The Colour Red | Teen Ink

The Colour Red

April 10, 2013
By Floppymouse BRONZE, Awapuni, Other
Floppymouse BRONZE, Awapuni, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I can do all things through Christ who gives me stregnth.

Chapter One: Another Vampire Story?

The cool December wind sent cold skinny fingers through my hair. The school was bustling with the excitement of this being the day before December break. I waddle over to join my group of boys in the gym. I glance at the back wall were a girl sat wrapped in a silk cape. It looked blue and green but it was hard to tell. The girl wearing this cape scared him. She scared most boys but not for the same reason as she scared me. Most boys are scared of her lean muscles and her fierce attitude from fifth grade, but she just gave me the feeling that the ground beneath me was going to disappear. “Hey Bieber boy” my friend Zion called. “What”” I muttered irritadely. “Are you going to just stare at her all day” this question set me into a bad mood. “NO just look at her isn’t she creepy” I wondered aloud. “Creepy no. Scary yeah” he laughed. “Now come on Devon’s going to spit out the big plan” he chirped excitedly. “Oh to joy” I followed him slowly my motions slow and slumpy from a bad nights sleep. “So we’re going to light a big fire on the foot ball filed” everybody looked at him stunned. “No you idiots we’re going to have a bonfire celebrating our first football game” Devon said with annoyance. “Were Creek High doesn’t have any decent spot with just dirt we’re gonna end up lighting trees on fire or something” I spoke up. “Come on man who cares just as long as were careful” said Brogan. “Alrighty so tonight” everybody departed at Devon’s last words. As the warning bell wrung we all hurried to class. Sitting in social studies was painful. For me at least. Emily poked me in the arm. “What” I sighed looking over at her.
“I heard you broke up with Jaycee” she smiled. “Ya what’s your point”, I asked knowing what she was getting at but I didn’t really want to date anybody. She pushed her purple glasses up her nose bumping into her wart. “So will you date me” she smiled cheerily. Jaycee who was sitting next to us laughed. “Like he’d go out with you” Jaycee’s cruel green eyes looked at me with hunger. “Yes I will” I said smiling to Emily. I turned back to Jaycee. “Karma” is all I said winked and went back to pretending to be paying attention to the class. The rest of the day went completely normal. All that changed was I’d talk with Emily in the hall while getting dirty looks from Jaycee her red curls bouncing every where as she complained to her friends. “So your coming to the bonfire after the game right” I asked Emily while holding her hands and swinging them around. “If you are” here brown eyes sparkled at me. “Of course I will” we said our farewells when the end of the end of the day bell wrung and departed to our normal groups once again. “So after dating hot girls your seriously gonna date Emily. Come dude she’s fat” Zion complained to me. “Shut up man” my announce beginning to show. ‘You can’t bring her to the bone fire” he said looking as if he was going to cry. “Look you don’t even know her” I said turning around a fierce look in my grey eyes turning to a blaze. “Okay jeese man” Zion said finally backing off. “I’ll just see you there tonight” I said. “What not gonna watch the football game” asked Brogan the star football player. “That’s right so see ya” I said. Brogan was a complete jerk who though we should bow down to him or something. “Alright punk see you tonight”. When I got home I saw her Alyssa was just walking there her cape flowing behind her. “Hey” I called out. When she looked up her blue eyes took me by surprise they we’re like the foamy part of the ocean with the sand encircling the whole thing. “Are you going to the bone fire tonight” I called out. She just nodded and continued walking. Shivering I felt kinda proud of myself for getting up the guts to speak with her. I took a quick nap. When I woke up I got out my hair jell and spiked the back. Got on a leather jacket and stole my mom’s car keys. I was sophomore so you know why not? Pulling on my boots I jumped into the car blared the music and drove off to the designated spot. It was a spot in the woods were there was dirt but still if we weren’t careful a fire could easily start a forest fire. The fire looked like it could reach the stars. Emily was by a tree waiting for me. “There you are. Its dark out.” She smiled and squeezed me. “Come on Gabe”she smiled pulling me into the forest. She hugged me and kissed me right on the lips. I had to admit it wasn’t pleasant. Next she giggled creepily. The trees shook making me nervous. Something dropped out of the tree we were leaned up against and grabbed Emily and bit down on her throat. It had red curly hair. Its eyes were red. Its skin white and pale. Veins popped out all over its body. It was in the shape of a girl. Emily tried to scream but it wasn’t good enough. I was frozen dead with shock. It stopped once to say “Karma” and then Alyssa came a stick in hand. She lunged at the creature that in a flash was gone. Shivering with shock I looked at Emily’s body on the floor the last of any blood she had left was trickling out of a wound I couldn’t see clearly. