August 2022 Fiction Contest: Conscious | Teen Ink

August 2022 Fiction Contest: Conscious

August 28, 2022
By ALeBlanc BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
ALeBlanc BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Cadel! Get out-” I… can’t breathe… Attempting to gasp for air, poignant smoke begins to consume me, spewing out of my lungs and clamping my eyes shut with pain. Agony and severed nerves pressure tears to escape my eyes causing little glimpses of the surrounding rubble to sink in. Cadel. Destroyed buildings pin Cadel to the asphalt below as the slightest debris fluctuates rhythmically to his breathing. I never thought… this was how we would go out… Shades and memory flashes draw my head to the ground as I notice help assisting Cadel. Now I can go like Juliet and Romeo.

The author's comments:

Sixteen-year-old who enjoys reading, hunting, writing, spending time with family, and camping in my free time. I am currently enrolled at a magnet high school, Veterans Tribute, to major in forensic science and to be involved in the Army JROTC program. 

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