The fight for Cook | Teen Ink

The fight for Cook

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

 It was Jason’s 18th birthday, he and his group of friends were planning on celebrating by taking a few days off to go on a vacation together to a remote island located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, the Cook Island. Everything was going as planned, the group arrives to the island and start taking shots, as is common for teenagers, and they start exploring the island and what it offers. The group does everything possible to have fun including going on a boat, skydiving and going to a club at night. Next thing they know, it’s already the next morning and they’re enjoying themselves on the coast of the island. Not a care in the world in their minds, there was absolutely nothing that could get them to get up from where they were, that’s when the unexpected occurred. In an instant, in the blink of an eye, the group was ambushed by what appeared to be a militia. They were beating up the group of friends, anyone witnessing this would’ve called it torture, but that wasn’t enough, they were also being kidnapped and separated. Once separated the last thing Jason remembered was being knocked out before waking up in a cage in the middle of the jungle. 

 It was there where Jason got insight into his current situation. There was a guy around the militia, one with more importance since he wasn’t wearing the same mysterious and heavy uniform as everyone else around. This man was making the calls, telling the rest where to move the “product.” This was confusing to Jason since there was nothing other than cages with other people inside. That’s where it hit Jason, he and his friends got caught in a human trafficking business. Him and all his friends would be split to be sold throughout the island. Jason did not want this, he didn’t want to be there and he knew his friends didn’t want that either. With so many soldiers around though, Jason knew that any slight movement would end in the possible deaths of him and all his friends. Saving his friends was no longer a possibility, so he did the only other logical thing. Without a second being wasted, the second that no one was looking at Jason’s direction, he broke out of his cage and ran into the jungle. 

The second that Jason escaped, the boss who was still mysterious to Jason and the troop around him were alerted of the empty cage and chased him into the jungle. Jason heard screams and groups of dogs barking behind and that’s how he knew he no longer was alone, he had to lose them, but with how close they were behind, there was no time to hide anywhere. Jason had to think fast because he could hear water getting closer and closer the longer he ran, but by the time he started to have an idea, he had reached the edge of an enormous waterfall with nowhere and no time to run off. Instead of allowing the soldiers to reach him, he took a leap of faith into the depths of the ocean before being left unconscious from the splash. It was a few hours afterward that he was woken up by a local of a nearby village that found him and rescued him, this is where Jason learns the complete story of how he ended up where he is now. The island used to be peaceful, full of life and vegetation until a rare flower was discovered there. This flower could be used for drugs, therefore you could become instantly rich from it, that’s where the trouble arrived. A brother and sister decided to settle on the island after hearing about the opportunity to become rich. Sometime through the exploration of the island, the sister started to regret being a part of a plan to keep the island for themselves, so she rebelled against her brother, which started the sibling rivalry that continues to this day. The brother started to make money and take control of the island for himself meanwhile the sister retired into a tribe formed out of several hidden villages that she had started.

 This local, being the leader of one of the villages and the right hand of sister, Citra, decides to help out Jason since through his tribe’s beliefs, he was able to envision a savior that would come from a group of visitors, and this guide, Dennis, knew that Jason was the savior he saw in his vision. The next morning, Dennis told Jason that he wanted to take him to meet Citra, since she would love to guide Jason if he truly was the hero. On their journey to Citra, Jason learned that all his friends had been split and would be sold off. Jason couldn’t let this happen, he had to do something about it. When they arrived to Citra, he learned about the tribe’s culture of tattoos and how they represented their inner powers. Citra’s plan was simple and if done correctly by her now new warrior, Jason, would work flawlessly to kill her now evil brother, Vaas. It required Jason to disrupt all the connections that Vaas had throughout the island and all its compounds. Jason agreed as long as he knew his friends were safe. Jason started traveling, destroying all compounds in sight, everytime getting closer and closer to reaching Vaas. Once the boss noticed all the commotion being done throughout the island caused by Jason, Vaas knew he had to end Jason soon. 

 He set up a plan to gather all of Jason’s friends in one abandoned warehouse and wait for Jason to fall for the bait. It didn’t take long for Jason to see what was supposedly a livestream of his friends in what appeared to be a warehouse to him and it didn't take much longer for Jason to know exactly where this warehouse was. When he got there he rushed in, not even thinking about the dangers laying inside. Instantly he was knocked out and tied with all his friends, and Vaas went on to explain his problem with his sister and how he would keep them tied while he went to kill her that instant. He left them all tied up while he went to go find his sister’s location to end her, but while he was gone, Jason took that opportunity to break out and save all his friends. Once reunited with them, he knew he still had to go help out Citra, the person that helped him save all his friends in the first place. When Jason arrived to Citra’s location it was almost too late, Citra’s temple had been burned down and almost everyone was dead except Vaas and Citra that were inside. Jason rushed in and knifed Vaas to death before anything else. Soon after, Citra was thanking him with a beverage that without thinking about it, Jason drank it and was instantly knocked out by the beverage. When he woke up, he found himself tied and saw the rest of his friend in front of him being hung. Citra was telling him how she wanted to keep him as a warrior and make him king of the island and the tribe but that it would require him killing all his friends to stay with Citra. Without even thinking about it, Jason decided to stay with his friends, this in turn made Citra furious. Citra went in for the kill against Jason with a knife, but sadly for her, Jason saw this coming and counter-attacked her with her own knife, stabbing it in her throat and leaving her there to die. Jason was able to find boats in Citra’s compound that he was able to refuel and use to escape with his friends, never to travel for vacation to some place disconnected from society ever again. 

The author's comments:

I am not honestly the best when it comes to being creative, but I am happy with my work this time.

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