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here in time” she said softly. “I…I’d say its okay but she’s” I stuttered. “Yes she’s dead I’m so sorry” she looked at me seriously. “Did that girl look familiar to you” she asked her foamy eyes locking mine. “Yes. Its looked like Jaycee. The hair at least” I said everything sinking in tears beginning to come trickle out of my eyes. “Okay thank you” she handed me the stick. She looked pretty shaken to. “That should teach you bout making out though” she smiled weakly. “Ah hahahahahahha” I faked laughed.” You should probably go now pretty boy” Alyssa sighed her words carried across the wind. “What are we gonna do about the body” I asked with a dull loaded down voice. “I’m going to call the ambulance tell them I heard a scream. Then found her body and that an animal was lurking near by” her eyes heavy with exhaustion looked into mine. “If you ever need to know more my phone number isn’t hard to get” she nodded respectfully and ushered me away. “No I want to stay and wait” I said nodding my head and looking coldly into her eyes. She stared me right back which made me even more nervous. “Okay but listen if she kills you its all on you” my heart pounded as each word left her lips. Her dirty blonde hair floated in the wind. Its was cut short a pixie cut that was spiked in the back to be exact. I nodded slowly. “But what…” she cut me off. “Questions later. The ambulance is on its way” she sighed. We waited for ten minutes but it felt like hours. Tears kept running from my face as I watched her body be carried away. “Let’s go” she muttered looking at the forest floor in thought. When we got to the parking lot she asked me “Do you have a ride”. “Yea stole my mom’s car” I said wincing at the thought of how my mom was never there for me.
“Okay so are we going to meet at a grill or something” she asked quietly. “No lets just go to my house” I say wearily. “But won’t you’re mom be upset” she asked. “No. She’s never home” the words come out of my mouth as if I’m mad at her. “Oh okay I’m sorry lets go then” she hopped on a motor cycle and looked at me expectantly. “Oh you know were I live right. I mean you were there today. Also there’s a spare key under the houseplant” I said hurriedly. “Okay see you there” she put on her purple helmet and sped off. Hopping into my car I started the ignition. Glancing out the window I saw Jaycee talking to the police. Great she’s probably gonna say I attacked her. Shivering violently I left the parking lot. A while later I pulled up into the driveway were Alyssa’s motor cycle was already parked. When I got in I found her sitting on my couch. “Aren’t you to young to drive” were the first words out of her mouth. “Ya you gonna do something about it” I asked with a smug smile. “I could call the police if you liked” she smirked. I rolled my eyes. “Okay what was she” I asked getting on topic my stomach flipping. “Its kinda of stupid but she’s a vampire” she muttered. “Oh ya I believe that” I start laughing. “Okay well I tried” she sighed. “I’ll get going then” she said. “No okay its just hard to grasp please stay” I say quickly her company was nice. “You’re lucky I don’t have homework she said sitting back down on the couch. “Being in eleventh grade is harder then tenth grade” she smiled. We talked for hours but it seemed like minutes. All we could talk about was our lives and what we loved about them and what we found pathetic. Alyssa told me she had two parents. One which stayed home and raised the rest of the children. The other was a traveling man. She didn’t know what to think of that. They weren’t divorced. Then she told me her family lived in Nevada and that she was staying down here in Pennsylvania with her aunt Mariah. She said her aunt was an average person but used to be an archeologist. Not an ordinary one though she was bent on killing vampires. Then she bragged about her Christianity and her relationship with Christ. She talked all about him how Satan played tricks in her mind. From there I felt awkward being a nonbeliever. Some of her facts though led me to believe Christ was really there. I of course gave the whole life story. Dad died in a fire. Mom was always gone. My mom only came back if she needed to borrow money. I told her how my mom made me sick that my other siblings ran away to live with friends while I got a job and took care of bills and crap. “Crap its twelve I should go” she said glancing down at her phone. “You should but my mom isn’t coming home any time soon” I said winking at her. She looked disgusted. “What are you suggesting” she asked accusatorily. “Just that you stay a bit longer” I quickly covered up. I have to remember not every girl acts like Jaycee. “Alright. I have to tell you something erm… really stupid”, Alyssa said. When she looked up it looked like her blue eyes were moving like the ocean. “I’m not sure anything can be any more stupid then the whole vampire thing” I scoffed. She laughed coldly. “Well listen to this. My aunt thinks you’re supposed to guard this town from the