The White Puma | Teen Ink

The White Puma

October 24, 2021
By Jason-Schuyler22 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Jason-Schuyler22 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A gust of wind makes the nearby trees rustle, making the leaves clatter and crunch as the branches sway. Large veins of brown wood clutter the floor throughout the forest, making what you were doing just that much harder. The grove of trees continues to lose fallen leaves to the ground. Fall had begun, and the graveyard of leaves had just begun piling up. They are dead, however you are still alive. Stomach twisting into a void, trying to eat itself. You stalk your prey. Painstruck. Completely empty. You watch carefully, every single move it makes. Mhm, Lunch. You think, your mouth watering, trying not to drool. You creep closer, paw by paw, slinking as a human would foot by foot when hunting, as silent as ever. However this was slightly different. You were hungry, the human in that situation was not. Your stomach jabs at you again, pleading for what's right in front of you. Your stomach is like a bottomless pit, gnawing and starving, with a growing need for endless devouring. If only you could have it now. It was right there! Only a few feet away, on one of your last steps, ‘CRUNCH’, a twig snaps. You spring ferociously at the head of your prey, you see a mischievous grin and you soon realize that you are not the predator. You are the prey. You have just fallen into the creature’s trap without a second thought. What have I done? What have I done! You realize. The light dims around your face as you fall, and so does the hope that you will ever be satisfied again, as the head of the human, and the barrel of a shotgun, touches your lips, and everything. Just. Ends. 

The author's comments:

In my set piece, I took inspiration from my puma quickwrite, which was simply a task to write about a picture of a white puma. I also used a variety of literary devices. This includes similes or metaphors, anthropomorphism (which is making something or someone that is not human (the puma in this case), behave like a human), an overall mood of desire and desperation, and the use of the second person point of view (for example, using “You” instead of “I” or “They”). The simile I included was used to compare the puma’s empty stomach to a bottomless pit to show how hungry it actually is. So desperate for food that it would do anything. I also used another simile that I utilized to compare the movement to the white puma, to the movement of a human hunting for birds, trying to be as silent as possible. 

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