All endings have a beginning | Teen Ink

All endings have a beginning

September 12, 2022
By cs0381910 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
cs0381910 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                    April 16, 1998 I remember it like it was yesterday, waking up to a clear blue sky. It was the perfect weather on a Friday, not too hot or cold. Many kids during the weekend will stay up late and party or even relax, but I was different. I preferred to explore and spend quality time with family members. This week we had plans to head down to Oklahoma for just a little vacation, to regroup and spend time with each other. This was the first time with just us no distractions this whole year.

Furthermore we arrived in Oklahoma. It was a few days' travel but it didn’t bother me, the thing that really bothered me was my back. I couldn't sit in one position for many hours without stretching. When we arrived at the hotel I grabbed my enormous suitcases I had packed out of the car. Once they were out I carried them straight to the elevator, I was not about to wait for them to check in. Once we arrived at our room I was so excited that I dropped my bags at the door and went straight to exploring the area.

It's been a few days now since we arrived. It was around lunch time when we decided to test out this new restaurant in town. It's supposed to be the best one around here. But little did I know this was going to be the most miserable day of my life. When we got there I felt something, something felt odd, something holding me back from going, but I decided to ignore it. A few minutes later I was in the restroom washing my hands, when I noticed something weird. The sink was shaking, I took a glimpse at the mirror. It's also shaking, I looked up at the ceiling and I saw little bits of dust falling down also. To the point where the whole room was shaking, I heard a distant screaming , the whole room  came to a halt, it became an awkward moment of silence  like a quiet mouse . Suddenly Boom! Three loud explosions go off. I ran straight to the nearest stall in fear and disturbance. I curl up in a ball unable to move. I feel 

motionless. It feels like my limbs are starting to fade. I started to imagine that someone was going to run through the door and save me but no one did.

Ten minutes after the screaming and the explosions have stopped, I sit in the stall still trying to calm myself down and gain the courage to go out. Finally I stood up in robustness and headed toward the exit, I opened the door and took a quick glimpse just in case something happened again. I couldn’t see anything but gray dust and pavement. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I carefully walked where my family was, but no one was in sight. Where Have They gone? I repeated to myself.

I put myself in their shoes where would I go, they would come looking for me, I headed back to toward the restroom, but this time I looked around, and there I saw my worst nightmare, I dropped to my knees started to shed many tears ,I felt like I let them down I hated myself for ignoring that warning sign. But I felt something, something I’ve never felt before hatred, and resentment out of all the people in the world why did it have to happen to me. I stood up and ran the opposite direction in outrage, I ran so far that I didn’t even notice I ended up back at the hotel.

Upon entering the hotel room I turned on the Tv and went to the News channel. I sat there waiting, watching, studying…. I planned this out like a lion trying to catch its prey, when they released the man who was responsible for this action, I knew what must be done, erased from this world.

  Several years go by I still have determination and everyday that goes by I grew more hatred towards him till the point where I only had one goal in life. Throughout the past years I joined many military operations to train me in different ways of combat, little did they know the real reason I joined, if they ever found out my plan they would think of me as a lunatic.

Like always I waited, watching and studying his every movement. Sometimes I will forget what time of the day it was just like an owl I slowly became nocturnal just waiting for the perfect time to strike in hopes of new information or even a location for the man responsible for mass killings.

Until new information came up, I overheard people talking about him, he was still in Oklahoma, he never left. I spent weeks tracking every movement he made from daylight to nightfall, waiting for the perfect moment. When it became time to act I was up and ready. I only had a two hour opening, one chance that's all I got it's now or never. I swooped past many of his guards unseen, silent, making no noise. I knew I couldn’t take any chances getting caught. I wandered around his place when I finally turned a corner and there he was. I stared straight in his eyes making no movement. We made eye contact for thirty seconds. I noticed something different about him. He seemed on edge or even frightened. He moved his arm in a downward position, from a distance I could see he was protecting his daughter, but I didn’t care, still full of rage. I pointed my gun towards him and shot once Bang! His body drops to the ground. Hearing him take his last breath as it slowly fades away. Hearing him slowly fade away I thought it would satisfy me but no I was still feeling upset and full of anger, I hadn’t realized with all of this inside of me I had no goals in life nothing . I looked in his daughter's eyes and took off, as time went by I kept killing thinking it would go away but that's not the case I was slowly losing a part of myself with every kill. 

Unlike what I thought, I thought I was doing good getting these dangerous people off the street keeping innocent people safe but it just caused more destruction and harm until it was too late. I had lost myself and I couldn't stare in the mirror anymore. I always avoided looking at myself, I don’t know who I am anymore.

Then one day early in the morning I was getting ready for my next mission when I got approached by a young women, She introduced herself and said “ Hey my name is Jane. How are you today? I looked up and repeated to myself Jane…….

The author's comments:

This article was something I made up in my mind, and I truly enjoy these types of story telling 

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