An Interesting Day | Teen Ink

An Interesting Day

May 17, 2019
By Anonymous

The morning started not exactly the way I would have liked to start out my day. I was at the bank and a man came in, he was wearing all black and seemed kind of suspicious. I thought to myself that I'm sure he’s just a normal person, but as soon as he began to charge to the front of the line I immediately knew something was not right. He whispered something to the banker at the desk but I was unsure what he said. The banker shock with ear and I knew something was wrong. I then saw that the man had his hand in his coat and he was holding something. I did not know what to do so I shrieked in terror and yelled “GUN! The man has a gun!”. Everyone screamed and dropped to the floor with fright. All the sudden the man starts shooting upward at the ceiling. It immediately goes quiet and people start crying. Police sirens come screeching toward the building and all the sudden a man in a neon pink bodysuit with a bright orange carrot on the front comes crashing thru the window. He called himself super carrot. He then bolted at the robber and tackled him to the floor. The cops came rushing in to make sure everyone was okay and to arrested the robber. I could not wait to go home and tell my husband and kids what I had just seen. I ran to my car and got home as quickly as I could. When I got home I walked in to door and instantly noticed something was not right. All the lights were off and it was completely silent but the water was running in the kitchen sink and the fridge was open. As I made my way through the house looking in all the rooms to see if anyone has come i came to find out that there was noone in the house. As I went into the kitchen to close the refrigerator door turn off the water I noticed a funny smell, it smelled like wet dog and spoiled milk.  When I shut the refrigerator door a man popped out from behind the door and I screamed in terror and made a run for it. I ran to the neighbor's house for help but none was home. I could see the man running after me and I did not know what to do. I began to feel hot and dizzy. Before I knew it I had fallen to the ground and passed out. When I woke up I was in a large room that was white and covered in pictures of grapes. At first, I thought I was just having a weird dream n=but when the man that I saw behind the door of my fridge came through the door I knew it was not a dream and that something bad was going to happen. I asked him who he was and what he wanted from me. He told me that his name was a grape man and that he knows that I was in the bank when carrot man rushed in to save the day from the robber. He started asking me questions about carrot man and wet on to tell me that he was a carrot man's arch nemesis. I struggled to break free from the rope that he had tied me down with but failed to even make it budge. He told me that he would let me go, but only if I told him what carrot man's superpower was. There was only one problem though. I had no idea what his superpower was because I only saw him tackle the robber. I didn't know what to do and I tried to explain to Grape Man that I did not know, but he would not believe me. I thought to myself that maybe I could just make something up and tell him a fake superpower. I had no idea what to tell him through the only thing I could think of is telling him that carrot man can fly but I felt like that was not good enough so I began to think more about what I could tell him and finally I came up with the idea of saying that he can shoot carrots from his eyes. So that's what I told him and he believed it and let me go.

The author's comments:

My teacher made me do it and I wrote it in 45 minutes.

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