Thompson | Teen Ink


May 29, 2013
By Anonymous

My name is Thompson. I moved to the United States from Germany when I was 12. I’ve been living on my own ever since. My parents sent me here and decided to stay a day to get things packed. But when they were driving they got in to a car accident and died. I lived in a

foster home till i was 19.

Now Im 22 and im looking for a new place to live. As I was walking down the street of Clevland, Ohio looking for a place to live I see these old apartments. The apartments had a lot in the middle of them. The lot had plants and flowers on one side and dirty garbage on the other side. I never seen anything like this. I walk in the garden after looking at it for 5 minuts.

As I walk in and look at this lot a lady opened her window to one of the apertments.

“ Hey get away from there”. So I Sprint out the garden. I run past the door of one of the apartments. A guy runs out and chases me. I trip on a rock and fall on the ground. The man grabbed the back of my jacket. “ you thought you could get away from me.”

So then I get up and he pulls me inside the apartment complex. Inside the building didnt

look very nice. The place was falling apart. We stop at this apartment. The man knocks on the door.” KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK”. The lady from the window opens the door. The man threw me inside the ladys room. “ thank you”. He leaves and shuts the door behind him.“ sit down”. So I get up then sit down. “ Why are you here”. Im here looking for a new place to live. “ Why were you in the garden”. Its amazing how it looks I just wanted to take a closer look. “ Get up “. I get up then walk to the door. She opens the door and grabs me.

We walk to this apartment 10 down from hers. She opens the door of the room. “ You can stay here”.Then i go sit on the couch in the room. The lady leaves and closes the door. I sit for 2 minuts. She comes back and opens the door. “ By the way im Ana”. “ The man that caught you is Sam”. Then she leaves.

I get up look around the apartment room. I see this cabnet halfway open. I walk to the cabnet then open it. I see tomato seeds in a pack. I grab the tomato seeds then walk out of the

apartment. I see through the hallway window that there was no one in the garden. So the seeds are in my hand and i sneak out the building. Making sure no one saw me. I go to the garden and find a clean spot. The spot didnt have any garbage in it. It was just a clean spot. So I get down on my knees and I dig up some dirt. I opened the seed package and poured them in the spot I dug up. Then I covered them with dirt.

Then I get up to go inside. But I see this cup of water. As I bent down to pic it up I think in my head I should use this to water my plants. i pick up the cup. I went over to my plant and I
watered it. I went inside the building looking making sure no one saw me leave and come back.

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