the new world war | Teen Ink

the new world war

December 15, 2022
By Anonymous

New world war 


                    It is 2022 and a war is raging. 

Our boys from the US army are moving in on Afghanistan.

They seek out a man with valuable intel on a very bad man who kills kids and children of Iraniandescent. 

They must be stopped but only one force is strong enough to take down this  man and they are known as the Seal Team 6  . And they are about to go on their  first mission in this area of Afghanistan-Osama bin Laden private compound holding american rockets. In this compound there manny layers to this compound he has heavily armed with aks and ar's and are heavily fortified in. Are seal teams have to be very cautious where they enter and when they enter. 

              Colonel Payne: Alright boys we are encountering a high value target osama bin laden he is a very dangerous man we need take out this man and has several rockets in this compound. Also we need to be extracted before we blow this compound sky high .Once you are in the target zone you will kill all hostiles that are armed and dangerous dangerous so use     caution.  You have been training for this your whole life in the military so kill or be killed any questions…

         Captain Price: Ok team this is the plan we are going to infiltrate here on the south and north ends of his compound there manny layers to this compound. We have the pouter rind with armed guards with low tier ak 47 and the tangos will get harder the further you get in.It  goes ak 47 to ak 74 us with high tech scops and hard hitting 7.62 nato round.  We are going a 2200 so equipped your nods we will be well up soon so get some sleep you are all dismissed.


          1  hour later…captain price:  Ok we are on site get ready to jump you are at 20,000 feet you know what to do when you get down you will not reenforcement tell you reach the tower in his compound jump in 1 .. 2 … 3 ..go go go. 

          Narrator: Seal team six dropped from 20,000 feet on to the landing sites and stayed undetected by enemy spot lights. Both team dropped on each side north and south side of the compound and entered from there.  

            Captain price: keep down crawl slowly don't let them see you. Let them pass. Take out the two tangos i got the one on the left you got the one one the right 1…2…3 go… tangos down. Move up now when we get up there we are going to conserve your ammo when we get to to of this ridge. We are going to scout out and look for tangos then work around the perimeter to find a way in to get  the compound move up now let go kill  osama bin ladin. 


James: Oh S**T get down!!! (whistle) crash!!! …. Is every one ok ?.. Yeah we are good. Says everyone. James keep going you good price. Yeah I am good lets take out those artillery guns if we stay here will be buried alive like are fallen brother now move !!. Price: I hope tis team makes it out alive I don't want this piece of shit man to kill my brothers price say to him self. 

Narrator : Price and his team would move up miles up into enemy territory and push through harsh deserts and deep desert swaps of dry dirt. Water but they would push and push entail the body could not take any more and shut down and would risk there lives for one another. 

           Seal 2 : Yes sir we got you back we will move in on the opposite end and move towards the center where osama is hiding. Okay team move out!!.  

Ghost:  Soap we will take the south end we can get you in and I will give you cover I will be on coms the whole time ok get in there. 

soap: Ok boss see you on the other side brother.ghost you too. 

Soap: Ok I am in. 

Ghost: good push towards the the north and push into the storage warehouse and go quiet we don't want to raise any alarms. Soap:will do soap out. Soap: ok i need to get in how will i get in… oh!,there it is lets get up there. 

Ghost : Get down! Theres the butcher he should be in guatemala not here damn it!.  Soap take down the butcher he has over 200 us marines captive in there get them out safely Ghost out. 

 Ghost give me five watch my six.( Soap’s internal thinking ) I really hope we get out of this alive I need to get back my wife and my son for my boys birthday I promised I would never miss a birth day again. Ghost I am in the factory and there is a tunnel  where does it go?

Ghost :It looks like it heads in straight into the captive area with the marines are being held up.  There looks to be two people in there now the butcher and a marine captain Sargent James of team charlie. 

Narrator : Soap would push in and snuck by every guard like a cat in the dark and he would not make a sound Ghost eliminated over 30 men that day. And would later get a silver star and be a hero and both price james and all of the other operators would awarded medals of sorts and they will push on to the next target like badass people they are. 


Ghost : (Internal thinking) Come on soap get through there. Soap I am in k get to the the back of the building there will two guards at the front entrances take them out… Now there will be two door to your left take the right one. Now Soap take both guard in the tower. There on top of me right now. 

narrator : Now enough of them lets switch over to Captain Price and sargent james and there team. 

 SARGT James : Is every one ok… good we need to get  moving before we get hit again now.. ARTILLERY GET DOWN!! (BOOM) (crash). Oh s**t they see us engage fire at the enemy. Price: perforate the arabic sons of b*****s. (Sounds of fire and heavy gun fire). 

SARGT James: EVERY ONE GET TO COVER !!!  Mortar!! Get out the  way 

          narrator :Now seal team six forces move in on west and east sides of the compound where they infiltrated the compound took out over 150 men with only six guys. And eliminated osama bin ladin for good and he now is in a 20 foot concrete casket buried and that man will not be respectfully be buried. He will rot in the ground where he belongs

The author's comments:

this about the war in iraq

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