Zeke's Crazy Adventure | Teen Ink

Zeke's Crazy Adventure

March 1, 2023
By ehutson4 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
ehutson4 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
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Zeke’s Crazy Adventure

By Eli Hutson

Out of the ashes a hero arose he duels swords and is a hero that is here to end mayhem and destroy any evil that is around to threaten his island also known as the monsihed island but the most frequent villains he would fight were pirates here to raid his island and take any treasure that there island has occupied and kept safe it practically a game to the Hero he thought it was hysterical that these weak pirates would attempt to go out of there way to come to one of the greatest swords mens island to try and take his treasure but surely no pirate that has stepped foot on his island has made it out alive besides one group of pirates named the Cannon Killers and their leaders name is Junkster he was one of the heroes main enemies and the hero swore that if he had seen Junkster again he surely would not make it out alive because of what Junkster and his crew had done ot the hero and his island they robbed them fot everything and also killed the king which was also the heros dad so the hero grew up fatherless since a young age and for that he could never forgive Junkster for what he has done. But it was the heroes duty to make sure that no one ever harms his people or his treasure he has obtained.On a particular day very many pirates surrounded the island in search of the treasure that the best swordsmen has been hiding. The best Swordsmen grabbed all of his best trained men and prepared for battle at the front gates where the pirates would soon enter. As the war broke out the best swordsman men began to die his army was vanishing fast and very quick. It was all up to the swordsman 1v100 at least he was not sure how many pirates there were but he knew that he was heavily outnumbered as he kept fighting to keep what was his. Out of nowhere he was shot by a cannon and the pirates began cheering because they forsure thought they had killed the best swordsmen and the pirates were ready to claim what was theirs. Out of the ashes a hero arose named Zeke. Zeke began fighting for his life as Junksters crew killed many innocent people and shop owners. Junkster took everything that the monished island had to offer such as treasure and food. Junksters crew killed very many innocent people that day as most of them begged for mercy and didn't even attempt to fight back. Zeke was too wounded to try and fight for what was his and he blames himself for what happened everyday of his life thinking that his father would be ashamed of him and very disappointed. This fear and depression forced him to leave his island in hopes of finding a team that would help him become the strongest crew of them all and hopefully help him end Junkster and his crew the Cannon Killers and also crown him the king of the pirates. Zeke knew he was always destined to become a pirate and not just any ordinary pirate he wanted to become the best. After Zeke had said his goodbyes to his friends family and his people of his island he set sail in search of the all mighty captains Compass because whoever were to find or keep ahold of this item was crowned the king of the pirates but it has been lost for many years now after the almighty great pirate Mirage died with it set at sea. Nobody knows how or why or even who had killed him or the reasoning he had died but most say it was by this mythical creature named Patch and Patch is a sea dragon that will kill anything that comes near it and either you slay it or you are the chosen one that was meant to tame it. Nobody has ever tried to slay this sea monster because they knew it would be to hard and instead they tried to tame it and nobody to this day has tamed him but we still don't know who the chosen one's and once the chosen one has fallen then the Sea monster will end up withering away. This is Zeke's First time ever setting sail at sea by himself. But Zeke in fact knew that he was not going to have a chance at all if he didn't have a crew. The king of the pirates' goal was to find the compass and to roam the sea uncovering facts and things left behind from the Ancient Pirates from before the current generation of pirates. The first step that Zeke would begin was to assemble a team that would help him conquer the sea and Slay the Sea monster that has killed many other pirates that were not strong enough to defeat Patch. It all started After Zeke left his Island. His first stop was at the island of the bandits. The bandits are very weak and not so rich. The problem is they have very many crewmates and pirates ready to fight. They have 1 big ship and the rest of the ships are little platoon boats. Their king pirates name is Boro. He's a tall muscular stinky pirate that tries to get his way in everything and if he doesn't he ends up raiding the island and taking it over for gold and more troops to become the biggest army the islands have seen ever. The strong troops he collects he keeps hidden away in a bunker full of strong pirates and captains. Most of Boros' men are weak but that doesn't stop him from achieving what he wants when he has Huntsman at his side, a tall pirate that is able to turn into a mermaid. I also forgot to mention some pirates have abilities that make them stronger than most and some have really good skills such as Zeke he is the best swordsman in the world any person that has challenged him to a duel has never made it out alive. This is where the first