vampires. She thinks if I tried I’d end up dating the most dangerous one or something”, she said laughing. “Ya sure good one” I laughed back in all hopes that she was just joking. “I’m not joking dude” she said. I could see she was disappointed. “You sure you’re aunts not on crack” I ask enthusiastically. “Ya I’m sure. Wanna know why she thinks you should be an all important vampire slayer” Alyssa said getting up. That made me kinda nervous. “She thinks that because you’re mom is always gone that you could have time to do it. Or at least that’s what she’s told me. I think she has more to the story. But she just won’t spit it out” she said irritation flashing through her eyes like lightening. “Well I’ll only do it if you help” I grunted. “Yes” she squealed. “I erm… meant thank you for you’re confidence in me” she cheekily smiled at me. “Well what should we do now” was all I could say. “I don’t know” she looked at me expectantly. “We could hunt for vampires” I joked. “Hey not a bad idea grab you’re coat” she smiled at me. I guess there’s nothing wrong with practicing. I started cracking up. She looked at me confused. “I’m sorry this just all seems so cheesy. I mean come on you always see this stuff happen in TV shows and stuff. Its just ridiculous that it’s real” I say laughing further. “I guess it would be weird for normal people” she sneered back at me. I stopped laughing and thought for a minute. Was this seriously happening. Then I thought back to what happened just this night. “You know what lets actually go” I said grabbing my coat. “What” she asked. “Do you understand English? Here let me say it slowly. L-E-T-S G-o” sighing I pointed to the door. As soon as I pointed at the door there were knocks. Three to be exact. “Don’t answer it” she whispered. ‘Why not” I whispered back. “Wait hang on lets think” she quickly said. “You’re mouth keeps running I don’t know why” I say staring at her coldly. I mean come on would Jaycee really have the guts to come to my house after what I saw? “Here” Alyssa slipped a stake into my hand. “I’ll be in the kitchen call if you need help” she nodded slowly and went to the kitchen leaving me to the door. The knocks came again. “Come on Gabriel I know you’re not asleep” cam Jaycee’s sweet singsong voice through the door. I opened it. She ran in and sat down on the couch. “Hello Gabriel” she smiled sweetly. “You shouldn’t be here” as I say this I raise my steak threateningly. “So I suppose you’re new little girlfriend spilled my beans” she winked. Faster then lighting it seemed she flew up grabbed me by the neck and pinned me to the wall. “That’s fine because you can’t resist me” she smiled. “I can’t resist you” I didn’t know what I was saying. When ever I look into Jaycee’s eyes I lose myself. That’s when to my relief Alyssa came into the room. “What new little girlfriend you talking about” Alyssa said holding up the stake. “He’s kissed you so much I’m sure of it. You’re a real cougar. One hundred and thirty one years old and you’re hitting on fifteen year olds. How pathetic” Alyssa said smiling. Is she trying to annoy her. When Jaycee heard Alyssa’s words her skin went pale white and her veins popped up every were. Here red eyes glowed with ambition her sharp teeth looked like they could penetrate somebody’s skull. “Then I’m sure you won’t mind me having a snack” Jaycee said sneering back at Alyssa. She turned back to me and said “ready pretty boy”. “The stake” Alyssa mouthed to me. Tears slid down my cheek I can’t kill anybody. “Hurry” she mouthed. It took all my courage to lift the stake up to her stomach. She was hissing. Which would have made me want to laugh at an other time but when your x is white and her veins pop out of her skin and she has red eyes and sharp pointy teeth its hard to laugh. “Bye bye pretty boy” Jaycee laughed her red curls bouncing. ‘You have to do it now” Alyssa screamed at me. I decided it was like a water slide just way more frightening. You just have to go. Letting out a ridiculous cry a stabbed her. “But” Jaycee stuttered. She fell to the floor. Blinked and her skin turned grey and her veins pope dot further if possible. Alyssa rushed to me. “Are you okay” she asked trying to look into my eyes. “If I said yes I’d be lying” was all I could say. “I think you’re right its time for you to go home” I look at her with sad tired eyes. “Okay I’m sorry about her” she says glancing to were Jaycee lays on the floor. “Thank you. Do you mind taking her body and doing something with it” I ask tears still fighting their way down my check. “Ya sure” Alyssa said. She softly picked up the body but took off the necklace first and gave it to me. “It was what was letting her walk in the sun. Keep it” she looked at me with displeasure. “Okay see you” and that was it she left. Watching her from the top bedroom I can’t help but think what other things are there. You know do werewolves exist? Zombies? Aliens? Shivering I lay in my moms bed and decide to try to sleep. But sleep never found me. And I didn’t find it. I lay there thinking what would her parents say. Then I realized what a stupid question that was her parents were probably dead. My whole situation was crappy.

