The Stars | Teen Ink

The Stars

March 7, 2023
By Anonymous

The Stars 

Joey Benson

The night sky was so beautiful that night, I could see the glowing stars up in the sky and could feel the cool breeze blowing against my hair until I saw them. They were charging at me with their gigantic swords and horses. I was hiding behind a bush because just a little bit ago my parents were frantically (like the whole town) gathering their things, getting what they needed and what they didn't. Soon they just ran out of the house saying, well see you soon johnny but I didn't think I would see them soon because right after I said okay they darted right out of town. I started to feel the warm tears slowly fall down my cheeks and I punched the wall screaming in anger for my parents to come back. Once I gathered myself and decided I should probably run away too I started smelling smoke, was whoever these bad people were burning down the village? I asked myself, but before I could answer I heard the door flung open and people screaming. I started running and found a bush to hide in. I saw my village start to get taken down in the distance. The night sky was so beautiful that night I thought. I didn't think that they could see me, I was just a little boy at the time hiding in the bushes waiting for whatever this was to pass but it felt like forever. I waited for hours until it finally passed. They left and it was still night out. I felt the leaves of the bus scratch my leg as I got up but once I got up they saw me. They rode their big horses over where I was standing and without saying a word shot me with a tranquilizer dart. For a while everything was a blur like I was in a sleep that I just couldn't get out of, but then my eyes opened up and the fog in my brain started to clear, I started to feel a hard pushing against my arms and legs until I realized that I was trapped in a cell with other people from my town all around me. Once I started to wake up a little bit more I realized where I was, on the outskirts of our town about 20 miles away from my house that would make loud noises all day like BANG or BOOM. I knew we were here because I knew what those noises sounded like and they were right below me. A guard came up and told us that it was time for breakfast. I got up quickly because I could feel my stomach grumbling the minute I woke up. I went downstairs and couldn't believe what I saw, a feast so big for the whole town, but then the guard turned away, leading me away from the smells of bacon eggs, chicken waffles, and all of my other favorite foods. He led us through a door to a guillotine, and before I even started walking down the stairs I knew what that constant banging sound was. I bolted out of the room as fast as I could, chains on my hands and cuts all over my legs. I felt the broken glass and nails pierce through my foot, but I didn't care. I kept running no matter how long it took. I was going to run forever until I was out of that tower. I Finally saw the door… locked I thought “It can't Be” I said”, I started picking up the bales of hay next to the doorway and throwing them at the door, I didn't care if I broke a bone I was getting out of this place no matter what it took. Then I saw an ax, Just laying on top of the hay. Well, it was actually kind of hidden but from picking up all of the hay it came to life. I grabbed it and started hitting the door, then I heard their gigantic boots stomping on the ground going down the stairs to find me and I still could hear the BOOMS in the background. I hit the door harder and harder until I saw him outside then I kicked the wood and started running out the door. I could feel the fresh air blowing against my face while I sprinted to the only place I knew where to go... The beach. I kept running until I saw it, the beach I started to smell the cool saltwater and hear the waves crashing, I ran faster and faster, never looking back... Until I got to my new home on the beach. This was about to be as fun as writing smiles.

The author's comments:

This article was inspired by my love for the beach, and even though it's not included in the story a lot I feel that the beach has a lot of meaning in this story.

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