adventure starts on Boros island. The musky pirate cove. Zeke knew that shako was on this island and that was one of Zeke's life long best friend that was captured when there island had been raided by Junkster and his crew the cannon killers and Boro and Junkster made a deal if junkster have him Shako he would give him the captain that killed his family Torto that junkster would kill soon after the deal was made. Torto was made of a rubber type substance that means he is  invulnerable to something because they just reflect right off of him. Zeke had arrived on Boro’s island and he knew that soon he would have to find Shako before he was executed by Boro. Zeke first started by sitting on the shore thinking about how things would go down. He decides if he should go stealthy or gungho and just run in there and fight off as many as he can. He decided to go stealthy because he wanted to live another day. He began walking down the narrow road towards the town that was a really tall modern town. It looked like tall stone buildings and tiny wooden homes and there it was the Captains temple made out of Granite sparkling in the sun. Zeke knew that the bunker had to be somewhere in the Cpatians headquarters and off he went jumping from roof to roof stealthy. Zeke has many traits that havent been covered yet and one of them is dead silence. No one but the Dog crew could hear his footsteps but we'll get into the dog crew later. As Zeke jumped roof from roof Zeke created a plan that he would go from the roof of the granite headquarters because it would be the easiest and quietest way into the building and hopefully sooner than later he would find the way down to the bunker where he keeps all of the people locked up. This is where Zeke had to make a quick and fast decision: would he try to rescue everyone and run out trying to raid the city and kill Boro and his crew or would he only let his best friend Shako out and let things be. Zeke is very cocky so he thought that he would let everyone loose and try to make it out stealthy with Shako but not with the others. He would soon make his way down from the roof and there were at least 30 pirates guarding the main lobby. The only way that he would easily get down from the roof was if he had slid down the poorly built elevator shafts and prayed to his god that the elevator would not move and crush him to death. As he slide down the shaft he got to the door that the bunker door was on the other side all he had to do was pry the elevator door open and he began prying that door open he hears a loud banging coming from above him and out of nowhere the elevator that was 3 floors above begins to come down and he has about 10 seconds before he gets crushed. Zeke has never worked so hard in his life prying the door so hard that he thinks his sword is about to break and as the elevator comes down and he would soon be crushed he slides between the doors as soon as the elevator is coming down. He made it and as relief came through his head he forgot what he had come for for a second then he remembered that he was here to save his friend and he would also have to let the others out also. As Zeke made it to the bunker he noticed that the guard was in the little gate opening room asleep and Zeke thought this was going to be easier than he expected. As Zeke stepped into the bunker he saw all the scared faces on all of the people that Boro had trapped on his island. Shako's face lit up when he saw Zeke screaming for him and Shako has never been so happy to Zeke. As Zeke opened his cell Shako gave him an extra big hug and insisted that they let the rest of the people out and told Zeke that they would forsure help us get out of here safely. As the people cheered in the Bunker suddenly the alarms started to scream. They all booked it for the elevator as they made it to the elevator it opened and around 20 guards walked out and they began brawling, each person going for their own person. As Zeke slices through his enemies they all seem to all drop dead and they all load into the elevator ready for the challenge that would await them when they reach the main lobby. Over 100 Guards were ready for Zeke and Shako when he stepped foot out of the elevator. Things began to take a turn for the worst. Almost half of the guards have been executed but at least 3 of the people released had been captured. It's all up to Zeke and Shako to either finish off the guards and rescue the people or make a run for it. Zeke and Shako both agreed that they should make a run for it because they go this far and they surely didn't want to be caught. Zeke and Shako run off the Temple-like building and start heading for the shore where hopefully their boat will still be there. When they arrived at the boat Boro was there in front of them beside their boat patiently waiting for them to attempt to leave. Zeke and Shako knew the only way they were going to get out of here alive is if they went through Boro. Boro begans walking towards the boys and says “You guys plannin on leavin well if so i'm not gonna make it easy” Zeke and Shak ohad to react quick as the two fought side by side trying to get Boro to become tired so that they are able to evacuate the scene. Boro threw a little dagger out of his back pocket and it sliced right through the side of Zeke's arm. Zeke bled like a rushing river his only way of survival was to untie the tie that was connected to the shore as it acted as an anchor. Shako and Boro going back and forth Shako kicks Boro in the side of the face stunning him for a couple of seconds as Shako says to Zeke ``Start setting sail i'll catch up last second” Zeke didn't