The Boy I Never Forgot | Teen Ink

The Boy I Never Forgot

December 17, 2012
By Anonymous

Abraham, a little 12 year old boy from Florida, he was a bad little kid. Behaving was his worst habit, he just couldn't listen to anyone and loved exploring. Curious, as he was, after a bad rainstorm he followed fresh footprints into the muddy forest. Doing what he loved, adventuring, made him so happy, it seemed like that was the only thing that could make him happy. Exploring, made him expand his imagination, and be whoever he was and whatever he wants, and go on adventures. For Abraham however, it was more than pretending and having fun, he actually went on dangerous adventures in dangerous places. Going out into the woods where no one knew where he was, was his favorite place, no one could bother him, he could just be himself. Home wasn't really his home, the woods and random new places is where he spent most of his time. I personally saw this boy one day walking on the side of the road, I paid no attention to him, but little did I know I actually was. Just think, your son has run off somewhere for most of the day and you don't know where he is. That's scary. Knowing where my kid is, would be the most important thing to me, if he ran away I would be worried sick. I would be out there looking for him all day if I had too. Lately I haven't seen the boy which is odd because I usually see him everyday walking along the road going to the woods. Mondays are when he would be running around with no shirt on and face paint pretending to be an Indian and hurt animals with rocks and sticks. It's a wonder how none of them never attacked him. Normally he's just walking around with an old white t-shirt and gym shorts and tennis shoes. Occasionally he will have a silly hat he made or bought to go with his outfit or what he's doing that day. Personally I thought he was a little crazy and kind of out of it. Quarters was his nickname. He said that was his nickname because he loved quarters. He had all 50 state quarters, which was weird because I loved quarters too. Reasonably speaking, he was a good kid but he didn't like people telling him what to do. So one day he was spanked by his father, because he talked back to him, so out of anger he ran off. That was a huge problem, because he didn't come back that night or the next morning. Usually the police would do huge searches to find him, but they lived in the woods and there was just so much land that they only had a small search but couldn't find him. Virtually it would be impossible to find him. There are so many trees and lakes that it would be nearly impossible to find someone. While Abraham's family was crying and sad, I too felt sad. I felt that there was some of me in him but I had no idea how. Then I got into a car accident. Xavier was the guy's name who ran into me and crashed my car. You would think I would forget about Abraham, but I never did. Zelda, that was the name of the video game I saw him playing in a house in New York with a totally different family four years later. As I walked by I stopped, looked at him through the window for a minute then begin to grin and keep walking but then I see the mom. It was my high school girlfriend. I then knock and talk with her, catch up a little and then talk about Abraham. When I left her, a year later she had a kid. I thought nothing of it because she never told me. But to my surprise, he was my son. She put him up for adoption because she wasn't ready but she got him back. I was so shocked but happy because I was a dad. So that strange little boy was my son and I never ever forgot him or his story.

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