my fantastic birthday | Teen Ink

my fantastic birthday

May 20, 2021
By Anonymous

I'm Steve. I just turned 17 over spring break, and boy oh boy that week was crazy. I remember how it happened. It all started with a little old lady asking for help lifting a package. I politely said yes then clank, she hit me upside the head with ten frozen flowers that were hard as rocks. She knocked me out and the next thing I remember is waking up in a huge house. It was so beautiful, it was white and had a huge pointy brown roof. You had to walk up almost a flight of stairs just to get to the porch. We walked up to the door ding-dong. The loud doorbell rang in our ears. The door opened to a huge secret base. Tap, tap, tap. I heard shoes in the distance walking towards us.
“Hellooooo. Welcome,” a shallow voice greeted us
Then zoom! A car came swerving past us with a cane hanging out of it, hitting the lady that kidnaped me in the stomach.
“Ooooof,” she groaned.
A man with gold suspenders and silver tap shoes hopped out of the car.
“Um, excuse me, what are we doing here? I have school in the morning?” I explained.
Beep, beep beep, his watch rang. Then he told me I had to defeat a giant gummy bear to leave, he said this was the punishment for having bad grades but still getting to celebrate my birthday. He and the grandma walked away.
About 5 minutes later all the lights cut on at once and I was in this huge chamber, with four huge metal doors. The man and grandma went to sit in the bleachers way up, while I was down on the arena floor.
“Now, you will have 10 minutes to defeat this thing, fail and you will see your consequences. You have an option one out of three weapons, a sword, a hun, or rope, the choice is yours. Good luck!” the man exclaimed.
The options he gave me were weird, but of course, I chose the sword. Then came running from the back of the house the cutest yellow gummy bear. I didn't want to kill it because it was so cute. But I had to, and with my sword, I jumped up and sliced straight through its fat gummy neck. After I sliced it, the smell of sweet lemons came drifting past my nose.
“Bravo, I didn't think you had it in you.” The man clapped and came back down to my level. He used the glass elevator to the left of them.
“Well sir, and stinky old lady, it's time for you to go, nice having you here, see you never, haha, seriously bye.” He zoomed away on his shoes that had yellow skates on the back.
Then came out this clear mist from the back doors. I wondered what it was. I looked over at the old lady wondering what was going on, and she was putting on a gas mask. Plop, I fainted on the floor, but I could still hear everything. The sounds were faint pops and creeks the whole three minutes I was knocked out. Then suddenly I was in my bed and woke up to a buzz outside my house. It was that grandma who knocked me out. I asked her, “What are you doing here?”
She said nothing, then she lit a candle and it crackled like a firework. She counted “1…2…..3… BOOM!” went the candle. And out popped a cute blue unicorn. We both laughed it off and she walked away and I never saw her again.

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