I hope Gabriel is doing okay. I think as I watch her body burn. Tears well in my eyes and slowly find their path way down my cheek. The noise of glass sliding door made me jump. My aunt walked out. “So you talked to Gabriel” she asked. “Ya and he had his first kill happy” I asked angrily. “You realize if I hadn’t been there he would have died. ‘Yes I know and I am upset with you for interfering he was supposed to die” she muttered. I turned to face her in my chair. “Wait I thought he was suppose to slay them” I responded furiously. “Yes he is supposed to but that doesn’t mean he can’t be one” my aunt laughed. “Oh this is a joke” I say furiously. “No but do you think Jaycee would actually kill him” she asked. “No but” I stutter. “Think Alyssa. If she wanted to kill him he would have been dead already” her brown eyes try to look into mine. ‘So why’d she pick Gabriel” I ask. “Because he’s hot to her. That’s all they care about” she answers my question dully. “So all she wanted to do was kiss him? Wow that jacked up” I reply. My thoughts raced like a horse on a track. “Why can’t I be a slayer’ I ask. This question was probably answered every day but I can’t hold back. Mariah sighed. “Because you’re ambitious in all sorts of ways. That means if there’s a particular vampire you might like” her answer always infuriates me. “Shut up. I’m not you” I yell cutting her off. She laughed. “That just proves you are” she winked at me and went back inside. I didn’t have the heart to do the rest of my dirty chore of disposing of the vampire’s body. I went straight to bed. When I went to bed it was cold and restless.

