¨The Seagulls are in Charge now¨ | Teen Ink

¨The Seagulls are in Charge now¨

October 21, 2021
By Anonymous

It was a normal day for farmer Chuck Noris on the island of Tango just off the islands of Hawaii . He walked through the grassy field cutting down coconut trees and sipping the milk inside them. Chuck went down to the beach to dip his feet in the blue ocean . He could see the warm sun beaming down on the water. The bright yellow sand almost seemed as if it was gold. Chuck looked around his island. He was a wealthy man who owned the whole island. Chuck lived alone on his island with his dog Skipper and wished his wife Cinthia was still with him. She had passed away a few years ago after fighting cancer for 8 months, so he was a very lonely man.

It was night time now and Chuck was getting ready for bed. He needed to get lots of sleep in order to go fishing the next day. 

He woke up the next morning, hopped out of bed, put on his slippers and went downstairs for some toast and jam with a bit of coconut milk. After breakfast Chuck grabbed his things and headed out towards the ocean. He went down the dirt path that lead him to the ocean. Once he was there he listed to the waves going ¨Crishh Crashh¨ and watched the morning sun´s rays shine just above them. The sight was gorgeous. Chuck made his first cast and waited about thirty seconds but no bite. He casted again. Still no bite. 

After about twenty minutes he learned that seagulls were approaching the island and assumed that they had scared all of the fish away or maybe had just eaten them for their breakfast. Chuck's mood was ruined by this he fisted a rock and launched it at one of them, it fell down and splashed into the water. A few more seagulls came along but they were giant seagulls, titans in fact! He stared in awe, these ones had beaks the size of his body and bodys the size of a wardrobe. Once he finished packing his fishing tools the giant seagulls landed right behind him guarding and blocking the dirt path he had entered from. There was one smaller yellowish seagull, one medium greyish, and one big and blueish. 

 The Seagulls started to close in on Chuck and then…the big blueish Seagull spoke to him... in English! ¨You have been chosen to help us seagulls get intel about the human brain in order to wipe out the human race altogether. Soon the seagulls will rule the earth and humans will cease to exist. As time goes on we have discovered how to evolve and become bigger and change our colors naturally just like me!¨ He began to raise his wing and yelled¨Seize him¨,  he ordered as the yellow and grey seagulls grabbed  Chuck´s shoulders with their claws.

Within seconds he was yanked from the ground and flung up into the air, he hovered there for a few seconds in the air as they began to bring Chuck away from his island and over through the ocean.

Chuck yelled out ¨Hey, put me down, bring me back! In disbelief, he was now talking to a seagull. 

He tried to break free as if his life depended on it. He tried to free himself by moving around so he would cause the seagulls to lose their grip on him but they wouldn't budge at all. 

After a short period of time a volcanic island much different and bigger from all the islands around it appeared in the distance. Chuck noticed a high tech rocket looking machine inside of the volcano with a flag that had a seagull on it. Electric blue LED lights in metal hallways were surrounding the whole volcano itself. There were lots of rooms built off the outside of the volcano too. 

The Blueish seagull signalled to a grey seagull to open a set of mechanical doors on the top of the volcano ¨VRRRRR¨ buzzed the door as it slowly opened while the seagulls gently descended down into the base. 

Two grey seagulls grabbed him with their wings and vigorously escorted him to a circular metal room with those same blue LED lights. He couldn't see outside the room. It was an empty room with nothing but a chair Chuck was strapped in and felt as if he became paralyzed. He couldn't move a muscle. He waited as he watched some of the sky blue LED lights move around as if they were animated to look like water flowing around. ¨BAM!¨ The front door exploded open. Chuck saw a titan like pigeon about his size, 6 feet tall and 2 feet wide. The pigeon spoke to him, again in english ¨HiYA ThERE BUDDDDD!¨ He began to untie Chuck. In shock Chuck spoke out and questioned “Uhhhh? Why are you helping me and who are you?”. The Pigeon didn't speak. He began to signal for Chuck to follow him by gesturing with his arm. 

They exited the room and entered a hallway with 2 seagulls guarding the elevator just around the corner. “Cover your ears” he advised. Chuck proceeded to move his arms and put his left and right hand over his ears blocking out all noise. He didn't know why this was necessary but he did as he was told since this pigeon had literally just freed him from god knows what. The pigeon Starts making this loud obnoxious noise and it makes the  Seagulls run away because it hurts too much for their ears to tolerate the sound. After that the pigeon shot Chuck a look to follow him. He followed his lead. They enter the elevator and the pigeon smacks the button that leads upward. ¨NRRR¨ The doors opened but there was a surprise waiting for them. Big arms cover the front of the top floor although it's just two.¨Wap!¨. The pigeon hits them away and the seagull collapses and hits its head on the stone floor, ooh that's gotta hurt. 

They exit the volcano and Chuck requests that the Pigeon should've brought him back to his home island. The pigeon doesn't say a word; he just kept flying the opposite way from Chuck's island. Instead they went towards the way they came from. 

Chuck starts panicking again he yelled out but nobody could hear him they were too high up so if anyone was around it wouldn't even matter. ¨The pigeon finally spoke up ¨Remember when you hit that seagull?¨. ¨Yes I do what's got to do with this, I wanna go home! Bring me back!¨ He pulls on the pigeon but the pigeon recovers fast. ¨The seagulls are still one of us we are all birds after all.¨

The author's comments:

Chuck Norris gets taken to a volcanic island and a pigeon becomes his surprising savior.

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