really know what they meant if he was going to leave or if he were to jump onto the boat last second but Zeke did as Shako said and began to sail south heading back for there island and right before the boat left the island Boro stood back up he punch Shako so hard in the jaw his jaw dislocated but Shako had no choice but to continue to fight because if he did not then him and Zeke both would soon be dead. After Shako is able to stab Boro with his knives he ran for the boat before the boat was able to get too far. Zeke and Shako regrouped on the boat and needed to make it back home before it was too late and they both died off. They made it back to the island after an hour of sailing and as soon as they made it back they ran to the clinic to be repaired and saved. The doctor stitches Zeke up and his wound is bad and he has no choice but to rest for the next few days. The doctor also popped Shakos' jaw back into place and they were both forced to rest for the next 3 days before they will be back to maximum strength again. 3 days later Zeke began training to get the strength back in his arm after it was pierced with a sword. Shako didn't really do much, he just went and said hello to every villager because he was so excited that he was back home. Shako's parents thanked Zeke over a million times for what he had done and Zeke didn't want the credit because it wasn't something Zeke wanted to do, it was something he had to do. Shako is his best friend and he had to save him. The next few days Zeke trained day on end and eventually got his strength back in his arm. Zeke and Shako would soon set sail to recruit more people to their crew once morning arose. As the sun begins to rise they set forth to the boat where they would go to the Shadow crew island where the remaining shadow crew remains but they have no order sense their leader had to be executed by Junkster As they sailed the sea West towards the shadow crews island they swore they seen something in the distance but they weren't sure what it was so they paid no attention and continued on there rotate towards the island. When they arrived on the shadow island they stepped on to the shore and began to head towards the city of shadow. Zeke and Shako made it to the city and were greeted by locals telling Zeke and Shako they were looking for no trouble and wondered if there king would ever make it back. Zeke had yet to break the news to the locals all he told them was you will know soon enough and proceed to ask the locals if they knew who was incharge of the place while Toro was gone. Many of the locals let Zeke know that it was his daughter Kurma and that she was hardly ever seen because she keeps herself locked away in the castle because she doesn't want to be bothered by others. Zeke headed for the castle as Shako walked around looking for any kind of food they didn't have on the home island. Zeke arrived at the castle and was shocked to see that they had security watching the doors since every local was so nice and seemed harmless. They security guard open his mouth and muttered “Who goes there” Zeke responded with “The son of Dak from the island of Monsied'' Guard replied with “And what will you be needed from our city of shadows” Zeke said “ I need to talk to the King's daughter Kurma it is urgent and she needs to be told now” As the guard walked into the rough stoned castle to go and ask Kurma if she is willing to talk to Zeke. Zeke sat there and wondered what he would do just if she had said no. Luckily she was willing to talk to Zeke. Zeke walked into the Castle and saw Kurma up on the throne waiting for Zeke to sit down. Zeke sat down and broke the news and for some reason Kurma had no tears falling from her crystal like eyes. Kurma asked if that was all and Zeke said “Not quite”. Zeke has heard about Kurma’s skills and what she is capable of and Zeke knew that she would be the perfect person for their crew. Zeke made a promise to Kurma that not only would their crew become the king of the pirates but that they would soon avenge her fathers death by decapitation of Junksters head. Zeke had also promised to make sure that both islands would be alot more safe if they had transported the shadow city to the monished island where they would be a perfect fit and they could combine both lifestyles and that there would be more than enough room for both civilizations to combine. Kurma had to sit and think for a while and not before long Kurma came back and agreed to everything that Zeke had wished for. Kurma only wanted the best for her people and that is why she had agreed to the wishes. Soon enough the town people started to collect everything and load them onto big ships where the things would be transported to the Monsihed island. A few weeks have gone by and Kurma has been in training to get some of her skills back that she had lost for being so inactive for a while. Everyone has sat in fine, everyone opening new things makes the island a lot more fun and vivid for the people that live there. In the next few days they decided to just sit back and relax because soon the exams would start. The exams are the test to see if you are able to join in on the Compass journey to be crowned king of the pirates. Every crew from all over the ocean would be there but only some crew would make it into the journey and quest. The next day it was time to set sail towards the exam island where the host will go over the rules and what quest you will be asked to complete. Kurma, Zeke and Shako made it to the island with thousands of pirates in front of them. They knew that it would not be easy at all. After every pirate entered the main lobby of the pirate exam room some deep voice began talking through the walls and it murmured “The exam has now began for your first objective you must go to the volcanic island and find a gold coin there are over 500 gold coins laying around the island and you may ask the locals for hints but they are only able to be bribed to answer questions.” and instantly they book it for the boats Zeke and Shako running as fast as they can to the boat getting everything prepared and there was Kurma walking slowly making the boys mad. When Kurma got on the boat Zeke began to cry “ you know there are only 500 coins and we have to be able to get on to pass the next test .” Kurma responded with “oh quit your whining, have you seen my looks any of the poor petty men on the island would be more than happy to bring me a coin.”