When I woke up I heard my mom and her new boyfriend down in the kitchen. Honestly I don’t feel like going down there. Because I know the first words out of my moms mouth are Gabriel do you have some money I can use I promise I’ll pay you back. Then she’ll take the money say I love you honey and take off in her boyfriends car. Sitting up in my bed I wonder what my mom knows. Or if she knows anything. Sighing I hop into the master bedrooms showers and start it up. As I wash my hair all I can’t think of is Emily. Tears well up in my eyes. Why did Jaycee do this to me? How did she get me to do what she wanted all these weeks? I turned the heat down and was stolen from my thoughts by the icy cold water. Shivering he turned the shower off and got in a towel. He knew now he’d have to go down stairs. He tried his best to sneak past his mom but she was waiting for him. “Hi Gabriel” she sneered. “Meet Josh. He’s my new boyfriend. Now do you have fifty bucks I can borrow? I promise I’ll pay you back” she said her eyes twinkling. “There’s a hundred bucks in the dish drawer.” That’s all I would say to her. I wanted to cuss at my mom so bad! Couldn’t she ever just sit down and at least to pretend about my problems. Say something like ‘I love Gabe hang in there’. Just anything to indicate she cared. But no. Do you have money? Gritting my teeth I pulled on my shirt. I cried well I finished getting dressed. Now all I wanted to do was go talk to Alyssa. Sighing I sit down on my bed and start to sob. I shouldn’t have to work sweat and tears so my mom can just live off my money. “Oh baby” my mom said smiling drunkenly. “I don’t want you in the house today. Me and my boyfriend are… getting to know each other” she smiled holding up her beer and spilling it on the tile floor right next to the entrance of my room. My room which has green carpet is usually nice. Until mom gets home. “Okay no problem” I reply grouchily. “Good boy” she winked. Sometimes I can’t believe my mom. She’s disgusting. I go straight out the door. Grabbing my phone off the charger on the way. As I walk down the street I get the distinct feeling of being watched. Shivering I pull my grey jacket around me tighter. Finally I come to Alyssa house. It seems cheery enough. It has a bright green front door and was tan the rest of the way round. On the front door is a big huge cross saying ‘As for me and my house we will serve the lord’. Yep its her house alright. Seeing as its seven in the morning I should probably text her just to let her know I’m up on my way. Then I realize something. I don’t have her in my contacts. So quietly I check the front door. It was locked. So I sneak around the back were I see what must be the remains of a barbecue judging from the bines pile din the pit. The bones were awfully big though. Then I realize what it probably is. My stomach twists and churns as I look at the charcoaled bones. I’d say off a human but are vampires considered humans? Shivering with distaste I turn to walk into Alyssa’s two story house. Sliding open the back door I walk into what must be the living room that must be connected to the kitchen. The walls were painted green and the furniture was a pretty hazel brown. I hear a grunt and look to one of the leather couch in front of the TV. There it must be Alyssa’s aunt lays a full grown woman. All I can hope is she’s not a vampire. I chuckle inwardly at the though. I sneak past and climb up the stairs. I quietly knock on what I presume is Alyssa’s door. When nobody answers I take it upon my self to open the double door and walk in. The room was wooden and a beautiful brown desk was in the middle. Behind it was a bear rug. Elk mounts were high all over the wall. What was this place? I walk to one of the many book shelves pilled with boxes. I pull one box out and it contained a purple plant. Pushing it back in I pick out a new one. In it are photos. Most of them are of a man he has hair so brown it looks black and bright blue eyes. The dates say 1942. The date rang a bell but I couldn’t remember. Pushing that one back in I go for another one but jump at the sound of Alyssa’s voice. “Restless” she mocked. “Erm ya. Well actually my moms home” I said looking teary eyed up at her. She looked back with distaste. “Come one she’s you’re mom” she replied. I know was all I could think. Why couldn’t she hear me! “Dude you okay” she asked trying to look into my eyes. “No. No I’m not” I say angrily looking at her. “Why not” she asked winking at me. That gave me a little surge inside of my body. Like something was chanting me on. Looking away I sighed. “My mom’s having a go with some guy” the words tasted fowl in my mouth. “Oh well erm that’s awkward” she said wincing at the thought. “Ya” we both sat there waiting. “What should we do now” she asked. “Kiss” I said puckering. To that I got a fist in my face. “Dude you’re in the popular crowd I should have figured” she glared at me. “Well what do you expect me to do” I ask innocently. Or as close to innocent as I can get. “Listen my daddy would kill me. Plus I don’t want to kiss you’ she smirked. “But why ever not” I laughed. She turned around sharply. “Because kissing isn’t for us” she said harshly. “Okay I get it you don’t like me” I sighed nonchalantly. For some reason I just can’t forget that every girl is not Jaycee. “Come on I need to show you how to make stakes” she said muttered. She glared at me and I could tell I had made a bad move. We walked up to her bedroom. When we entered it was like you couldn’t see the floor. Clothes were piled every where. Books were scattered across the floor. A bible lay on her bed. And cross were hung up all over the room. Then I noticed a bottle of the same purple plant sitting on her shelf. “What that” I inquired. “Its ravane. It keeps vampire from doing mind trick and stuff. Also there skin burns to the tough of it” she replied dully. She rummaged through her stuff pulling up to knives and two tiny but fat sticks. She handed me one of each and took the other pair. With out any words she began shaving the stick the shaves flying into a bucket under her feet. Following her example I tilt my body so my shaves are flying into the bucket to. I looked up at her. She was quiet again. Guess she’s gonna act like she does at school. Great I think to my self I’ve lost all hope of being her friend. My hand slipped and I cut myself. Yelping with pain I look at the wound. The knife was still lodged into my skin. She looked at me like it was nothing and pulled the knife out. “Come on lets get you home” she held up her stake. Just to show off most likely. We walked out the door silently. The moment we got out there she stopped dead. “What is it” I asked cautiously. Being winter it was still dark out. “Shut up and try to stop the bleeding” she muttered. Tears still raining off my cheek I apply the pressure of my hand to the wound. As I look around wildly I feel my body being slammed to the floor. The thing that was attacking me was white with veins popping all over their skin and red eyes. He had hair so brown it was almost black. He lunged for my hand quickly clearing my arm of all the blood that had been there. Then he bit down hard. I took it like a baby and started sobbing. Alyssa was knocked to the floor blood trickling from a wound in her head. Her stake was halfway across the street. I felt my life ebbing from my body. Then he stops but some how I know its to late. His veins don’t show any more he has bright blue eyes and was a bit tan. He was the guy from the picture. Then I can’t think my senses spin out off control and I black out. But this black out was one I would never wake up from.

