Stranded | Teen Ink


January 17, 2023
By Anonymous

It was a sunny warm day when I realized that my family wasn't with me. I asked myself  Where am I, I thought to myself “How am i going to survive with no food” while I was stuck on this big island with a bottle with a note inside.White sand all over my feet while I am trying to get to the bottle.The white sand feels baby powder on my feet.When I got to the bottle I thought to myself what could be inside this bottle popping the top off.As soon as I opened it I came to realize that it was a treasure map that had washed up on shore.

I went looking for the treasure in the blazing heat that gave off symptoms of a hard attack just to end up finding a chest with nothing inside it.I said to myself “why was I so desperate to get to this treasure chest” it was a waste of my time having to come across this island almost dying just to get nothing.I decided to just keep walking till I found a family.They saw me and at first thought that i was some sick guy stalking them but I ended up going to them and asking them for food telling them that i have been stranded for days and I am looking for food.when they offer me some enchiladas.

The delicious enchiladas has steam coming off of the pieces of mozzarella stuck to the top while other pieces where sliding down the slides as if it was a waterfall.the dark green sauce was drizzled on top if s unique combination of peppers and spices and the sauce to make a amazing delicious.While I was eating the people asked me how I got here am I told them that I had no clue That i just woke up to find myself stranded on this island thinking i was by myself but thank god I found you guys if no I would have died.

After the people heard what I had to say about how I got here they offered to try to help me find my family but we couldn't get in contact with my parents so that they could  take me home.After multiple times of trying to call them i decided that i had 2 choses either ask the family if they would take me with them or i would have to find a way to live on this island by myself.

The family took some time to think about it and they said that the choice was up to me if I wanted to go with them or stay by myself.I decided to go with them, get a job and start living a better life.

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