The butterfly effect | Teen Ink

The butterfly effect

November 30, 2021
By SugarRush81 BRONZE, Hemet, California
SugarRush81 BRONZE, Hemet, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't need it to be easy I need it to be worth it

I knew I was different from everyone. I wasn't your typical girl. I liked girls. I didn’t care. I like who I like. I was shy like a caterpillar in a cocoon waiting to turn into a butterfly-like everyone else. Then I did. I was a beautiful rainbow butterfly while everyone else was a plain butterfly with simple colors like blue-green, red, and white. The worst color was black everyone wanted to kill you if you were the mean butterfly that would bully the rainbow ones for being different to make yourself feel better. I was scared to tell people I was a rainbow butterfly but I did and I found more rainbow butterflies like me but I also met plain colors and so black sadly. The black ones were scared they would put you up into walls and try to hurt you because the way you were living wasn’t right and there was something that said something like “you are going to hell you need to change” I was scared. I tried to change into a plain color but couldn’t because at the end of the day I knew I liked everyone and I wasn’t going to change because of certain butterflies telling me to stand up for myself and become a bright beautiful butterfly everyone looked up to. The others started talking to me. I was so happy until I wasn't. The blacks came back with more and more. It was like a whole school. They beat us until we couldn’t fly anymore. They tore our wings off so we couldn’t run away from them. I will never understand why they couldn’t respect us and just let us live in peace like a happy family. Would they hurt not only me but my family of rainbow butterflies? It was sad to see some rainbow butterflies change in black I hide from them I went into hiding like a scared butterfly in a tree but at the end of the day or after a few days they found me but they made the old beautiful rainbow butterflies I liked to beat me until I said “I am going to change” they stopped and walked away. but I tried and tried to become a butterfly but yet I couldn't. I hid my rainbow in me to become a plan and people believed. I told my mom and she said “stop lying, you're not a rainbow butterfly look at you”. I remember crying because she didn’t believe me. She was another black butterfly-like my dad who I will never tell me thinks we should go to hell or the butterflies like me. I wish I could express myself but I know it will never end if I do so I hide like so scared until I leave this place with my rainbow butterflies like me who are beaten and don’t want to be here they just want to leave and find a rainbow village a place to be peacefully and we can live free from everyone. We all know that will never happen because the black butterflies will find us again and beat us over and over we need to stand up for ourselves but we need help for the other colors they like us only the black butterflies are rainbow fish.we all left the place we were hiding to find more rainbow butterflies like us or other color butterflies to help us stand up for what is right and help us get freed from the evil we need to bring light into the dark we need to bring the butterflies back to peace my teaching the black ones a lesson or it was going to get worse over time. I was surprised by the number of butterflies that came to help us. I guess the butterflies liked us. We gathered up everyone who was on our side the black butterflies had their own meetup the place they would go to we could probably find them there and attack them and this war for ones and all but I hated violence but at the end of the day it needed to end we were all in pain and suffering from the black or dark ones. We had made the plan to storm their place and kill them all to make them feel the same pain we did when they hurt us for doing nothing but living life and being different. We had set this up in days waiting for all of them to gather for a meeting to find us and try to hurt us. I told everyone when I said, “attack we attack them and end it all for freedom”.we waited for a few more minutes and everyone was there, we were ready. I yelled, “attack, kill them all” It was a very easy win, they were outmatched by us in numbers. It was all over and we could all live in peace again as we should have.

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