A Mysterious Bottle | Teen Ink

A Mysterious Bottle

June 8, 2023
By Anonymous

The waves crash onto the beach as my broken ship and I wash up on the shore of this deserted island. I get out and am so desperate for a drink so I go searching for some water. “Thank God,” I said aloud, “A bottle of water.” I rushed to pick it up but there was no sign of any liquid in it. Why is there no water? Why is there a note in this bottle? I am curious to see what the secrets this not has to say. I uncork the bottle and unravel the mysterious scroll.

The aged scroll is hard to read, but I am able to make it out. Wow, is this really happening? A map to buried treasure! All of this seems too good to be true and as unbelievable as when my brother says he is smarter than me. This scroll seems so real and it is not everyday when you stumble upon something with this big of an upside. So, I am going to follow this map and have it take me around the island to find this buried treasure.

The journey begins as I follow the map throughout this deserted, tropical island. This map is taking me through the most extreme places. Everywhere I look leaves slap me in the face and spiders crawl all over my body. Every stick that snaps frightens me as I don’t know what is on this island. Why does this map have to take me to the other side of this island? It is so far! Moving through this jungle is so difficult and I am moving at a crawling pace. All of these dancing, disgusting dragonflies and dung beetles surrounding me all at once. Now I just want to get off this island and get out of this jungle. This treasure might not be worth the risk. But just as I was about to quit and turn around, the jungle stopped. There is this huge open field with flowers and nice grass. This is so much better than walking through that stupid jungle. Finally, I could get this treasure without being bothered by any annoying bugs. But just as I am starting to get comfortable, I hear some sort of talking. How is this possible? I am the only one on this island right? I jump and take cover behind some bushes. I look up to see 6 people standing right over me.

 I back up and try to sprint away but I am tackled to the ground. They start dragging me through this grass and I struggle and fight to get away but it is no help. I quit fighting and just accepted I am going to die. These people must only want 3 things: money, food, or to kill me. But to my surprise, I look up and see this beautiful city with elegant buildings and an advanced civilization. I am so confused because I thought these were uncivilized natives to the island. But I was sadly mistaken. This technology looked far more advanced than I have ever seen. The group stopped dragging me and propped me up on a chair. “I see you followed our map,” the group leader said, “ You are one of very few people to make it here.” “ What is this place?” I said. The second guy looked at me and said, “This is the most advanced civilization in the world, and you are welcome to stay here as long as you want.” This place looked like a whole new world and I was eager to see what it had to offer. “You know what” I said, “I think I will stay.”

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