Nightmare Island | Teen Ink

Nightmare Island

July 12, 2024
By Maxima_22 BRONZE, Berlin, Other
Maxima_22 BRONZE, Berlin, Other
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

As I set foot on the ruins of what looks like an island, the odour of fetid jellyfish washed up onto the shore, boiling in the sun, creaking up my nostrils. I quickly turn around, only to see the ship set sail. This is not the beautiful coast of Amalfi I expected. I’m not sure what this is, since all I can see are dry leaves ripped off palm trees, threatening to catch fire at any moment. 

The island is covered in a petrol-green colored mist, of which I can not identify its origin. Strolling along the shore, looking for help, the coarse sand keeps scraping along my dry skin causing it to bleed, My growling stomach cries with the screaming birds and the cockroaches start chirping along. 

The reek of rubbish and seaweed keeps me awake. As I try to fall asleep, the moon keeps glaring at me in despise. It looks like it could freeze one's soul just by one glance. The grey sky howls in despair, leaving the stars motionless. And then, abrupt silence. I lay there for hours, feeling insects crawling along my arms, letting them suck out of my blood and my hope of getting away from this island. 

I am walking up to the sound of shrieking monkeys and an approaching hissing from behind a nettle bush. I spot a raging snake slithering along my ankles. Wrapping its venomous body around my knees, it tries to tear me apart. I frantically look for something to defend myself with, but all I can find is an unripe mango and moldy coconuts. So with all my power I have left, I smack the soggy coconut onto its head. The snake collapses into a pile of flies fluttering around a dead body. 

I feel sick and pick up a rancid mango, as it’s the only thing within reach. My teeth weekly sink into the bitter mango’s flesh, to feel soft worms gliding along my tongue like an alligator ready to attack prey. Worms are not the only unpleasant surprise, crunch sand is stuck between my teeth, now scratching down my throat. I have enough, and slump into a bush of Manchineel with an itching throat, sore feet, and aching arms, hoping for someone to rescue me. 

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