Black Nikes | Teen Ink

Black Nikes

September 30, 2022
By Anonymous

Last night, I dreamt I was at Disney World with apple juice in my hand. Also, I was eating fish, which I hate. I was wearing neon clothes. Then in the distance, I see my old crush, Ava. When I was looking at her, It started to rain heavily, which sucked because we are going to go to a football game soon. So we had to go back to the hotel which was such a far walk it was like 1,000 steps all the way back. And now I am cold because of the rain. And my Nike shoes were soaked. I only brought one pair of shoes with me. And then when it started to clear up outside there was a dragon. The dragon wanted to fight me and it was blowing fire at me and I could fly. I hit it in his face. Then the dragon blew fire at me and as soon as it hit me I woke up from my dream. 



I was at Disney World with apple juice in my hand. Also, I was eating fish, which I hate. I was wearing neon clothes. Then in the distance, I see my old crush, Ava. When I was looking at her, It started to rain heavily, which sucked because we were going to go to a football game soon. So we had to go back to the hotel which was such a far walk it was like 1,000 steps all the way back. And now I am cold because of the rain. And my Nike shoes were soaked. I only brought one pair of shoes with me. And then when it started to clear up outside there was a dragon. The dragon wanted to fight me and it was blowing fire at me and I could fly. I hit it in his face. Then the dragon blew fire at me.

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