The Meet | Teen Ink

The Meet

October 2, 2020
By Anonymous

It was a cool, Friday evening. Everybody was enjoying the evening. Our crew and a rival crew were there, but we didn’t think of it. Our leader, Masakatsu, was in very good spirits, probably since he just finished a complete restoration on a Datsun 240z. Masakatsu was like my brother; we built cars together, raced together, we were almost blood brothers. I told Masakatsu that he’s the leader of the group, but he denied it and said that it’s the two of us. That’s the type of relationship we had. 

That night is what changed everything. Masakatsu was shot right in front of us in cold blood. Vitiro Bianchi, the leader of the other crew, shot my brother. When Vitiro shot him, he looked right at me, and got into his Pagani Huayra BC, and sped off with his crew following him. Later that week, we had a funeral for Masakatsu. Our crew was still in shock. Masakatsu did leave me a Veilside RX7. Bridgeported, single turbo, thing was immaculate and I cherished that car. 

That next week after the funeral, most of the crew left, all that was left was just a couple of us. We were still in shock over Masakatsu’s death. We were all just sitting there, not saying anything, then Micah said,” We got to get revenge.”. Micah was a quiet guy, but he was good at building cars and tuning my cars. I was surprised he even mentioned revenge, but I was thinking the same thing. 

That Friday night, there was another car meet and we hoped Vitiro was going to be there, but he wasn't. Only one of his crew members was there. I walked up to him and just punched him in the face. He fell down and I just looked right over him, my friends grabbed me and pulled me away. I yelled, “WHERE’S YOUR BOSS”

“Not here, why, you gonna kill him?”

“I’m thinking about it greaser” 

He smirked, and looked directly at me and said, “ Does your car run as well as your mouth?”

“You think just because you drive a Ferrari that you’re automatically fast? It’s not the car, it’s the driver amico.” 

“Let’s race then.”

“Yeah, let’s do that.”

We lined up at the starting line. He was in a Ferrari 488 Pista, I was in a rebuilt Evo VIII tuned on E85 and pushing about 30 pounds of boost. When we were lined up he turned and looked over at me, but I was too busy looking straight ahead. At that moment, he realized that I wasn’t messing around. Another one of Vitiro’s men was there, he was counting us down. He pointed at the Ferrari, he revved his engine. He pointed at me, I pushed the clutch in, shifted to first, and brought the revs up. He dropped his arms, and we were off. 

We were side by side, I hit 7K RPM, shifted into 2nd, then 3rd. The Ferrari had the advantage since it was an auto, but I knew that Evo inside and out. I reached down, and turned on the NOS, just waiting for the right time to attack. We were nearing the finish and the Ferrari was pulling ahead, at that time, I used the NOS and just as we were about to cross the finish, the Ferrari threw a rod, and I passed him and crossed the finish before him. 

I got out of the car, and the crowd was cheering. The Ferrari coasted across the finish, and he got out of his car. I turned and looked and said,” Where is Vitiro?”

“I don’t know, but his brother, Marco can tell you.”

“Where is he at?”

“The family estate”

I looked at him, and got into my car and drove off. I knew I couldn’t go into that estate easily, so I built up a plan. I’d sneak into the estate, and find Marco. The next day, I prepared myself for what was coming. I got a handful of clips for my .45, a suppressor, and a kabar knife. That night, I got into my 2004 SVT Cobra, and rolled up to the estate. 

Weirdly, security wasn’t that bad, until I got into the house. Right away, it turned into a bloodbath. I cleared out room after room, trying to see if I could find Marco. When I finally reached the stairs to go upstairs, I saw him running towards his room.  I chased after him, but the door was locked. I shot the lock and busted into the room, he turned and I shot him in the right leg. He dropped down and was screaming. I walked over to him and asked, “Where is Vitiro?”

“He’s out of TOWN, He’ll be at that meet Friday night.”

“That’s all I needed to know.”

I started to walk out of the room, I stopped in my tracks, turned around, and unloaded the rest of my clip into him. When I walked out, I stood in the yard for a little bit, just catching my breath after what just went down.When I finally got everything through my head, I got into my Cobra, and sped off, leaving that property behind me.

That Friday night, my crew was going to go with me, but I told them to stay back, it’s personal. I couldn’t figure out what car to bring, but I saw my RX7 sitting there. The car Masakatsu and I built together. I jumped into it and left my crew behind. I arrived at the meet later, and I saw Vitiro and his Åventador SV. I parked up and walked over to him. “You and me, let’s go”

Vitiro looked at me and said, “ You don’t know what you’re getting into son.”

“You don’t know what you got into when you killed Masakatsu.”

“Let’s go then puttana.”

We lined up at the starting line, I knew I had no chance of taking him since that SV went 0-60 in 2.8 seconds. I turned my NOS on, hoping to at least catch him. We took off, he automatically took me. Luckily, I was able to catch him on the corners. 

Halfway through the race, he started playing dirty and started smashing into me. He almost threw me down the hill. Finally, after we got to a straight away, he tried ramming me, but I slammed on my brakes and did a pit maneuver on him causing his car to roll four times. I stopped and got out of my car and walked over to the crashed Lamborghini. 

Vitirio was crawling out of the car and I just stood there watching him as he moaned in pain. He finally got out of the car and was trying to stand up, I pulled out my .45 and shot him in the shoulder, he fell hard onto the ground. He was just sitting there, staring at me with his brown eyes, I aimed my gun at him, and said, “ Questo é per la cagna Masakatsu.” I pulled the trigger, and shot him right between his eyes and got into my car and drove off. Never to return to that meet again. 




The author's comments:

I love cars, so I decided to write about what I love. 

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