A Crazy Dream | Teen Ink

A Crazy Dream

October 3, 2022
By bmkopatich GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
bmkopatich GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt snorkeling in Australia under the gray sky in a body of soda.  I look to my right to see George Washington who had transformed into a shark. All that went through my head was this could “end in burning flames or paradise,” by Taylor Swift. My eyes snapped open and out of that dream but before I could get a thought through I was dreaming of swimming in my pool on a hot sunny day. Being a stay at home mom seemed easy until the pool started to turn into 100 scrambled eggs. Crap this is not good. I started to panic trying to get out of the pool as Lil baby grabbed my hand. “Hola,” He was wearing my birks and holding a stuffed unicorn. This is so sick I thought to myself. “Have a super sparkly day,” he said to me. “And goodluck with your pool,” he continued. 

The author's comments:

I am a Senior at Arrowhead High School

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