The Mystery Money | Teen Ink

The Mystery Money

April 11, 2022
By Anonymous

Alisha was in a rush to 4th period. She had to stop at her locker to grab some science books. As soon as she opened her locker she saw a 50 dollar bill on the floor of her looker. Alisha is very confused because no one knows her locker password. Alisha looked around the hall and nobody was around her. She didn't know what to do, so she just grabbed her books and went to class.  After the bell rang Alisha went to lunch. Alisha stopped at her locker to grab her lunch and the $50 bill was gone. She looked on the floor to see if it fell but it was not on the floor.

Alisha went to lunch and sat with her friend Katie. They had pizza for lunch.  

“Hi Katie, you will not believe what I found in my locker!”

Katie asked, “What?”  

Alisha said, “A $50 bill!”

Katie said, “WHAT? NO WAY!”

Alisha said “Yes way!” 

Katie said “Show me!” 

Alisha said “Sorry I don't know where it is now, it was in my locker.”

After lunch Alisha went back to her locker to grab her book for writing time. Alisha was shocked to see the money on the floor of her locker again. Just then Max walked up to Alisha and said, “That is from me! I want to give it to you because it is your birthday.’’ Alisha was shocked and said “Thank you!” 

After school Alisha took the $50 bill home and showed it to her mom. Then she went to the pet shop and bought a black kitten, food and all supplies needed for $50 dollars. Alisha played with her new kitten all afternoon. The kitten loves to prrrr and snuggle with his new owner. Alisha decided to name him Midnight. 

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