Need Faith | Teen Ink

Need Faith

April 29, 2024
By Anonymous

Once upon a time a girl named Faith was born. She was raised by one of her older sisters, Maxine. Faith was only alive because of her, but over time, they grew apart. Faith hasn't talked to her dad since she was nine, she is 16 now. He still lives in the same house as her but he's too busy talking to his wife, working, or doing something for his other daughter, Eliza.  Eliza would go to parties and go out with friends every night while Faith has to stay home and keep the house tidy. Anything she did her dad was amazed. She could kill her mother and he'd somehow be proud of her for being brave.

Her family was having a game night. Just like every other game night, she was left out. She could hear her dad laughing in the background, she couldn't even remember what he looked like. She decided to leave early tonight. She loves to go on late night walks to find food and steal clothes to keep herself looking put together. Tonight she was going to leave early; she was planning on leaving all together. She was tired of being left out like garbage on a curb. She started packing, grabbing the little amount of clothing she had, and more necessities. She wanted to keep quiet and not tell anyone she was leaving or where she was going. She wanted to finally be out of that “household” and be on her own. After packing the very little she had, she said goodbye to her dog and went out the door.

She was going to take her usual route but decided to make all of the turns that she never took. After almost two hours of walking she came across a state border. She started to feel a state of relief. She never had to think about her family again. It was like a fresh new start, then her anxiety started to kick in. She realized she had no job, no house, she knew no one and no one knew her. After crying for a couple of hours, it was now 2AM, she got herself together and found a bridge to sleep under. In the morning she was determined to find a job. After hours of getting countless applications and filling them out, all she had to do was wait. Days went by and she ultimately gave up, she decided to leave the town and start all over again. After what felt like days of walking in the woods, she found an unnatural looking fog. She was creeped out by it, no where she had gone was foggy at all. When she went near it, she felt the air get thinner and colder. She went to try and wave the cloud away; she slapped a weird bubble. She was terrified, she had never seen anything like this before. Faith went to put her hand in it but pulled back. What if something is in there? She started to  think she was just crazy. She stuck her hand into the bubble and got sucked into the fog, the air was dense. She felt like she was flying 100 miles per hour. Her heart jumped, what in the world is happening? There is no way this is humanly possible, right? 

After what felt like forever she flew out of this bubble. She got thrown to the ground and screamed. Her leg was badly injured. She tried to touch it but it sent a shock down her leg. She screamed for almost an hour, her voice was almost gone. She then saw a figure come from the trees.

“Please help, I think my leg is broken,”  Faith screamed.

“Don't worry, I’m coming, I can't go that fast,” a soft voice said jokingly. An uncanny looking girl rushed to her and pulled out a wand.

“What are you? Harry Potter?” Faith asked.

“Obviously not, I’m a girl,” she snapped back sarcastically. “This will make you feel like it was never broken.” 

“How is that possible?” Faith questioned.

“I'm actually not sure, I just found a book full of spells and a wand,” the mysterious woman said.

“Well can you open this weird fog?” Faith asked.

“Unfortunately, I can't. I’m not even sure if there's a spell to at least go back through; I have something for you, it will help with survival. I would help but I’m low on almost everything myself. Take these.” The mysterious woman gave her an ax and a letter. “You can only open this note after three days. You need to go far,” she said.

“Well, thank you, but why?” Faith asked.

“You’ll understand once you open the note, I’ll see you later.” She left, going back the way she came from. 

Faith wasted no time while getting food and water and trying to find shelter. She spent hours trying to find a shelter for the night, she could tell the sun was about down now. When it got dark, everything went silent. The only things she could hear were her footsteps and the crunch of the leaves. She couldn't find a shelter but there was no noise so that hopefully meant no animals. After she woke up, she felt starved. She went to go find berries. She honestly didn't care if they were poisoned because that's all she could find. After 2 days of the same thing over and over, she could finally open the note. She wondered why she had to wait but didn't care because she could open it now.

She ripped off the top of the envelope and her eyes widened at the message.

“I’m hunting you, good luck.”

“This can't be real,” she said in disbelief. She now had to find shelter, if she didn't she wouldn't be here for much longer. She started to chop wood to try and make a hidden shelter. She didn't know when or how the mysterious woman would come for her but she knew it would be soon. She waited hours hiding with her ax because she was too scared to do anything now. She didn't even think she could attack this mysterious woman if she found her. 

After waiting there all night, no one came. She started to believe this was some kind of sick joke. There would be no way someone could joke like that and think it's funny. She tried to just think it's a joke knowing deep down no matter what she was trapped in the fog.

She started to hear large boots crushing leaves in the distance; her heart dropped. She hadn't heard any other footsteps except for hers the entire time. She ducked down and army crawled to her ax. She knew this would happen. She started to hyperventilate and struggled to breath quietly. Her mind was racing with thoughts; what if it's another lost person, does she know I’m here, AM I DREAMING?? There’s no way, this is way too real. Then the footsteps stopped, it seemed to stop very close to her hideout.

“Hello?” called out the voice of the woman. “Was that you?” 

Faith covered her mouth to restrain noise from coming out and silently cried for five minutes. When she recollected herself, she heard footsteps leaving. She knew it was her time to strike. She grabbed her ax.She was about to regret her actions. She ran out making little noise, closed her eyes, and swung on the woman. She heard a loud slash and took a deep breath. 

 She did it. She finally opened her eyes, looking away first, and looked around. She didn't want to look at her body but thought she might've had something on her. She worked up the courage to look and glanced at her quickly. No blood. She was very confused, she bled from scraping her knee when she ran after her. 

“I guess she wasn't human, but what was she?”

She searched the woman and found a wand and a spell. She wondered if it could break the fog. She practiced the spell then went up to the fog and recited the spell. The fog lifted her back up and went flying through the fog. This was the first moment she got peace in the last week. She still didn't know how any of this worked but it didn't matter, she was free. She realized she wasn't stable enough to run away like she did. She decided to walk overnight back home.

When she returned home her sister saw her and said, “What's up,” and walked away without waiting for an answer.

She got a job and tried to keep herself stable enough to afford an apartment. She worked hard for months until she decided she wanted better for herself. She had saved up enough and started to rent an apartment. When she moved into her new apartment it was like eternal peace. She could finally decorate her own home and live a happy life.

The author's comments:

To whom this may concern, I wrote this story for a creative writing class. It's about a girl named Faith who came from a neglectful family. She sneaks out in the night to find food and basic necessities. She found a fog and had to fight her way out. 

Thank you for your consideration,

Grady H.,

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