Oliver town | Teen Ink

Oliver town

September 30, 2019
By Anonymous

It was a warm october in a little town called Yum there was only one school in this town, most people don't know about it. Oliver is one of the students that attend this school ever since he was young he has always been strong fast and kind to others. But there was one student that did not like Oliver because everyone liked him his name was Koi. Koi was always getting into trouble and inventing stuff that didn't really go as planned but Oliver always found a was to destroy it.

  Koi was so frustrated with this, that nothing went his way. He finally made his first successful invention it was an evil robot,it started off with one then made hundreds. Oliver didn’t know anything about it when all of a sudden the clouds went turned into black. Koi finally released his robots Oliver was not prepared for this finally taking on some robots Oliver was getting tired so fast not thinking he could take all of them. Oliver knew he couldn't take all of them so to take all of them down at once he had to go to the heart which was Koi. Koi didn't know how to fight so he kept on sending his robots finally Oliver went to go hide, Koi thought he defeated him. Oliver needed to get his straight back to save everyone and win this fight.

 Oliver finally got some strength back he could destroy some more robots he knew he couldn't get koi with all his robots gaurding him. Oliver thought of a smart idea that is to go to his lab, which is his house so Oliver went all the way to his house into his lab and destroyed everything. Koi knew he couldn't defeat him that easily he knew something was up Koi had cameras in the lab. He got feedback saying someone was in it he ran all the way to his house not telling the robots worrying if his life work is destroyed. Koi went in his lab saw that everything is gone and Oliver was there waiting for him finally this was a real fight. Oliver ran at him trying to tackle him Koi runs away trying to get away from him finally Oliver finally noticed there was something around his head. Oliver hit it of his head then all the robots fell then Oliver finally got Koi on the ground. Koi knew he had lost this one. Finally the police came got Koi, and thank oliver for his heroic behavior. Koi went to prison. But will be out soon. 

The author's comments:

It was an difficult story to write, different then most.

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