My best friends dog | Teen Ink

My best friends dog

May 10, 2023
By Dominikas5 BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
Dominikas5 BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
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It was July 19th and summer had officially started. Kennedy and I were about to begin the adventures of a lifetime. I forgot how much I loved the feeling of freedom.

This is the first summer that both Ken and I are 18, so it's perfect. We planned on hanging out every weekday and saturday, Sunday are our break from each other. I tried telling her that we wouldn't finish our list by hanging out 6 days a week but she insisted on the one day break. 

I began walking up to her door to begin the adventures until I heard an unusual noise. WOOF! As Kennedy opened the door, to my surprise I was greeted with a lick on my knee. I look down and see a golden doodle pup about the size of my purse. 

“Ummm, Kennedy. Who is this?” I said in a terrified tone.

“This is Ozzy. My mom surprised me with a puppy yesterday, I was going to text you but I thought I'd keep it a surprise.” Kennedy said excitedly. 


I tried to show a smile but I think Kennedy noticed the force. 

“Do you not like him? I thought you were a dog person” 

I didn’t want to tell her the truth so instead I just said that I was in shock. I mean, I was in shock but not in the way she was thinking. 

         I hope he doesn’t mess up me and Kennedy's plans. This year is our summer and no one is going to ruin it. Not even that dog. 

¨Well, are you ready to go?¨ I said, after a long stare at the dog. 

¨I was actually thinking that maybe i can skip out on today's plans. I want to spend time with Ozzy, since I just got him. You can come in if you want, we can play catch with him¨ 

I thought about it for a second and decided that I would stay. As much as I hate dogs, which Kennedy doesn’t know, I had so many questions to ask. As I walked in I saw how much the house has changed. Almost everything that was breakable was put away and pee pads were all over the floor.

¨So, how did you decide on the name?¨

¨Me and my mom both liked the name so we just gave it to him, i think it suits him well¨ she said after taking off his leash. 

We both sat down on the couch and tried to get Ozzy to follow. 

¨Come here Ozzy, come here boy¨ Kennedy said in a baby voice to try and get him to listen. 

¨So Ken, how are you and Matt going?¨ I tried asking but she was too busy focusing on Ozzy. 

She went into the kitchen to get a treat and came back with Ozzy following her. 

“Sorry about that, what did you say?” Kennedy said.

“How are you and Matt going?” I tried asking, but yet again Ozzy distracted her. 

“ OZZY, that shoe is not a shoe toy!” 

I was so annoyed that it took me a while to even realize that he was chewing MY shoe. After Kennedy got the shoe back from Ozzy's slimy mouth, she apologized and offered to wash them. 

“Let’s go into the backyard, I’m sure he won’t be as naughty.” Kennedy said out of breath after doing laps chasing Ozzy. 

We walk outside and Ozzy starts running.


“Okay, third times the charm. How are you and Matt?” 

I was about to murder this dog. Seems like an exaggeration but of course right after I ask the question he comes running towards Kennedy and licking her face. 

“Umm, Ken? Sorry but my mom needs me at home. Got to go, see you tomorrow?” 

“Yeah it’s fine, does she need my help? I can come over if you need” Kennedy said. 

“No it’s okay, it’s a personal thing”

That was completely made up. I couldn’t stand the dog so I just made up a lie. I mean what’s the point of hanging out with my friend if I can’t even talk to her. This dog ruined my shoes, and soon will ruin my friendship. 

           It was the next day and I was so excited knowing that it would be dog free. We decided to have a picnic in the park. I brought some sandwiches and drinks while Kennedy brought the sweets. As I was waiting in our designated spot, I saw a dog that looked just like Ozzy come running towards me. ¨You have got to be kidding me¨ I whispered as he licked my face. 

Kennedy  comes over to hug me but I'm a little bit hesitant. I decided to just be honest with her. 


¨Why did you bring Ozzy?¨ I said in an annoyed tone. 

¨It's the park, Cameron. Dogs are allowed.¨

I know they're allowed, but that doesn't mean you have to bring them! We sat down and set up the food. Ken and I started talking about boys, finally and I totally forgot about Ozzy. After a while Kennedy realized Ozzy's disappearance. She then insisted that we look for him but I didn't want to, it was so nice without him. I pretended to look around until I looked back at our picnic spot and saw Ozzy eating ALL of our food. 

¨OZZY, noo” I screamed while running back. 

I couldn't believe my eyes, Ozzy had eaten all the food and messed up the whole picnic. 

“Ozzy, how could you do this? You just ruined me and Kennedy's plans.”

Kennedy came over and took the whole event more as a joke. She wasn't even bothered that our plans were ruined. 

“Aw, Ozzy, did you have a food fight with yourself?” Kennedy jokes. 

I couldn't believe her. 

Who does this dog think he is? First it's my shoe, then me and Ken's conversations, and then our plans. I am sick of this dog trying to come between me and Kennedy. I deserve more attention from her than this dog that just came in yesterday! It's time to take action. 

The next morning I am extremely tired but I am so ready for the day. Me and Kennedy are planning to go to the beach and tan the day away. We meet at 9:15 so it is soon time to go. When I got to the beach I didn't see Kennedy anywhere, so I sent  a  quick text. 

 Hey Ken, it's 9:20 where r u?

Sorry, I forgot to text earlier but I think 

Ozzy ran away

I'm sorry to hear that

“I'm sorry to hear that”, no I was thrilled. It wasn't unexpected though, I knew it was coming. 

Do you mind helping me hang up missing 


Of course I wouldn't say no to my best friend, but I really didn't want to. I didn't want him to get found even though I knew he probably wouldn't. 

I came over to her house in ten minutes and we started stapling. I tried talking about something else other than Ozzy but she kept bringing him up. My stomach was aching every time he was mentioned.  I didn't realize how much this dog meant to her. 

“How about we forget the dog and just hang out at the beach” I said hoping she’d agree

“Cameron. How could you say that, he has to be somewhere out there. Ever since I got Ozzy it seems like you didn’t like him-“

“That’s because I don't! ” I said, cutting her off. “Ever since you got him, it seems like our summer plans have been put to the side. It's like Ozzy has taken over your best friend spot, you don't even have time for me.”

We stopped walking and I realized she started crying. 

“Look, the truth is..” I pause to catch a breath “.. I took Ozzy, he's in my backyard right now. I didn't want this dog to get in between us so I thought I could just give him to another family,”  I stated hesitantly. 

She was in shock. As she was about to speak she stuttered, “Cameron, how could you. You know that a dog can't come in between me and you, we are best friends forever. But that gives you no right to take my dog. I know he has a lot to handle but I'm sure  once he was trained everything would have gone better. You didn't even give him a chance.”

I started to regret my actions. I didn't think of how much it would affect Kennedy. I was so self absorbed that I only thought about my life instead of Ozzys and Kennedys. I was so rude to Ozzy as well, if only I put myself in his shoes. He is new to this family and I just came in being so selfish, I wanted Kennedy all to myself. 

“I have an idea, let's go to my house and play with Ozzy. We can pick up some pup cups on the way and change all our summer plans to activities that are dog friendly” I said.

I decided to give Ozzy another chance and honestly, he was so much fun. We played a lot of fetch and his face licks are so cute. This summer may not have been what I expected  but it sure was much more fun. 

The author's comments:

This piece tells a story about the friendship where one friend was jealous and came in between them. This piece can really demonstrate relationships today and in the end, they end happily when the three unite. 

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