The Unusual World | Teen Ink

The Unusual World

March 21, 2023
By vg428639 BRONZE, Santa Ana, California
vg428639 BRONZE, Santa Ana, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments



         Walking on the sidewalk cars passing by fast you feel the wind. Mandy looking up seeing the birds flying. Mandy says to herself while walking and looking up at the sky “It looks like its gonna start raining, I hope I make it in time and not all soaking wet..”. She starts to walk a little faster feeling the drops of the rain coming faster down. Clothes already getting soaked by the rain.

          Half an hour later.. Arriving at home opening the door. “I'm finally home…MOMM!!” Walking past by their room I can hear them fighting and they haven’t noticed I was home. I walk in “STOP FIGHTING YOU KEEP FIGHTING OVER AND OVER AND AM TIRED OF IT!!!”. Tears suddenly start coming out of my eyes and I run to my room slamming the door. I try

to calm myself down by listening to my music and I ended up falling asleep with my headphones on.

“OH AM LATE FOR SCHOOL..” in a panicked voice. And struggling to change and putting on my shoes. Looking at the mirror my hair is tangled and a bit messy.

I start waiting to the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive but, I'm still gonna be late to school again. I put my headphones on while I wait for the bus to come.

A couple of minutes later I can see the bus coming to pick up the people waiting at the bus stop. While I get on the bus stop I almost fell but glad I didn’t face plant onto the rough ground of this old bus.

The bus has arrived at my school walking into the office to sign in, cause I was late again.

I walk out of the office going up the stairs walking to my math class.

As soon as I enter the classroom I see people staring at me, it gave me a weird feeling in my stomach. I walk to my seat to sit down and write down what I have to do for homework.

The bell rings and everyone is packing their bags and leaving the classroom to go to their next classes. I leave as well going to my second class, knowing that its gonna be boring like always. Bell rings, another class starts everyone walking again to their classes.

The bell for lunch has rang and walking to get myself lunch. Looking for a table to sit at, I see a empty one and walk towards it to sit at it.

A couple minutes later.. These two people sit at my table and asked me “Hey do you wanna be friends with us??’ says the girl wearing a leather Jacket. The other one saying “We can meet up after school to hangout at the library or a different place if u want” says the boy with baggy clothes and glasses. When they asked me if i wanted to be friends with them I said yes of course

but, I started to think that they were just trying to be nice cause I was sitting by myself like a dumb lonely kid doing nothing. 

The last bell for school rings everyone is dismissed walking out of school or people meeting up with their friend groups. I ended going to the spot those two people told me to go to. I see them and we end up walking around the school for a bit seeing what each of us likes, like music taste, fashion, candy or when its our birthday. A hour later we ended up walking and going to a restaurant to eat something real quick. The food at the restaurant was really yummy. After we were done eating we started to walk to the Library

Half an hour later we arrived at the library messing around or looking at the books to check out. We talked to some people there looking at the books. We got books and decided to study at this library or just to meet up.


The next day, I woke up very early at 4 AM to make myself breakfast and get ready for school.

Almost half an hour later and am almost done cooking my breakfast which is , pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I make my coffee in my favorite cat mug.

I ate breakfast it was really yummy and after breakfast I get ready for school, wearing my jacket and my favorite boots and grabbing my backpack and my chromebook, math book ,sketchbook, binder and pencil pouch.

I'm walking to the bus stop and I see the bus arriving and I get on the bus, taking a seat and I see the same girl I hangout with yesterday but I don’t see the their friend which is the boy. I get up and sit next to her and talk to her. “Hey were is that boy from yesterday?” she says

“Hi again, oh well he got sick and wasn’t feeling well, so he decided to stay home to rest.” I respond saying “Oh! I hope he gets better”

The bus stops at our destination, which is the school so we start walking to our classes.

An hour later my first class is almost done. 

A couple more hours later, am finally out of school am happy am out of school cause some bad things had happened to me like how a bird pooped on my backpack and how I almost fell going up the stairs!

I meet with the girl again and I say “Hey whats your name? You never told me or either the boy.” She says “Oh, my name is Sally but sal for short and that other boy is name is marco”

I say “Nice names I really like your name!” Sally says “Thank you!”  We both decide to go to the mall then the Library, but we both decide to go to the library tomorrow with marco or when he feels better.

30 minutes later we arrived at the mall by walking and we enter and woah it was fresh air like from a freezer.

We walk to any fast food place in the mall for some food or a drink.

After 40 minutes we were both done eating it was good. We decide to check stores to see what they had like clothes or stuffed animals.

Around 4PM we both go home and sally walks me back to my home and say bye and to see each other again tomorrow with marco at school.

The author's comments:

I had a wonderful time writing about this.

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