The Mysteries of a Forest Chapter 1 | Teen Ink

The Mysteries of a Forest Chapter 1

November 13, 2010
By Jesse-Marie- PLATINUM, Freehold, New Jersey
Jesse-Marie- PLATINUM, Freehold, New Jersey
46 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To love is to live. Without love, what is life?"

No, it can't be. This type of thing only happens in books or movies... Well, atleast I thought.

"Where are you going Nick?" I asked. I was still wearing my school clothes, I wasn't expecting to be trudging through the forest this early. "Oh Anne, can you try to pick up the pace here?" He groaned. He said all of his words with a country accent. It made me feel welcomed, but then again, it made me feel like he was hidding something. Every one in Alabama sounded the same.

How come he sounded different?

I clutched my stomach, I had no idea where we were going. Frankly, i was just plain afraid. "Nick! Slow down! Where are we going?"
Nick smirked. "Somewhere 'magical', that's where." He said.

1969 was last year. There were only several killing sprees to hit Corn Cob. Now it seems that everyone is crazed.

"Magical?" I repeated. I frowned. He's out to kill me. "I was just pulling yah." He said. I stopped. "Pulling?" I asked. "Means joking with ya." He said while starrin back. "I do hope so." I mummbled.

We walked over atleast a mile of short grass. Finally, we stopped.

"A river?!" I shouted and asked at the same time. "Yea. We just cross it." Nick said. "What?" I asked. I was confused. I really wished i would of said no to him. "Just swing on the rope, i'll go first." Nick grabbed the rope with two hands.

He swung across the river and landed on a shrub. He got up quickly and dusted himself off. He starred at me. It was my turn.

The author's comments:
This is like bridge to teribitha, but its very different later on. It inspired me.


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