Existing | Teen Ink


May 19, 2021
By Anonymous

It was exactly 11:52 pm when I looked at the clock. My assignment was due in eight minutes and if it was late again there would be consequences. I didn’t study at all;  I knew all of the assignments before I even got them. I spoke fluently in twenty different languages when I was three years old. My parents are the highest on the chart in every part of the world. If you didn’t know my parents it would be a lie. They taught me at home since they had so much time on their hands. 

My parents never let the world acknowledge my existence saying it would be too dangerous. They faked their public lives everyday. Making the people of the public believe that their lives were innocent and helping. My parents said they helped people, they did, but at the same time my parents were wretched people. My parents were the most known assassins the world had ever seen, except no one knew their faces. 

Turning the assignment in late would be literal torture: finishing it up right before 11:58 and emailing it to my English teacher. The computer started to buffer, and that’s when I began to worry. I didn’t want my parents to think I did it on purpose and they would never believe me. The screen finally grew bright again. SENT. I sighed a breath of relief, as the clock hit 12:00 am. 

I pushed my computer onto my desk that was on the left side of my bed. Getting under my covers and shutting off the lights.

 Tomorrow someone will ask me to save the world, from my parents. Tonight-- I just needed to sleep and forget.

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