Straight outta memorial | Teen Ink

Straight outta memorial

October 8, 2021
By js0300687 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
js0300687 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   The year was 2065 and it was the era of liberal freedom at Pasadena Memorial High School , you could do whatever you felt you wanted to do as long it wasnt illegal like for an example, murder, roberry, selling drugs… you get the point. You could skip school, burn out in front of the teacher, even cuss her out, even paint your house the most awkward color to ever exist because it was the era of liberal freedom. One day there was a teacher named Ms.School and before you ask yes she changed her name because of how much she took her job seriously, But what she didn't get was that she could get fired by her own students and she didn't think that that could happen to her but it will. All the other teachers have a plan to only assign work that is mandatory. 

      The students sign a contract at the beginning of the year that they will complete at least 15 assignments by the end of the year but some don't do the assignment. Ms.School thought it was a good idea to make a petition that the contract should be illegal and should not be active at the school. Of course the petition was not a success but she tried and a couple weeks later she took it to a different level by taking it to the government that school should be longer and still get rid of the contract. Then that same day there was another petition being made to get her fired. Slowly the votes start to come in and she is in her last couple of days of being a maverick. A couple days pass and a group of students begin to trash her room and burn and steal all of her school supplies and when all the votes are in there is 80% that she should get fired and she does. When she is carrying out her stuff there is a huge protest that she should not be fired and should stay a teacher at a memorial. Then all the students that voted her out come outside and see all the people that see the wrong in what is happening. They begin to argue like barking dogs and words become action and now everyone is fighting and it becomes a war zone at a place that is supposed to be safe. Ahhhhhhh…………...Boom, gunshots, firecrackers everywhere, people screaming. 

The author's comments:

Im a student at Pasadena Memorial and i want to be an endocronologist

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