The Other Street Side | Teen Ink

The Other Street Side

April 11, 2022
By Anonymous

One day there was a little boy named Conner. It was a normal day for Conner.  The only thing odd was that a new neighbor was coming to the neighborhood.  I will play with my toys said Conner.   


Chapter 1 He’s here!

The new Neighbor was silly looking..  He had a hood on and all black clothes.  He had a cage of some kind with a cloth over it so you couldn't see what was inside.  Conner quit being so nosy.  Okay mom Conner  rolled his eyes and walked away.  After the man was all done packing his bags he was sitting on the porch.  Conner walked over to his house to greet his new neighbor and give a warm welcome.  “Hello!” Says Conner “Hello young man, would you like to come inside?”

Chapter 2 Oh no


“Okay? I- I guess I can take a look around.”   The neighbor could tell by the look on Conner's face he didn't really want to.  “Are you 100% sure?”

… “Uh yeah 100% sure!” Okay? The neighbor said suspiciously. I’ll be pleased to make some cookies.  Yes please! Said conner.  Cookies always calms him down.  Chocolate chip or raisins? Uh chocolate chip please.


Chapter 3 What was that?

So can I come in?  Of course,  Come on in, said the man while laughing.  Conner walks in holding a scream.  Let me go get my cookie cutter. I have that upstairs because I'm not fully unpacked yet. Okay the man walks upstairs and you hear a noise,  Ow stop biting me.  WHAT?  Conner tried to get out the door as he was twisting the doorknob.  Hey?  Where are you going?  I- I was just heading h- home.  Why? said the weird old man.  I heard someone say Please don’t bite me up there.  Oh you silly boy he said while laughing.  Follow me upstairs.  They both went up stairs.




Chapter 4

It all makes sense now

Conner and the man walk in the man's room and saw a parrot he mocked when it bit me.  Oh. laughed Conner then they became very good friends.  They finished their cookies and went on a walk with the parrot.

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