“You killed him” I shriek at Josiah. “Yes very observant of you. He smirked.

Chapter 2:

“I’ll turn him. Relax” Josiah replied nonchalantly. “As long as he can still move and think for himself” my voice sounded silently across the tiny piece of street that was in between us. The cold morning breeze rustled my short hair. He laughed “Why’d you make your self so serious”. “What do you mean” he did that sometimes. I never understood it though. “Um… like duh of course he won’t be crazy” Josiah attempted a cover up. Shaking my head I told him “Do what’s necessary to keep him alive”. “Alive no. But moving and stuff yea” he replied more serious. “Wait what do you mean not alive” I was beginning to get frustrated. “He’ll be vampire. You know their not technically alive right?” he exasperated. I winced at the thought of Gabriel being a vampire. He already has to hunt them. Being one to seems just a little over whelming for some guy who was just introduced to this whole concept. “You should go home I’ll take him to the river so no one can see me turn him” Josiah’s eyes sparkled. I managed a laugh. “How does one turn another into a vampire anyway” I inquired. “Complicated. I’ll explain it later but I don’t want you to know” he answered. “Why not?” I asked my skin prickling with anger. “Because its funny watching you get mad over something stupid” he smiled and in a couple swift motions picked up Gabriel and ran off. He probably wasn’t actually going to the river. Yet again you never know with him. Sighing I head home for an early nap, Gabriel had woken me up earlier any way.

My bones ached as I pulled myself into a sitting position. I had thought I was dead. The last thing I remembered was that guy and Alyssa being knocked to the floor. Shaking my head I realize I’m by a river. What the heck. I pick a thorn out of my hand and stand up. “Um… Hello” I called out nervously. “Hello” a semi-deep voice replied. “Can you come out were I can see you” my voice quavered. “Why I can” it mocked me. “Will you?” I scowled. This was the river by the bonfire site. Jaycee better not have brother or something that coming to avenge her. I laughed idea. “I suppose. I need to explain some thing to you any way” the voice replied calmly but with disappointment. “Um… Okay will I care?” I made the annoyance in my voice obvious. Laughing he replied “I hope”. Finally the man stepped into view. “Oh my gosh” I stumbled back realizing it was that guy from the picture the guy who almost killed me. “Well then” he sneered. “Well what you… thingy” I stammered. He laughed “Wow Alyssa taught you how to make a come back” he teased. “You know her” I asked curiously. “Well duh” he lifted his eyebrows. “Umm why duh” I tried to continue the conversation. “You ask the most stupid questions” the guy rolled his eyes. “What do you mean” I frowned. “Well if I were you I’d be like ‘what the crap happened who are you etc.’” he gave me this look like wow can you get anymore stupid. “Who are you and what did happened” I realized he was right. “I’m Josiah and you got turned into a vampire because otherwise you would have been dead possibly” he smirked. “Wait no no I can’t be” I was startled. Well duh I would be startled but still.

The author's comments:
I was just bore. My friends find it hilarious :D This is just the first couple chapters.

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