The Strange Man | Teen Ink

The Strange Man

May 15, 2019
By Anonymous

The dash, on the bullet proof, blacked from head to toe lamborghini, read 150 mph as I zoomed down the long lonely highway. The DEA have been looking for me for almost 5 years for working in collusion with local officers all around the states. The resignation of my long known friend from the main office in D.C. out of nowhere was an act of treachery. He got paid 10 million dollars every month to keep my operation intact and not let any type of official get into it.

As I continued on down the highway, I saw a man standing in the middle of the street. The lone man turned into a light farce. He seemed to be lit like a light. As I got closer, the light continued to grow brighter and stronger to a point where I couldn’t see. I slammed the petal all the way to the floor. The lambo screaming as loud as a newborn baby as I dive into the light. Thinking in my mind this might be the last day I live, I closed my eyes and stuck my head into the horn. This chase is a parody of the movies you watch.

As I opened my eyes, clothes wet as if I just dove into a pool, feeling light headed, I looked down to see my viscera all over my lap. The dash lowering from 150 down to 145 down to 135 as I see the DEA in the rearview mirror gaining ground. I continue on trying to gain conscious as I saw a cut in my left bicep showing the sinew in my upper arm. I slam down onto the gas and tried to keep going as far as I could down this long lonely highway.

I reached over to my passenger seat pulling it down towards the ground. The chair folded opening up my vault with my AR-15, Uzi, and smoke grenades that were taken from the DEA by a close friend. “This isn’t how I wanted to handle things. The retribution must be returned,” I thought in my head as the DEA continued to chase. Yelling, “If restitution is what they want, then restitution they’ll get!” as I chunked the smoke grenade out the passenger window and another out my window. Grabbing the Uzi, I began shooting at the tires of the DEA causing chaos along this long lonely highway. Only a few cars survived the chaos continuing to chase me. As frustration grew, I slammed the brakes and turned the car around now going towards the DEA causing them to stop and think twice about chasing.

I heard a noise so loud it was louder than the screaming of the lambo. The loud whirring noise became louder and louder as I looked into the sky I knew I was doomed at that moment. The helicopter was a new acquisition. It flew over me and seemed as if it were circling around. As I reached over my AR, I heard a wiring of shots being shot and seeing bright lights flying across the highway. I slammed the brakes as I watched the DEA’s cars and trucks be demolished by these bullets. The helicopter circled back around a flew away into the dark night. Still sitting in my car, I received a text from an anonymous phone number that read, “sorry for the loss of my job. good luck my close friend.”  “It seemed as if a close friend of mines is seeking compensation…” I thought to myself as I stared at the fire burning in front of me.

I sat back thinking of all the hard work I put into what I built. A broken and a contrite heart I had at this moment. Looking into the mirror, all I saw was a face of penitent. No words, just harsh vibes filled the car as I drove past the chaos I have created. Trying to focus I began to feel my eyes close slowly by themselves as the car came to a stop.

I opened up my eyes to an unknown place. It was dark, cold almost as if I were in a box in the middle of Antarctica. I heard voices outside conversating. I couldn’t make out the exact conversation. “He’s been exiled…may never stay...” I felt alienated in this lonely dark room.

I felt as if I have been here for months without any food or water. In reality, it’s only been a couple hours. My stomach aching as an eldritch screech came from it. I began to have an uncanny feeling throughout my whole body as I looked up feeling my eyes rolling back.

As I felt them go back, a light came as if the door to this box opened. I heard a slam on the cold concrete floor and with a benevolent attitude told the random person “I have enough money to give you to never have to work again in your life.” I tried crawling over towards the light as the random man replied, “You are a good, righteous man, I am sure. Welcome to Antarctica my good man. Let’s get started with business.”

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