A Difficult Life | Teen Ink

A Difficult Life

October 8, 2021
By AngelVillarroel BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
AngelVillarroel BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A normal day in New York City, a family were watching a soccer game, after the game was over all the studium went off all the light and no one can leave from there until someone found out what was the problem, the Pedro, Maria and Juan founded the way out with their phone light. The phone battery was almost gone, but they found the way to get out of there and go to the car.

 At that time they got in the car but they found out that the car was not working. Pedro (the father) was really nervous about what was going to happen with the only family he had after his wife passed away a few months ago. The next Day, they found a place to sleep. It was an abandoned hotel where a lot of people went before all the electronics went off.

 Pedro founded some Burger King food, but he always cared about his family over anything else and he gave it to Juan and Maria. They were walking around all the streets and no one appeared, it was like an apocalipsis that they were the only ones there, after they walked a lot of hours they founded out a place that were absorbing all the electricity of all the city, Pedro and his family were excited like a dog with a new family, they went there to find out what was the problem  because there was a lot of days without any electricity in all the city, they all knew that something big was happening. They got in and found out that there was a person that wanted all the energy from the city for doing something really bad to the country. Pedro found a phone inside the laboratory, and he called the police and it took them so long to get there. They were like a dog in a car,  really preocupate about what was going to happened and he founded a Red button that says  LIGHT, Pedro, Juan, and Maria did everything to get there as soon as possible and they got there and push the button to get all the electricity back and all the city was really happy after that, they did all that in honor for their Mom.

The author's comments:

I like playing videogames and soccer 

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