. Kurma was not lying, they instantly got on the island and many of the Local men ran towards her and insisted that they go and fetch a gold coin for her. After Kurma received the coin they headed back to the exam island where they were the first ones to bring a coin back and not after long many of the crew began to come back. Sure enough Zeke and Shako sighed because not only did Junkster and the cannon killers pass that test but so did not Boro and his bandit pirates. The exam speaker told the pirates to go home and make it back here first thing in the morning because that is when the next exam would take place. They sailed back home and were greeted by the people of the Monished island screaming and yelling asking if they had made it past the first test. Kurma, Zeke and Shako all went to the theater that was on the island to share the news. They took the stand and Zeke yell “ WE DID IT WE MADE IT PASSED THE FIRST TEST AND DON'T PLAN ON STOPPING THERE” Kurna began to speak “ It was majority my fault I’m the reason we made it passed the first test” Shako began to fill with angry and screamed “ ITS A TEAM EFFORT KURMA YOUR NOT THE LIGHT OF THE SHOW ALL OF THE TIME!”. Later they cleared the altercation and apologized to each other and they both agreed that it was childish and not soon after that they went to their homes and started to hit the hay because they would most definitely need that sleep for the next test. The next morning had arisen and the exam for some reason had been postponed. Zeke immediately called the exam holders and asked why it was postponed. The deep voice answered the phone and said “Hello this is the whompus island or you might know the island as where the exam takes place.” Zeke replied with “What is the reasoning on the postponement of the exam?” The deep voice replied with “Earlier this morning a ship had been hit and taken down outside of our island. We are not sure what sunk the ship but it might have been other pirates looking for something they are in need of or some creature started to nibble down on their ship but we are not sure right now. We're going to let the water settle for a little while before we have the people come out here. We don't want another incident like that to occur.”. After the phone call Zeke became very curious, a little too curious and wanted to go out and see what it might have been that sunk that pirate ship. Zeke gathered Kurma and Shako and lied to them saying that the next test was just opened to make them want to leave because he sure knew that if he told the truth they would not want to go. They boarded the ship and set sail for Whompus island. They got towards the island and the current was very high and rocked the boat back and forth. Out of nowhere Kurma spots a fin swimming towards the boat. Zeke turned the boat very fast to the left to avoid being hit by whatever this creature was. Zeke took another hard left to avoid being pummeled by the creature again. And out of nowhere this huge blue water dragon pops out of the water. Water flying everywhere landing in the boat creating all types of waves. And the huge blue most stops just staring at the boat. Zeke identified who this mythical creature was; he knew it was a creature named Patch. Patch was sitting in the water staring at Zeke. Zeke wondered if he had been the one to tame the patch.  Patch crept toward the boat slowly. Kurma and Shako went to the very far edge of the boat because they were scared of this mythical creature. Zeke began to go closer to him. Zeke started to pet him. Patch wasn't that bad after all Zeke thought. Patch began to lick Zeke as if he was a dog. Zeke felt warmth inside when he did this, like Patch was a key to Zeke's life that he didn't know he needed. Luckily for Zeke, anyone else but his crew Patch would have taken out. That must mean Zeke is the chosen one and was destined to become the king of the pirates or maybe even more. Zeke also had no idea that Patch was able to roam on an island for a long time without any water. Zeke and his friends began to head back to their home with Patch of course. It's like he became a part of the family after that. They made it back home and Zeke began to greet Patch to the people of his island. Patch had no clue what was going on because clearly he didn't understand english he only understood how to sit, lay down, and to attack and come to his owner. Patch was just excited to see and be petted by everyone as if he was a cat or dog that really what he believes he is but no he's a mythical sea creature that kills anything that he finds appealing. After everyone was greeted by Patch Zeke took Patch to hopefully his forever home where he would live for the rest of his life with Zeke and his family. That will happen one day in the future. Everyone began to relax, Everyone felt safe in their village now that they had Patch sticking around. A little while later The Exam sirens went off meaning that everyone was meant to head to the Exam island. Zeke gathered the rest of his Crew and they began to set sail towards the island. They arrived at the island 500 crews remaining; it wasn't as packed as it was before and in the next few hours the next challenge would start. The deep examiner's voice said, “ For your next test you will be heading to the City of Ruins where you will have to race to the top of the temple where you will have to grab one of the 10 golden crowns at the top. It won't be easy because there are hostile people everywhere making sure that you will not be able to touch the golden crowns.”  