crystal water | Teen Ink

crystal water

January 10, 2013
By Isabel Valdez BRONZE, Plam Desert, California
Isabel Valdez BRONZE, Plam Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Crystal Water

Standing in the warm sand,waves getting closer and closer,getting that feeling in my stomach that i only feel when I'm gonna do something crazy

It started off with me sitting on the sand watching the waves amazingly the water looked crystal blue being able to see everything .I saw everything.i saw this man with shaggy brown hair with blue eyes,not to be mean and all but he kinda was scary looking,anyways he was teaching this man how to surf just watching this man keep falling scared me! but other then all that falling it looked pretty easy which made me kinda wanna try but i would have to think about that.

slowly running up to my grandma i asked her
"can i go take surfing lessons"
she told me
"are you sure you wanna do this cause i don't want you to be changing your mind later about it"
"i wont i promise"
i replied back,we waited about a half and a half until this lady called my name
" Isabel Valdez"
i hear her, so all i said was
the lady told me to get a rash guard and a surf bored, but little did i know that the surf bored was twice as big as me also super heavy! so this random guy just helped me to the shore thank god he helped me cause i felt like i was gonna fall on the sand really hard.

At this point I'm already getting butterflies in my stomach and my hands are getting sweaty all of these problems lead up to me being nervous.the guy with brown shaggy hair and blue eyes,showed me how to peddle out to the spot in the ocean were we were gonna do are lesson at.he started off with showing me how to paddle through a wave then her taught me how to stand on my bored, i was thinking it would be super easy and i could do it like nothing but no! i fell off two tI'mes and they hurt! but by the tI'me it was my third try i got it, i surfed all the way to the shore line and trust me that a long way.
Floating in the water waiting for another wave , my arms started to feel like they were gonna fall off from all that paddling.

Finally its tI'me to go in but i see this one wave that was perfect to surf,so i quickly paddled over there felt my bored and stood up. The feeling was indescribable ill admit that was the best wave i took though my whole lesson! I'm so glad i took the tI'me to learn how to surf did i mention i learned how to surf in Hawaii! I know i will never forget this moment.I'm so happy i made u my mind about surfing cause who ever doesn't know how to surf is missing out i really think everyone should learn how to surf.

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