My Robot | Teen Ink

My Robot

April 4, 2023
By Ava1212 BRONZE, Maumee, Ohio
Ava1212 BRONZE, Maumee, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is my robot, his name is Wink. He was made on April 5th 2020. Wink is a talking robot. “Wink, why don't you introduce yourself.” I said.  “Ok, hi human

 I am Wink, my birthday is April 5th 2020 and I help Miss. Anna with a lot of things she

 is my favorite!” Wink exclaimed.  “Thank you Wink you can go now.” I told him. So, now that you met Wink we are going on a trip tomorrow to LA. “I am so excited to go” Wink said.

 The next day we were leaving on our trip and Wink was running late. “Wink come on we will be late!” I yelled.  “OooooooooooKkkkkk i'm coming.” He shouted back.

4 hours later… 

“Look, we are here!” I said with excitement. We stopped when we saw some posters. “What do the posters say?” He asked. “There is a treasure that was lost about 100 years ago. Whoever finds it gets to keep it.” I told him.  Wow, I thought, we came at the right time, but now we can't go home until we find the treasure. I got on my computer to change our flight to leave later, but if we stay we will miss a concert. So I asked Wink, “What should we do?” He told me he was tired and wanted to find a hotel to relax for a while, then we could make a plan. “Oh look!” I shouted, there is a hotel right across the street. 5 minutes later we arrived at the hotel and asked for a room.  The clerk said that the rooms are $100 per night. Wink and I thought that was a deal so we paid and checked in.  Once we got to the hotel room Wink sat down to recharge his batteries, and I got on the computer to research more about the treasure. 

Legend has it that there was gold hidden on a sunken ship lost in the Pacific Ocean. It is rumored that the gold could be worth over $1 million dollars. The concert would have to wait. 

Wink can help me find the treasure, he has a new technology that can track down different metals       like gold, silver, or anything I put on his radar. All of the sudden when Wink’s batteries are fully charged, he jolts up.  His lights are flashing, and he's making a loud beeping noise. “I found it!” He exclaimed. “Wink, what is it?” I replied. “I know where the gold is!” He hurriedly shouted.

Just then they heard a knock on the door. “Wink, please answer the door.” I said. When he opened the door, our neighbors were standing on the other side.  “Hi, I'm Bill and this is Grace. We know that you know where the gold is, we can work together. We’ve got a car, but we want to split the gold 50/50.” The short sweaty man said.  “50/50 is good with us, right Wink?” I asked. “I am not sure, I guess we can work with them, Miss Anna.” Wink said skeptically.  We made a plan to meet in the hotel lobby the next morning at 9am sharp.  I could hardly sleep that night, I was too excited to start the treasure hunt. 

The next morning we loaded up in their Jeep, Wink never stopped beeping. We drove right to the parking lot of a public beach. Wink changed into his scuba gear and went to work, he jumped into the water, and we heard him digging down below.  Suddenly, he popped his head up out of the water. “I found it!!!!” He yelled.  “You found the treasure?” We asked.  “Yep, I did.” Wink showed us the treasure he found, and it was lumps of sparkling gold. We put it in the Jeep and drove it right to the bank. The bank gave us $1 million dollars in exchange for the gold. We shared it with Bill & Grace. Then Wink and I flew around the world visiting every place we could. Wink and I make a good team!

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