Crime Chase | Teen Ink

Crime Chase

January 13, 2023
By Anonymous

Crime Chase

It was a normal Saturday night, cool winds blowing, crickets chirping. But something felt a little off in this city, the police had gotten a call out of nowhere, it seemed a little random. A bank robbery at this time?! It was just barely 10pm! The sirens kicked on and about 15 cop cars started moving towards the bank at high speeds, after all, it was holding upwards of $100 Million dollars in cash. Right as the cops got there, we were leaving, just me and a few of my friends wanted a lot of cash so we could go buy cars and mess around. Our original plan would be a stealthy mission, to get in and out through the same place, but we forgot about the vault checks, unfortunately we were only halfway done grabbing cash when one of these checks happened.

Fast forward to now again, we are getting into the van just as the cops showed up and the chase begins! We were racing through the city and the cops were close behind us! We could see lights turning on as we were driving, the sirens were extremely loud, it was actually going pretty calmly until one of my friends took a sudden right turn going 100 mph. He thought that it might lose the cops, but it didn't, it only shook us up and almost made us hit a wall. But after that i had to take the wheel because I didn't trust him anymore, and i had an even crazier idea, we were going to drive straight through an alleyway. I knew the city pretty well at the time, so we went for it. 

Pretty soon after we heard the sirens drift off into the distance, we did it, we escaped! We decided to wait in the alley for a while just to be sure, a few hours had passed by and we were just counting how much we had gotten, but we started to hear sirens in the distance again. Did they find us? Well it turns out we didn't think about the amount of people living in the apartment we were next to, so someone saw us counting hundreds of thousands of dollars and called the cops again…

Well we started running but they caught up to us pretty fast, there were about 20-30 cars this time. But they were spread out around us so it was much harder to escape. They thought they had us surrounded but we were smarter this time. We chose the one alleyway that had sewer access, and it led to the other side of the city. So we started driving, if we could get in the sewer before the cops could spot us we would be free. So we went into the sewer and only started hearing sirens around halfway through, so they didnt know where it would lead. Once we got through we just drove to our base of operations.

And that brings us to today, we now all own businesses and all have exactly what we wanted to get from the robbery, we did pay the bank back double though. Yes, that's how big our businesses got. So we didn't really rob them, we just borrowed $57 million, they just made a big deal out of it.

The End

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