In The Lion's Den | Teen Ink

In The Lion's Den

September 12, 2022
By Eyan_zetino BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Eyan_zetino BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was a young kid when it all happened. My family and I were in our little home in the great city of Tynomog. It was quite a big city and was filled with hard working and successful townspeople. We all believed that this was due to all of the gods of Landorus. My mother and father were great knights and fought in many battles,(foreshadowing) but nothing would prepare them for what was to come.

It was just like any other day, my father and mother were off training while I was playing with my best friend. We were sword fighting and I was the great hero “Sir vermonith” and my best friend was the evil “lancorin” . We were having lots of fun playing and fighting, but before we knew it, he was here. 

On the opposite side of our town a giant smoke appeared in the sky and the silhouette of a great lion appeared. My mom and dad yell “get in the house now!” We run and watch as my parents run off into the distance. I was very nervous for them, so I convinced my friend that we should go and help in any way possible. We got to the battlefield and saw my mom and dad standing there, patiently like they were waiting for something. There were flames but it was dead silent.(simile) Out of the flames a bellowing roar like a cannon is heard and a massive claw comes swinging through the smoke at me. I could feel my body go cold as I thought that this was going to be the end of me. I froze as my friend was telling me to move out of the way. I looked straight ahead and all I could see was my mom who blocked the hit for me. I blacked out and heard the noises of all of the flames and yelling as the lion ran off because of the sacrifice my mother made to use her inner power and save me from the lion's attack. 

When I finally came to, I sat up, looked around and all I saw was many broken buildings and people crowding around one person. I got up and pushed myself through the crowd and the person who was laying on the ground in the center was my mom. She laid there lifeless with my father holding her hand crying. It was the first time I had ever seen him cry. My mother was dead and all I could think was “why” why did it have to be her. Why did she have to be the one to defend against the great lion and send him back to his island. I fell to my knees and screamed at the top of my lungs swear I would get revenge. From then on I trained night and day with my father mastering many techniques that will help me in battle.

I grew up only living by the urge for revenge, and when I finally got to the age of 15 my father taught me a secret family spear technique. The fire within was a technique that should only be used once. It would draw out all of one's most inner power and channel it to one single point. When he taught me this technique I wanted to see how truly strong this technique was (contrast), but I knew how dangerous it was so I would make sure to only use it when necessary. I knew when I was old enough to defend myself I would start the treacherous journey and slay the great lion who killed my mother. I knew the journey was soon so for the next 5 years I trained harder than ever. I learned how to use many different weapons and became a master spearman by the time I was 19. I would spar with my father from time to time and would beat him most of the time. I knew I was ready for the gurling journey and I could not wait to slay that lion, get revenge for my mother, and become a hero to all the townspeople. I would go down in history and kids would look up to me and believe that any goal or dream they wanted it was never impossible as long as you worked hard for it

After those 5 difficult years, it was finally time for me to start the near impossible journey, and prove my father proud. My best friend and I packed all of the weapons and food on the boat that we will need for this expedition. But, right before we were going to set off my father stops me and says “Son, this spear means a great deal to me. It was your mothers before she died. I want you to slay that lion and get revenge for your mother.” I knew he believed in me and I felt more confident than ever. We got on the ship and set off, it would be a 6 day trip passing the sea of monsters which was said to be home to a great beast.

It was nearing the end of day one and the trek was going pretty fine. My friend and I told stories, trained, and talked about our plan for when we got there. As we practiced, I noticed that I was exceptionally more skilled at weapon combat than he was, but he was very skilled at hand to hand combat which made him an exceptional fighter.

Now we were going into day four and entered the Sea Of Monsters. There was a dark cloud that hovered about the area, and the air was limited and thin. After a little bit of sailing I started to feel anxious like something was about to happen. The waves got wild and a giant tentacle appeared out of the darkness. It latched onto our boat and started to rock it back and forth. I grab one of our swords and slice the tentacle. It retreats back into the water and once again goes silent. Suddenly the water erupts and a giant kraken appears bearing all its long tentacles. It swings at our boat hitting off one of the sails. We start to move the boat and my friend yells for me to go and get the bow and arrow from the basement. I run down and while I do that my friend is steering us in the right direction. I fire a barrage of shots at the giant squid but it seems to do very little damage. I came up with the idea to light the tip on fire and aim for his eyes. I shoot in between his tentacles and hit him square in the eye. He roars in pain and sinks back into the deep ocean.

We recover from this mishap and continue our journey. After 6 days, we finally got to the lion's island. I stand outside of the den and call out “great lion, I have come for revenge!” He erupts out of his cave and claws at me. I jump out of the way and run up his arm and slash at his face cutting him in multiple areas. He roars and sends us flying back against the wall. As we are getting off the wall we look up and see the lion's claw flying at us. I have no time to react and he strikes me down. All I feel is the wind, like I'm falling down a deep hole. I crash into something like a giant hand. I look up and the great god of death states my friend and i are dead. He says “ I will allow one of you to return but one must stay with me.” My friend looks at me and tells me to go. I plead that i can not do that but he tells me that i need to get revenge not only for my mom but all the deaths of the townspeople. I agree and I get sent back, and now feel the power of everyone in my life. I channel my power risking my life by using a secret technique. I send the spear flying at the lion killing him. A big explosion happens and I get dragged into it. That final effort kills me, but I get to be known as the hero of all the townspeople and get revenge for my mother.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in the type of cool gods lifestyle

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