shows you have a great deal of courage and respect. You are, by far, the worthiest opponent I have ever faced.”
At this I looked up and stared at him. This time I saw no image. No fear. If anything I could have sworn Metus was...smiling at me. As if he was grateful for my coming.

“Of course we will still have to battle,” he continued in dismay. “Most likely to the death. But this time I will feel as though I’ve met my match instead of a rat.” He then poised his body, wings spread apart signaling that he was done talking. I lifted my sword and also got ready to battle.

Metus sprang at me, claws extended and teeth baring. For a moment I did not know what to do. This was my first battle outside of training. Carelessly, I dove to the side barely avoiding his teeth biting at me. I rolled until I was sitting upright and dizzy. Before I knew it Metus scooped me up in his claw and threw me up in the air. I connected with the ceiling. Luckily there was a piece of stone I was able to hold on to. So there I was, hanging on for dear life, defenseless, and my opponent poising to tear me limb from limb. The dragon flew up. When he was about to bring me down I swung myself on top of his head and latched my legs around his neck. He roared furious and tried to shake me off. Tightening my grip I reached in my armor for the small dagger I had hidden earlier and stuck it inside him. Metus began to fly down and flipped over. I toppled off and somehow landed on my feet. Next to me lay my sword. I picked it up and waited for him to circle back. Fire consumed me and I ran behind another rock avoiding the flames. In the reflection of a jewel I saw Metus slowly advancing towards me. I tried to think of a plan to fend him off.

Suddenly the ceiling began to shake. Stone fell down everywhere and I saw Metus looking around confused. This was my chance. Yelling nonsense I ran to him sword drawn pointed at his heart. At the last second he was able to see me throw my weapon. He tried to block the attack, but it had already sailed through the air and pierced his skin.

Dumbfounded I stood where I was rocks piling around me. And suddenly I was struck against the wall with such a force that I knew my back was broken. I fell to the ground in immense pain and I could not for the life of me move.

The ceiling had ceased to rumble and everything was utterly silent. Ahead of me I saw Metus with a pool of blood outlining where he had fallen. Both of us were breathing heavily when our eyes met. With a curt nod he lay his head down and closed his eyes for eternity.

“Jacob!” I heard Daniel exclaim and he stumbled over to me. He tripped on something and fell right next to me. Reaching his hand out he held onto my arm and I yelled in agony. He recoiled quickly. Daniel sat on his knees and began to carefully remove my helmet me yelping during the process.

“Jacob...” he said again quietly. “I saw the whole thing. You were amazing. You fought so valiantly. Father would be proud.”

Looking up I responded, “I don’t care about Father.”
Daniel was silent, a small smile taking over his face.

“Metus is dead. I killed him,” I said more so for me than for him.

“I know. I’ve never seen anyone use a sword like that. Like an arrow,” he praised. “Come,” he continued getting up. “We must go home and share your victory.”
I gave him a sad smile.

“Daniel, I cannot go with you.”
Confusion consumed my brother.


“My body is broken. Between the force of the wall and my armor my bones couldn’t take the blow.”

“You mean...you’re going to-”

“Die? Yes, most likely.”
Daniel was silent and sank to the ground once more. His face was horrified. I couldn’t understand why.

“Daniel, what’s wrong?”

“What do you mean what’s wrong? You’re going to die!”

“I don’t see the problem,” I replied smiling. Daniel didn’t respond. “Daniel, in Metus’s eyes I saw Father exiling me from the kingdom. I saw everyone’s disappointment in me. Now...I don’t have to worry about that anymore. I don’t have to worry about anything.”
I saw a tear in the corner of Daniel’s eyes. With all my strength I grabbed my brother’s hand and held it. Breathing became very difficult for me.

“Jacob...I just want to let you know...I’ve always loved you. Always. There was never a second that I was ashamed you were my brother.”
At this I looked at Daniel. There were many tears now falling down his cheeks. His grip tightened on my hand, but I did not mind. I looked back at the stone ceiling and heard the jewels calling my name louder now, beckoning to me.

“Jacob,” Daniel said again, knowing I was almost gone.

“Yes?” I asked.

“This is your Hero’s Moment.”
I smiled wider.

“I know.”

And then the darkness closed in, but I wasn’t afraid.

The author's comments:
An actually completed long-ish short story of mine. It shows the strength of the weak and the nobility of the evil.

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