T.T undercover | Teen Ink

T.T undercover

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

   Monday morning half  past seven a.m. when Jessie entered the boys room. She exclaimed 

“ Tim and Turner get ready for school, it's sophomore year for you Tim and Senior year for  you  Turner aren’t you guys excited?” 

It appeared that she was having a proud mom moment hence her sipping her cup of joe from her #1 mom mug. Turner shook his head with displeasure. Tim was so ecstatic about the first day that he laid his clothes out the previous night so that he’d be set and ready to go. After mom's morning announcements she proceeded to pop in on her husband Jack to see if he’d awaken from his slumber. It was now quarter till eight a.m. when the boys Tim and Turner came galloping downstairs like gazelles in search of breakfast. They devoured their breakfast consisting of pancakes, scrambled eggs & sausage. They were now waiting on their parents Jack and Jessie to be finished getting ready. It was typically a tradition for their parents to give them a lift to school on the first day regardless of how old they were. Tim cut on his Nintendo switch and decided to play a few rounds of Mario Kart while Turner laid on the sofa trying to catch a few more Z’s with one eye open.  Jessie entered the room and was taken by surprise when she walked into the room and saw her husband on his built in top secret computer she’d known he was up to something very clever.

Jack started “Good morning honey I was just checking a few emails for work”. They’d been married for a decade so by now you’d think he’d know that she could tell when he was lying.

She replied “Yeah right, let me have a look for myself if it isn’t significant” he then attempted to exit out the tabs but Jessie’s eyesight and movement were quicker than he expected. On the screen she could see that it was wanted agents from the “other side” that appeared to have stolen from the “good side” software database that contained classified information. Jack could see the terror in Jessie’s face and immediately said 

“Don’t worry about it we’ll deal with this later”

“You bet we will she replied”

 Then Jack reached for his blazer and motioned for her and the kids to load up the truck, once everyone was settled in he turned on some Country tunes to lighten the mood between him and his wife. Everyone was enjoying the Music up until Turner yelped “Dad, watch out!” Jack snapped out of karaoke mode and immediately slammed on the brakes. He was about three seconds from running into the bus, he got down from the truck and gave his sincerest apology to the big hefty bus driver and the students. Tim thought it was a nice gesture given the fact that it was his mistake however, Turner wasn’t impressed. In fact, he thought that his father was the antithesis of a grown courageous man instead he had the bravery of a six year old girl. Turner ascended up the stairwell so that he could get the best seat in the house seat one row one. He was considered to be the more dorky one out of the brothers when it came to education. Meanwhile, you could catch Turner roaming the halls for another thirty minutes or so; he was the more rebellious child yet very autonomous. As the day went on all was well until… there was a sudden breakout of commotion in the east hallway not far from where Turner was. He ran to see what all the chaos was about, from a far it looked like his younger brother Tim being picked on he said to himself “Already?” He finally made his way through the thickness of the hallway and lunged for his brother's hand or so he thought it was his brother. A young boy just about Tim’s age with identical black curly hair, freckles, and about the height of 5’5. Turner says to Tim whos not really Tim

“ What's The matter with you first Dad embarrassed me this morning and now you too?” The lookalike starred at Turner with a viscous grin 

And says“ Sksksksk” a whole lot of nothing came out of his mouth.

Turner said “What, now's not the time to be playing Tim”

The lookalike replied with the same response “Sksksks” Turner was officially creeped out and walked backwards down the hall until he was close enough to the bus ramp for him to turn around. It was now dismissal time so he and the real Tim got on the school bus and waited until the second stop to get off in their subdivision. When they arrived home the time read 3:15pm 

“ Mom, Dad” they both said in sync but to their surprise they were greeted by their uncle Felipe. He stated that their parents were on a business trip and would return as soon as the job was complete. Both boys thought to themselves  that it was strange they didn't mention it on their way to school this morning. Within thirty minutes of them being home there was a loud knock on the door Few minutes later An army of men was at their doorstep causing all sorts of ruckus; they were trying to breach the door with weapons and gadgets. By the time the boys could wrap their heads around what was going on all sorts of alarms were going off and uncle Felipe was tugging at their sleeves dragging them down the hallway of their home.

“Its time” said Felipe 

“For what exactly , who are you? What's going to happen?” said Turner he was beginning to get freaked out. 

Felipe replied “I work for your parents and your parents are secret agents for the good side and here grab this” he said mid-sentence as he plumbed a huge bag on both of the boys back filled with emergency cash, passports, top secret gadgets. He led the boys into the bathroom. Tim finally said 

“Seriously, is this our escape plan? 

Yes, replied Felipe he gave Austere directions and stated

 “In about 2 minutes if I'm not back press the blue button to lift up the tub and the green button to drop”.

“Wait what is this all about yelped Tim” 

“The data in the software is going to try and be used for the bad and the creation of kids that look like just like you guys but villains he shouted”

Immediately Turner set a timer on his watch and the time read 3:59 pm. Time was up and it was time to go. It turns out Felipe was a one man soldier and tried to hold back the army of men for as long as possible but they eventually executed him. Tuner presses the blue first and next the green the tub comes up from the ground, makes a loud anchoring sound and flips the boys upside down sending them flying down a dark black hole”. The boys couldn’t fathom how long they’d been falling but it felt as if they were flying like pigeons. Eventually they landed in barstools upside right in what appeared to be a banal safehouse on an island. When Tim clapped his hands twice a whole new setup appeared from appliances to modern technology and so much more. 

Turner asked Tim” How’d you know to do that”? 

Tim replied saying he’d gotten it from one of his “geek movies”. OK enough goofing around let's get to work. Turner reckoned they didn't have much time to spare; they were now the only people that could save their parents. He glanced at his watch , time appeared to be still… very still…. They looked around the back and noticed a boat, Turner untied the boat and pushed it into the water through his pivotal vision he could see the army of men arriving on jet skis so he said 

Tim jumped in and they took off with full acceleration. They had to do zigzag motions up until they got closer to the rocky fantasy island from there they jumped out and sank with their snorkeling gear they would then swim up to the entrance. They got to the entrance and removed their snorkeling gear. Turner grabs one of his spy resources labeled “double bubbles” and blows it towards three out of seven of the men , it sends them inside the bubble and they then begin to Harlem shake until they collapse to the ground. Both Tim and Turner are in their prime. They came up with an exquisite plan to take down the army of men using their resources and then take the air vents to track down mom and dad. Tim along the way comes across one of the identical humanlike kids and destroys it with a super hold silly string. It turns out that they’re are robotic so the wet gooeyness took it down. Turner locates Mom and Dad first; they're located in the west wing of the building tied up by a super thick rope. Both Turner and Tim come down on a black line and using their laser beams they burnt the rope. Jessie and Jack are shocked yet overjoyed to see their children. As Turner is steadily working his way through the ropes he has a heart to heart with his parents explaining his behavior recently and his feelings. Meanwhile Tim is reaching out through one of the pieces of stolen software letting the good side agency know that all is well and that their parents are back on the grid. Once they’re free immediately an army of men come rushing in, the well trained parents as well as the in training kids take on this army as a family this time. The agency gets to the location of the family just as they’re wrapping things up and thanks the entire family especially Tim and Turner because without them the information in the highly classified software would have advanced the robotic kids by allowing them to create more. The agency sends the family in a private helicopter back home and it's still 4:00pm when they arrive as if nothing had even happened.

The author's comments:

The first day of school and two teenage boys find out the biggest secret of all time. Their parents are top secret agents for the good side and it's up to them to save their lives and the top secret software.

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