Everyone began to run out of the main lobby towards the dock where their boats would be waiting for them so they could begin the next challenge. Zeke and friends got out fast and they were already on their way to the City of Ruins. They arrive on the island and they see very many dead guards. Kurma shouts out “ People have most definitely been here already.”. No doubt there have already been people taking others out. They began walking up the path and they saw the Temple. Walking down the path they see a mix of people that live here dead and alot of pirates dead too. Ahead of them is a really dangerous clan. It's the Dog crew. Their ears are crazy good at hearing, they can hear you from miles away so they had already found out that Zeke and his friends have already arrived. The Dog clan have already grabbed a crown and would be running back soon but Zeke did not care he needed one of the crowns no matter the cost. They ran up to the Temple where he had ran into the Captain of the Dogs his name is Sparrow and he had warned Zeke that there were still a lot of guards inside the only chance they have at grabbing on is if they sneak up to one of the crowns grab it and run like there is no tomorrow. They walked into the Temple and easily over 300 guards were sitting there watching the crowns. Kurma says “It's my time I was a part of the shadow clan. I can get that crown no problem.” Kuram climbed to the top of the building and began to crawl down the walls towards the crowns. And before any of the guards noticed the Group began running down the hill towards their boat where they would be ready for the next challenge when they made it back to the Exam island. Zeke and his friends made it back to the island and there were only 10 squads left; the others either died or were unable to get a crown. The deep voice of the Examiner began to speak again “ This will be the last challenge and one crew will be crown after the compass is collected you will be heading to the island of pirates where you will be having to meet with a pirate that was in the worlds best pirates crew where he will give you all of the information needed to find the compass and be crowned the King of the Pirates.” The Test just began and the friends were running to the boat just as all the other crews did too. They began to set sail towards the island and out of know where one of the crew boats were shot by a cannon and that crew sank. This meant war for every crew. There were only 9 crews remaining and they must fight it out till the death. Zeke and Shako turnt their boat to the weakening looking crew. Shako hopped on the boat and began to clear out all of the little weak bandits and there he was the Captain of their crew Shanks. Shanks was a big huge strong pirate and he was able to tear right through anything that stood in his way. Zeke shouted “ Shako MOVE HES GOING TO TURN YOU TO PIECES”. Shako went to dash out of the way and it was too late . Shako was cut into a million pieces and popped like a balloon. Zeke screaming and crying at the same time hops on the boat and something internally wakes Zeke up and he begins to go crazy. A fire ring surrounded him. It was like he was on fire everything around him was red he was red everything was burning but Zeke. Zeke dashes at Shanks and Cuts right through his stomach and begins to slice as fast as he can. It seemed as if he was cutting at the pace of a leopard running and before anyone knew it Shanks was cut into pieces so small that a human eye could barely see. Zeke stepped back onto his crew and he was cooling down like charcoal after a fire. Zeke fell and started to cry like he has never before. He believes it was his fault that Shako is dead and if he had never asked Shako such a dumb question that was to come along with him on this adventure then none of this would have ever happened. Before anyone knew it Zeke took his sword and slid it across his throat and soon bled out. He took his life in despair and sorrow because he felt guilty.  The moment he took his own life everything flashed before his eyes. His family, His younger self playing tag with his friends, Him meeting Kurma, The first day of school where he met Shako, Patch, His island, The people that loved him the most and needed his support, and So many people would be lost now that Zeke is gone and it's all because he was doing what he loved and a unfortunate event had happened. The most inevitable thing happened that he would never want to happen. Junkster and his crew were crowned the King of the Pirates and the world is soon to take a toll for the worse with him incharge of the people that Zeke crashed the most.

The author's comments:

I had a lot of fun writing this piece and I think I'm going to continue to write.

I've always loved story's but I really don't like reading that the only problem that I have.

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